
CRank: 5Score: 4980

one of the best and biggest games os this gen! i dont get haters some times! they need to get a life!

4274d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Years back the PS 2 was holding back the first XBOX but yet you guys from PLAYSTATION ignore it, and keep playing good games! now is xbox 360 time! but got to say the diference of power was bigger las gen! the first xbox was 3 times more powerfull!

4277d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

i enjoy how people say they don 't care abaout grafics but thats the first thing they compare every time first....
CRYSIS GAMEs SUCK? ok i respect the opinion but CRYSIS and CRYSIS 2 are a lot better than some games that fanboys from XBOX and PS3 keep dreaming about!
the series have very good reviews!
ya but i do understand FANBOYS they hate CRYSIS beacause the first one for six years now, keep showing how CONSOLES are very, very, poor in grafics and fisics departm...

4278d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love the demo! so i will buy it for xbox! don't care about reviews!

4282d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ho cares about coments of haters, people ho hate consoles, games, or EX EXCLUSIVES are not real gamers... just spoiled brat's!

4282d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

there are 2 where they tested the performance for each version and the ps3 version drops frames regulary and has around 35% screen tearing while the xbox version has no screen tearing and is locked to 30fps.... somebody is lying!

4283d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


4284d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

so i see you are the kind of guy that will never play or try nice MMO online like Final Fantasy 11 or world of warcraft! just beacause you need to pay... ok thats one opinion and i respected, i do pay for XBOX LIVE but e do see that the suport is better than ps networ! thats why wee have now ps plus for beter supor too on playstation! but i see that a lot of people will never suporte playstation in that aspect, you guys do no that by paying ps plus you will be suporting and evolving for a bet...

4284d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Best racing game ever! Forza games Rulez!

4284d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Work's fine!

4284d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

realiks a have all the consoles in the market, even a 6000 euros PC, i am a fanboy but for video games not consoles, WII for my children, pc for grafics and work, ps 3 for the amazing excluves like uncharted series, XBOX 360 and pc for online, and the superior gaming, i am sorry but after pc the best comunity online is XBOX LIVE, you pay... but thats why we dont have the same problems ps 3 have, dont get me rong we have problemes on xbox live, but not as mucht!
i do no the ps3 is the ...

4284d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Good campain, Good Coop, and one of the best MP ever! so he deserves it!

4285d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO! The coments os playstation Fanboys make me LAFFFFFFFE....
2 place LOL! ya if you count the wii in 1 place and xbox in 2 place! beacause the real is Wii in 1, xbox in 2 and ps3 in 3....
Bad exclusives? what are you fanboys smoking?
bad online? shit this site is evil bad for allowing this kind of fake and not true coments against the others consoles, because for what i see wen this apens against ps3 they remove the coments! man in hate fanboys, i bet they are 12 ye...

4285d ago 11 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wait for the Four Mistakes Sony Should Correct Next Console Generation....! Fanboys, sites that want to hype, .... i hate all!!

4287d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

kevnb... most console games have these sorts of issues????? sorry but you i dont see this on the "THE GOOD GAMES" like HALO4, UNCHARTED SERIES, RED DEAD REDEMPTION, and alot of other games that i play, the problem here is UBISOFT, FARCRY 2, ASSASSIN CREED 3, and all the GOOD games from UBISOF have this, to me is just bad work, and not the console falt!

4291d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

o ya baby!

4292d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

people need to stop comparing PC AGAINST CONSOLES, look to PS 3 uncharted series, the PS3 only have a 512 MB holde grafic card and 2x 256 mb of ram... and they pull that off! consoles dont need the same power as pc to do nice grafics! and we don t need super resolutions like PC because we play 3 meters from the TV! look to XBOX 360 she is very hold but she can steel pull games like HALO 4! me i prefer good games, and good historys to good grafics!

4293d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

o cares about gtx 680, people need to stop comparing PC AGAINST CONSOLES, look to PS 3 uncharted series, the PS3 only have a 512 MB holde grafic card and they pull that off! consoles dont need the same power as pc to do nice grafics! and we don t need super resolutions like PC because we play 3 meters from the TV! look to XBOX 360 she is very hold but she can steel pull games like HALO 4! me i prefer good games, and good historys to good grafics!

4294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe one of the biggest problems is the piracy! So people need to stop downloading games and pay like everybody else...

4295d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza Horizon.... The Best Racing Game EVER!

4299d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment