
CRank: 6Score: 187860

I'll get it on sale, or when they port it to PS5/X2/PC, really though the control lag seems really bad, no other company would get a free pass for having input lag this bad in a game.

2158d ago 17 agree4 disagreeView comment

As much as I want them to remake it, it was a super long RPG, and would be many years in the making, and a massive budget which in all fairness is a huge risk... Still hoping it happens one day though.

2160d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is not a game creator, the man who said this is the author of the Metro 2033 books. And I really do agree with his sentiment.

He even say:
"He is just an elderly man, he missed his chance, and well, what can you do?’’ asked the Russian author. ‘’I feel sorry for the man.’’

The writer to The Witcher made a bad deal, but still signed a contract he has no one to blame but himself for not thinking the deal through.

2160d ago 78 agree2 disagreeView comment

Some of these I don't think should be here, mostly Dying Light since it has sold more then 13 million copies.

Dragons Dogma is an amazing game, and something more open world games should look at, it's class diversity and combat was the best in it's genre,

I also think Gravity Rush should be here, it's a super good game.

2161d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, with RE2, KH3, Anthem, Metro, DMCV, Sekiro, and I am sure I am missing a few, it was smart for them to bail out of those three months.

Now I might actually pick this game up since it's not conflicting as much with anything else.

2165d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

So Witchfire is being made by The Astronauts, and Unholy is made by Duality games... So yeah, it is another dev team that used to be apart of Painkiller, Bulletstorm, and Gears.

2172d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I already assumed that with the release style of MHW, it sold emotes and a few other things, so this is not really surprising.

2173d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I played KZ2's multiplayer and loved it, but I always play KZ for their single player modes primarily. KZ2, KZ3, and even KZ:SF, I loved them all, and I will happily buy a new entry.

2174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not because it is a she, Tomb Raider has always had special death animations, and it's a lot like Death Space, which mind you Isaac had FAR more gruesome fates them Lara. It's a design on the game to show the result of your failing. If anything it's equal opportunity, she is treated no different then most male characters, it's just most devs don't do custom death scenes.

2174d ago 54 agree1 disagreeView comment

As someone who does Photography in life, it's really fun to be able to do that same thing in gaming as well.

2175d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

GG never made SOCOM, and after recent attempts to revive it failed I doubt it's ever coming back.

I'd vote of a new Killzone game though.

2177d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All I am getting is SC:VI, Currently playing through Origin's so I will get Odyssey at a later time, and I am on the fence about RDR2... I loved the first one, but hated GTA:V so I might wait to pick it up on PC or just cheaper on PS4 if they skip PC again with it.

2181d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Try to shoot a camera at spawn, instaban.
Try to shoot a drone, or open a wall up, instaban.

The TKing aspect on PC is not that bad, very rarely do I run into problems, that being said from what I hear the console versions have a rampant issue with it.

2181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think its fine. I have 700 hours on PC and only play ranked, only been kicked out of maybe 3 games due to accidental team killings. And then it's a 15 minute ban.

Issue is, how do you fix it? Remove team killing? That would not work because watching your shots helps add to the tension and strategy of the game.

Also by removing the ban then you run in to the issue of team killers running rampant and just forcing everyone down to Copper 4.

2182d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The main thing about Cross Play that will help is when it becomes fully standard and games with smaller communities can survive for longer, something like Castlevania: Harmony of Despair would have greatly benefited from this.

And I don't even like Harry Potter but the footage did look pretty solid.

2183d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except for the fact that you missed, or chose to ignore my comment in my previous post where I break down and address the cost of attacks in DMCV.

So allow me to repost it.

"We know attacks seem to run 32k on the expensive side, which most people playing the game are earning 20k-40k for a single mission so the MTX are not really cause an economy issue (That is actually still faster then DMC4 Vanilla release) "

Most weapons in ...

2188d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

First of all, there are only 3 playable characters, Lady, Trish and Vergil are not playable (unless they pull a fast one, or are added in via DLC)

Secondly this same purchase was in DMC4:SE and Red Orb Drop and Proud Soul drops were faster in SE then they were in it's initial release. We know attacks seem to run 32k on the expensive side, which most people playing the game are earning 20k-40k for a single mission so the MTX are not really cause an economy issue (That is...

2188d ago 6 agree53 disagreeView comment


You can like someones work, enjoy their games and still call their BS when it comes out. Nothing against Todd, or Pete. But they obviously passed the blame along to the easiest party so they can just not add in a feature that is requested.

2188d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am expecting most of the extra power to be used up by real time Ray Tracing.

2188d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nero doesn't have a new presentation. He has shorter hair (to separate him from Dante, and given V's long hair this was the only real option to go, as it does suit Nero's more aggressive personality.) but he acts the exact same as he did in 4 so far.

2189d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment