
CRank: 5Score: 8640

You forgot the 360's play-and-charge... you for more, kit. I'm pretty sure the PS3 controllers have that out of the box :D

6138d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Steam/Xfire on PC makes xbox live look like a joke, considering your dumb Halo avatar you probably haven't played on both networks so your opinion is void.

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 has better games than the 360 RIGHT NOW... unless you enjoy squad-based military shooters where the main characters pull out one liners every half second and have the personality of a brick. The 360 is a wannabe PC, shooters are made for mouse and keyboard, playstation is a great gaming console with great games made for console controls like ratchet/hs/uncharted.

6138d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Isn't it strange how every 360 fanboy in here can't write/spell correctly? Coincidence or just the people who buy 360s?

6138d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

American games suck ass compared to Japanese ones. Unfortunately American devs put so much eye-candy in their games the framerates are downright terrible, not to mention the dumb/boring gameplay.

Halo's gameplay is awful
Gears' gameplay is awful
Mass Effect runs at about 20fps for most of the game

The japanese are the real gamers out there, they enjoy playing for fun and laughs, not to racially insult people or see blood and guts flying about while ...

6138d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

You're incorrect, PS3 users get demos too and sometimes before the 360 users. Do your homework and stop being such a blind idiotic fanboy, try and bring us some facts next time because you're getting rather boring.

6138d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree FirstKnight the PS3 does keep on getting better, it's a shame about the 360 though, no good games left and faulty hardware.

6138d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The framerate is terrible, devs should strive for good graphics and a smooth framerate like CoD4. The 360 has hit it's limits, why not make a smooth experience rather than what feels like walking through quicksand like Mass Effect does.

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Less games? the PS3 has been out half the time the 360 has, meaning it will have less games.

Less sales? the PS3 has been out half the time the 360 has, meaning it will have roughly half the sales i.e. it's selling exactly the same for now.

Gimped dashboard? the PS3 dashboard has more features and is much more accessable than the 360 dashboard, I should know I've owned both consoles.

Charging for rumble? those who want rumble can buy it but it's no...

6138d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

As with most children/fanboys you completely misinterperate what I say. I said the silver members are getting screwed by microsoft. MS is a multi billion dollar company, they shouldn't be treating the consumer like this, instead they should be doing things to make the customer happy.

Look at sony

- Free online service with no lag and dedicated servers, which are paid for by Sony themselves
- Things like changing your gamertag doesnt cost a penny
- T...

6138d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

* Bully
* Lost Odyssey
* Condemned 2: Bloodshot
* Ninja Gaiden 2
* Splinter Cell: Conviction
* Fable 2
* Banjo-Kazooie

These aren't exactly what I'd call great exclusives, it's official: Xbox 360 is dead next year. I'm glad I sold mine last month.

6138d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Despite being the same as every f***ing war game today, give me a break, I'm not buying into this crap. Give me some good games with original stories, not just modern war and boring crap which intelligent people don't care about.

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does it feel good to get dikked in the ass by MS and still praise a company for something which they shouldn't be doing just because you're a fanboy? more power to ya I guess...

6138d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is getting divx/xvid you clown, it was announced before the 360's support.

Uncharted & Ratchet >>> Any PC-wannabe 360 game

The ability to install linux and do anything on the PS3 >>> being able to give feedback to gamers and other pointless crap

Sleek & sexy, modern looking XMB >>> Xbox 360 marzipan & lego dashboard

Free online and dedicated servers >>> $50 a year online with yo...

6138d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nazis were to blame in WWII, not everyday Germans. You'll find there are probably more Nazis today in America than anywhere else in the world, don't be such a racist idiot, different countries have different rules. Where the government tapping someones phone in America is perfectly legal, it is illegal in other countries, same goes for the sale of violent videogames.

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why? CoD4's singleplayer was boring enough, a few hours of singleplayer & the multiplayer went together nicely. CoD5 is going to be developed by the team that did CoD3 (the worst cod game so far) so dont count on it being good.

6140d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow more Halo news, as if there wasn't enough of it during release week.

6141d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Skillful no doubt, but a totally dumb character that needs to die.

6142d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360: will break, who wants a broken PC-wannabe console?
PS3: if you're not a skinhead who hates anything that isn't a shooter then it's a good choice
Wii: if you're buying for kids/a casual gamer then the Wii is a good choice

6142d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

caffman you can get a PS3 in the UK for 325 with 3 games and an extra controller

One false "myth" on there is the mouse vs controller argument. The mouse IS more precise and accurate than a controller, FACT. I don't know where they got the idea that it wasnt from but they should stop trying to lick console fanboys asses and tell them the truth, stick-aim/auto-aim is on there because it lacks precision.

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment