
CRank: 5Score: 8000

That was awesome. I was not expecting Halo 3 to look that much better. But really, damn...

Excitement just got taken to a whole new level.

6115d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

there's one thing I've never understood about the special effects in Hollywood.... It's been 15 or so years since Jurassic Park, and yet, I'm still waiting for something that's more convincing than those dinosaurs!

I actually watched Jurassic Park recently, and to me it remains the standard bearer of special effects. Nothing since has even come close. For example, take the first full-body shot of the T-Rex and compare it with the Mountain troll in LOTR: FOTR... The difference ...

6160d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The song obviously wasn't written for the trailer. And if it was... well, that's just sad.

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How, at all, is 4 player coop in Halo 3 a "letdown"???

I was thrilled when I saw it, as I'm sure every other Halo fan was... But for some reason, this guy's acting like including 4 player coop is somehow a bigger disappointment than if the game shipped without it? It's so nonsensical, I can't believe people as stupid as this guy are the ones dishing out video game news to all of us...

And another thing: even if the author thinks Halo 3's coop is getting...

6166d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's just the way they take screenshots, I assume using the replay system, which also works on campaign (not just multiplayer). There were screens like that one as well before Halo 2 came out...

Unless Bungie's got even MORE stuff behind the curtain, I think it's say to say the only 3rd person view will be when you're using one of the turrets.

6166d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Especially that first one; the lighting looks fantastic!

Can't wait to see this in motion.

6168d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You realize Crysis isn't a PS3 game, don't you? Or is your militant fanboyism merely guided by hatred of Microsoft, and not simple obsessive love for Sony?

Get lost.

6168d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Didn't the PS3 drop an SKU?

But that's beside the point... NOBODY plays 360 without a HDD. And if they don't have one, then they're not a hardcore enough gamer to care if some games start requiring it.

Remember back in the days of Nintendo? There were some games on N64, well into the console's life, that required an add-on to be able to play them, and yet, people don't hate Nintendo now because of it.... If the game is good enough, people will buy whatever add-on...

6168d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't believe it's taken this long (assuming this rumor turns out to be true). One of the biggest advantages of xbox over ps2, and it was scrapped from 360!? It's been irritating me to no end as long as I've had the system, playing Oblivion and thinking: "How much better could this have been, if the game didn't have to be compatible for the lowest denominator? (HDD-less 'Core')"

It's not gonna happen, but I really wish Halo 3 had a "HDD Required" sticker. ...

6168d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely agree. Microsoft never should have had a HDD-less sku. If anything, all skus (including the core) should have had a 10 gb, non-removable HDD, so that if people wanted to forgo downloading arcade games and stuff, then they wouldn't need the Premium, which should've had a 20 gb HDD, on top of the built-in 10 gb. (Didn't have to be those exact numbers, but you get my drift)...

6168d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having a launch console that's still working, (and that was put through heavy, heavy gameplay hours for a year and a half), I can't believe my console's still kicking, with the way everybody talks about it...

Maybe I'm just really lucky, or took the right precautions (standing it vertically, leaving enough room to breathe on all sides), but myself and several others I know, who got the console on launch and Jan 06 respectively, have never had to return any of them.

6168d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I kept thinking about Return of the King. I can't wait for this game!

And I really don't understand why the devs don't want this video shown? I mean, the sentiment of everyone who watched it is pretty much unanimous: The video rocked!

6169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I look forward to the day when discs are scrapped altogether and they just use memory sticks instead --- just plug it in a usb port on your TV, and bam: you're watching HD... No load times, no need for different players, and they don't get scratched.

That's what I think about pretty much every time I use a memory stick to access documents: "Man... I can't wait till they put movies on this thing."

If they can make 30gb ipods, it's only a matter of time ...

6172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those pictures are so awesome, I'm dying for an english version.

6173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"...vehicles galore - the Prowler, Chopper, Hornet and Elephant add to the "Halo" universe."

I don't know what 3 of those 4 are, but man I like the sound of that!

6173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

---Scrapped Jeff Bell.

---Had Bioware come on stage and play Mass Effect (like the 10 min video that's now all over the internet)

---Showed some of the 2008 games: Alan Wake, Fable 2, Too Human.

---had Frankie play through the first level of Halo 3 like he did behind closed doors.

It wasn't a disaster. It's just a little disappointing thinking about how good it could have been, versus how OK actually was. They should have focused on ...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was thoroughly impressive. I remember a long time ago Bioware saying that they were going for a cinematic expericence, and no doubt they've achieved that---Even on this crappy youtube quality video, the conversation part looks like it was pulled straight out of Star Wars. Awesome!!!

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was really looking forward to X07 this year, especially since the E3 conference was a bit lackluster. I was hoping they'd show Banjo Kazooie, Alan Wake, Ninja Gaiden 2, or some of the other big titles for 08...

Oh well, I guess as long as they step it up at some of these other conferences, all will be well. I hope so at least...

6182d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The link isn't working!!!

6182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was the absence of Project Offset. I wanted to see it so badly, I can't believe they didn't show any videos, or release any screenshots, or even say a word about it... I'm starting to think the game is simply dead at this point (or delayed indefinitely).

It's a shame. The hype for it at E3 2005 was unbelievable, but they seemed to have just given up on it. Not a word in 10 months--it's killing me!

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment