CRank: 5Score: 1170

What I noticed is Sony zombiez are alike to Apple fans of old.

It is a cult-like following.

3980d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's ok, I still have plenty to play!

3980d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fish's fanboy brigade is out in full force I see.

I wonder if they'd still defend him if he tweeted them back "F*** y** and go choke on a d***" in response to a comment.

And Fez should've been a free flash "game", not a 10$ steam release.

3981d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

The OS itself might be lightweight-heck even windows 8 only need 1 gb of ram- but what about the apps? What about direct video recording? what about PSN Store? Music player? Cross-game chat?

THose will add up to the OS' footprint, so it's not like you cant leave a decent chunk ram avaliable to them or dinamically reallocate it during a gaming session cuttin off the game itself if needed

3981d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why doesn't some1 ring/tweet/whatsap/pm/fb/fax up Mark Cerny and ask him?

3981d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Infamous Second Son looks gud

And Killzone maybe.

On X1 nothing does.

3981d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Don't Starve was very good.

3981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll wait for them to be on PSN+ for free.. yes I'm spoiled but it's Sony's fault

3981d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

But do the real average gamers (mums and such) care if their game has super-duper graphics or just super-graphics?

What if 5 years from now the Galaxy S10 or what have you will got similar specs to a PS4?

And you could hook it up to your tv via hdmi (u can do this already) and hook a controller to it via USB otg (u can do this already) or wi-fi?

Who would buy consoles except for gaming geeks?

3981d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Unlike most Fish apologist i actully watched Marcus beer's video, then read Phish's twitter and then marcus' response and so on.

Instead of comin online having no idea wat hapened and making a fool out of myself by defending Fishs behaviour

3981d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wait wat they simply used pc components which the deemed close to what ps4 and xbone will have?

Not very reliable.

3981d ago 22 agree4 disagreeView comment

The consumer market is going towards multifunctionality and all in one devices.

Either consoles become the new DVR/cable box/pcs ergo the center of connectivity for tablets/smartphones/all ur equipment or they're gonna die simple as that.

It's the same as dying PCs and dying point-and-shoot cameras, GPS, music players (ipods).

Both M$ and Sony are bledding money as is, due to their console efforts and sold 180 mil consoles combined. ...

3981d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Im not agreeing wiff him but ps3 controls on screen mean nothin as GTA4 shows XBOX and PS3 controls on screen, on PC, if u hook up the controllers....

Plus, "spell your name properly"?
Really mate?

3981d ago 0 agree23 disagreeView comment

I'll never pay for online gaming!!!!!! Ever!

Oh wait..

3981d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well it dose look 2 gud 2 be true actually.-..

but lets hope not

3981d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Snookie how do you know for sure this will be 100% amazing?

Maybe the game will be but it'll have terrible framerate issues and bugs. And run @ 480p

3981d ago 2 agree42 disagreeView comment

I'll wait for Mark Cerny issuing a statement about this.

Thanks very much.

I wonder why hasn't he already?

Either the 3.5 GB figure is true or he's busy with hookers somewhere atm.

3981d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but I'm sick of hipster indie devs using shitty retro graphics to look "edgy" then consider themselves somehow "artists" and above 99.9% of the people on planet earth because they published a mediocre game.

Real artists in the industry never ever said to a fan "F... you and choke on my D..."

Typical drama queens dissing on everything then crying and overreacting if someone flips them off back.


3981d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


DOn't wanna play a obvious cash grab after the way we were ripped off by EA/Bioware with no.3

And from the look of things it'll be a even more dumbed down version strait shoot em up a la COD.

With tons of sex scenes tho.

Maybe Shepard can have a multiracial bisexual multi-species orgy this time!! WHOOT yea edgy!!!

Games r mature!!! yea!

Thanks but no thanks.

3981d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You can find dozens of tech demos and concepts of what games may look like using each iteration of Cry Engine.
But then... they never do.

Only Crysis.

And btw Crysis 3 looks phenomenal on PC, they should make a PS4 version.

3981d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment