CRank: 5Score: 4060

If this generation hadn't been so unbelievably long then maybe I'd be able to wait.
But it's dragged on at least 2 years longer than it should've.

I'm getting a next gen console day 1! Maybe even both of them.
I'm not waiting any longer!

4064d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment


We are indeed, my good fellow.

4119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super Mario 3D world - looked a little samey to all the other 3D marios ...but I'd probably get it (if I had a Wii U) as the main 3D Mario titles are always good and I loved Galaxy.
Smash Bros, looks the same as Melee and Brawl. Not interested at all.
Windwaker - beaten it twice on my Gamecube already. Is the upgrade to HD really so good that it's worth playing through the game a 3rd time? Probably not for me.
Bayonetta 2 - not interested in hack slash, ninja g...

4120d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Rise from your graves!

4122d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


"You mean how these are faked."

That's great you showing us a bunch of bullshots. Did you have those ready to hand saved in a document so you could post them in this article? Well done. And good work.

But now can I actually draw you to the article and the comment you replied to which references Killzone Shadowfall. ONLY Killzone Shadowfall and none of the games you just listed.
Yes, you've posted a bunch of ...

4127d ago 25 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can see one way they could make it work.
The games are locked to one user at a time, unless both users pay for it right? Which means that anyone that buys that game has to pay Microsoft and the Publisher to unlock the game.
So Microsoft and the publisher would profit from every single second hand sale and should (notice I said should - not will) pass the saving on to the consumer.
If Xbone games were half the price of PS4 games then I can see a few people buying the ...

4127d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


We saw Killzone Shadowfall demoed live.
We saw Jimmy Fallen play the same level in realtime.

"What we seen is engines running on target specs of a console."
No. We saw it running on a dev kit. Guerrila didn't want to get into the same situation they got into with the "infamous" 2005 Killzone 2 pre-rendered demo, so they made sure they showed the ACTUAL game. It was played LIVE.
They're one of Sony...

4140d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think Microsoft will be fine. And I wouldn't be surprised if they sell the most units next gen. They are going to take the Wii's place.
Kinect, voice control, all the multitasking, skype etc will capture peoples imagination like the Wii waggle controller did.

I'm a gamer, I'll be buying the PS4, and I don't care about TV, Sports and gimmicks, but you'd be surprised how many people eat this stuff up.

They are selling to the fi...

4141d ago 8 agree43 disagreeView comment


"I'm not surprised when it comes to hardware Sony always delivers. ;) "

Is the winky emoticon because you're joking? PS1 was complete sh1te compared to the N64 (no alaising, no MIP mapping) and although the PS2 could crunch some numbers Gamecube games generally looked better. RE4 on GC was significantly better looking despite the PS2 version coming out well after the Nintendo version.

People forget that before the u...

4141d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I actually think the console itself looks pretty smart.
Sharp clean edges. Designed to match Windows 8 and Office 365.
I like it.

I don't like the TV, Sports stuff and Call of Duty graphics weren't very good. Looks like the same game engine to me, but at a higher resolution and better textures.

I like all the voice control stuff, and multitasking, but I wouldn't buy the console just for that.
Something amazing would have to...

4142d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

I was wasn't I? I guess I prefer this photo because it makes me look like a badass, you know. With the eye patch and all.

"You know what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like this?"

4143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Consoles sold the Wii won this generation"

I can't dispute that.

But Wii only gamers are the biggest losers of the generation. Just look at all the amazing games they missed out on (unless they also owned one of the decent consoles.)
Poor guys. Nintendo has lined its pockets while selling all you suckers hugely marked up Gamecubes with waggle controllers.
I feel your pain guys. I also fell for the Wii con too. It won't happe...

4143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good stuff?
I haven't played a good Sonic since the 90s.

Last one I enjoyed was Sonic Adventure on my Dreamcast.

4143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to see how Microsoft bring the fight to Sony.
Loving the PS4 so far but looking forward to seeing what Microsoft has up its sleeve. Hopefully its something epic.

Who's gonna get my money?
I'll have a pretty good idea tonight.

4143d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@vulcanproject "Well said."

Although I'm looking forward to actually having it confirmed.

After the PS4 announcement I'm leaning towards the PS4, but depending on whether the new XBox has some amazing "gamer focused" tech (not kinect), then I could certainly go for a Microsoft console.
Illumiroom would be good, or Oculus rift integration etc.

4144d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment


You liked Madden 13? Congratulations.

Maybe EA should build Madden 14 just for you. As you're pretty much the only person that enjoyed it on Wii U. That version totally bombed. In fact it's part of the reason EA isn't bringing Madden 14 to the Wii U.

"I will be Picking up a PS4 anyway"
Sensible choice.

"Not everyone is going to spend $1000 dollars on two new consoles"

4146d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Fact is EA will be missing out on millions once the install base inevitably grows."

@Neonridr. No they won't.
The Wii U install base will grow when Mario comes out, because everyone will be buying Mario. They still won't be buying EA games.

If EA had your business sense:
I know! Let's build a next gen title that will run on PCs and on 8 core 8GB consoles...
...and how about we create a totally separate version fo...

4146d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment


This was the news I've been waiting for.
I feel bad for trashing PD about releasing it only on the PS3 now!

Now I'll be able to move the PS3 to the spare room as a blu ray player.

Drive Club will keep me going until GT6 releases on the PS4.

4148d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because the PS3 is old. It's tired and creaking. All the graphical improvements over the last 2 or 3 years have been minor.
PC is now waaaaaaaay ahead of console.

We need a new console and personally I can't wait to jump from the dying carcass of the PS3 to the new and fresh PS4.

I'll be getting Last of Us and maybe Beyond, but the PS4 can't come soon enough IMO. This gen has started dragging for me.

Edit: It's co...

4148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It can't be 100% perfect, because it's not releasing on PS4.

4148d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment