
CRank: 5Score: 210

Its actually more of a difference than what you think but i wont get into it. Its been explained tons of times in regards to gpu and ram.

Beyond that most multiplats have a bigger difference than they had last generation between ps3 and 360 but you know ppl dont like to hear that so they make up excuses and say there is no difference.

This gen you see differences between the two in performance and resolution, last gen it was one or the other but not both and ...

3060d ago 12 agree18 disagreeView comment

Beta was decent but didnt move me to preorder. It got really repetitive for me after an hour. I ll get it when it drops to like 20.

3060d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

redundant article, redundant comments smh

3060d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

OMG you guys are going to have a blast! It is so much fun!

3061d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of the Best ive seen. Damn making me want to buy another ps4 smfh

3061d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats not true. This was talked about previously with other Xbone games and to be honest they werent the first. I believe Wipe out on ps3 used it and it was discussed then, years ago and killzone has a similar technique. Destiny has it on xbone and i believe Halo. Have been plenty of articles about it on here and ppl pointing out that some xbone games presumably 1080p are dynamic and actually more than half the game doesnt reach 1080p so its a false title. I think COD on Xbone does it too but...

3061d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course youll say that and not the facts lol The fact is Xbox Live hasnt been better than psn since the early ps3 days. Fact Live went down and had more issues than psn last year. That online argument is baseless and doesnt work anymore, this isnt 1995. If you had both consoles you would know, PSN (since ps4 came along) online gaming works great and as good as Live does.

Secondly i call bs. Xbox fans were cheering about 1080p rez not knowing that it was another pr situation...

3061d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your comment would be good reasoning if it were true lol Live actually went down more than PSN last year and hasnt been better than PSN since the early ps3 days (they are about the same). The controller you hail as better actually upon release had more people saying PS4 controller is better than Xbone. UI? you got to be kidding right? PS UI even after the Xbone update is still faster, better and less cluttered with garbage.

If you said you had more friends on Live, then i und...

3061d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment