CRank: 5Score: 4380

The real problem with the switch is not the dead pixels or faulty units, but the fact that this system has no other games worth owning other than Zelda until Mario Oddysey comes out. It's not worth its price tag, and I say that as a total Zelda fanboy. Nintendo is once again unprepared for a new generation, and the switch will have dismal 3rd party support yet again for a nintendo console, so it'll be a long wait between decent games to play just like it was with the Wii U. $300 to pl...

2662d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why must everything be pit against each other?. This is why we cant have nice things. Look they're both amazing games for different reasons, but if we have to make this a pissing contest, then the Witcher 3 is the clear winner. Its the best game this gen, and I dont see Horizon overtaking it. However, when im playing Horizon, im not thinking, oh this is better than the Witcher, or oh, the Witcher did this type of thing better. Who cares?. Play both, enjoy both.

2663d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is from a perspective of complete delusion. Why write articles like this when it just reveals what a complete fanboy you are. The Scorpio will be the most technologically advanced console ever when it hits the market. The Switch is barely more powerful than the WiiU, which was barely better than the Wii, which was esentially only as powerful as the Gamecube. Nintendo has been stuck in the same generation since 2001.

2673d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

The switch is such a poorly thought through console. Only massive nintendo apologists could even attempt to defend this thing. It'll sell well initially, and then drop off the face of the planet like the WiiU.

2674d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ummm...ok, so they're big. So what? The planets in No Mans Sky were too. Didn't make that game any good. How about giving us stuff to do in them. DAI had areas that were as big as they needed to be. They weren't big for just the sake of it.

2676d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsofts main problem is making all their 1st party stuff available on PC. They have a number of great 1st party titles available, but those games need to stay exclusive to X1/Scorpio. Their insistance on making games crossplay may seem great in the short term, but it limits the necessity of owning one of their consoles.

2681d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A MGS4 remaster on PS4 needs to happen.

2686d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dragon Age Inquisition won over 50 game of the year awards. Anyone saying that was some placebo effect due to how bad DA2 was is crazy. DAI was a genuinely good game from start to finish.

2689d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

This article is stupid because it assumes the PS4's boost mode will make it comparable to the Scorpio, which is just moronic. The Scorpio wont need a "boost mode" if its running 12gb of high speed ram. The console itself will be a boost mode.

This feature is great for PS4 Pro because frankly, its not as powerful as it should have been out of the gate, and it will at least help some older games run better. Im sure most first party titles and a number of 3rd pa...

2691d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

When the Scorpio comes out, the X1 will be 4 years old. Thats how long the original Xbox was out before the 360 came out, so its not like theres no precedent here. I think Microsoft would do well to have exclusives for the Scorpio. It needs to distinguish itself as more than just an upgraded Xbone.

2692d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It still doesn't change the fact that Scorpio WILL be more powerful than the PS4 Pro. If the rumors of the system having 12gb of ram are true, it will be able to push games a good bit farther than PS4P.

So what if it checkerboards the same way the PS4 does. The games will still look better, run smoother, and be able to do HDR in a more effective way, and it will be able to push more effects without bogging down. You may not see native 4K games all the time, but you wil...

2693d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I really like the game, but ill agree that its repetetive. The environments are quite bland, and it doesn't have the same sense of place or lore that the Soulsborne games have.

Its still really good, buy only a sony elitist would try to act like this game is above reproach. Its a solid 8/10.

2694d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

By the time scorpio comes out, the X1 will have been out 4 years. Thats more than long enough to launch a new console without people bleating like sheep that they're somehow screwing over X1 owners. Id remind the fanboys around here that the original xbox only had 4 years on the market before the 360 launched.

Some of you kill me. You act like microsoft drowned a bag of puppies in front of you. Get a job and get out of your parents basements, that way you can buy all t...

2703d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If it weren't for BC on X1 I never would have gotten to play Lost Odyssey. Some people dont keep their old consoles hanging around.

I never got to play Demons Souls or MGS4. Id love to be able to just pop those in my PS4. Playstation Now is just crap and isn't the way I want to experience those kind of games. Your connection has to be pristine unless you want ugly streaming quality and input lag.

So yeah, the OPTION would be nice.

2704d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The only reason to bring this up would be if you're a Sony fan boy, and you're already starting to feel insecure about the fact that your time in owning the more powerful console is limited.
The full specs of the Scorpio havent been revealed. The difference could be well more than negligible. Keep telling yourself what you need to though.

2708d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Nintendo, just go full on 3rd party. Your consoles are crap.

2709d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thank God im an adult with a job so I don't have to choose sides and come off like a fanboy tool. Ill buy every system from Sony and Microsoft because they both make good consoles that are worth owning.

I love my PS4, and can't wait for Scorpio. Id throw Switch in there, but ive been burned by Nintendo too many times, so im pretty much done with them.

2709d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I honestly hope the switch falls flat on its face, and I used to be one of the biggest Nintendo defenders on the planet. Im just sick of them now. Not even a new Zelda or Mario is enough to sucker me back in this time. Their consoles are just too based in the past.

Having a docking station where you can detatch and play portably might sound good to some on the surface, but for me, I just view it as an excuse that Nintendo is using to have weak ass hardware. Why cant they do...

2711d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This presentation had the opposite effect on me that nintendo intended. I was sold on pre-ordering one, but after all the info just dropped, not only do I not intend to get one anymore, I just dont care about it period.

They've managed to make me completely apathetic about a new Zelda and Mario. This is what years of jerking your fanbase around will get you. People will always defend Nintendo by saying "they're all about the games" blah blah, but thats not...

2718d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

ROTTR is better than UC4. Which is not to say I didn't like UC4, but the sense of place, and the general gameplay of TR was superior this time around. UC4 had slightly better gun play, and graphics, but Tomb Raider beat it in every other category.

Ive played through Rise multiple times. Ive only played UC4 once and I dont see myself going back to it. It just felt too formulaic this time around, though, it did have a great ending. TR just came off as a fresher experience...

2728d ago 9 agree25 disagreeView comment