
CRank: 10Score: 98945

MMORPG/FPS. Probably the best looking mmo to date (if home isn't considered a mmo).
I need some bubbles.

6222d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For this game. Want to this how this game looks before I buy it.

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You win this award. How do you, bs3, bloodmask, and themart not have 1 bubble.

6222d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is stating that sony is doing this because the ps3 isn'tdoing well. RFOM came out before this, and has no problem at all about the game, except the fact that it was placed in Manchester in a church. This is another useless news thread and a reason why this site is horrible.

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In america and japan. They have this huge following for some reason.

6223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just from, and there were bad xbox fanboys, but they at least don't spread lies. This is what theMart basically did. I wouldn't be crying if this news was true.

Why would I be lieing to myself. It is saying a product that hasn't been manafactured for 2 years is in stores, and is selling faster then a console that just came out. It is utter lie.

6224d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This site will at least have an ounce of credibility if they ban themart.

6224d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

TheMart is the complete problem with this board. This is the second time I whined about a topic. And the reason why I whined about this one was because it was a complete lie. It was similar to the gears of war topic, which I whiend about aswell. There has to be some admin that takes away contributing rights. TheMart has not contributed anything positive to this board, and should lose his contributing rights for not just having one bs article, but 100's.

6224d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Worst fanboy on this board. You beat out endfinal for that award. This site is now gone to fanboy wars, without relibility. A trollish idiotic thing. TheMart you should be banned here. I am amazed they haven't done this yet.

If I lose a bubble for saying the truth, I am officially gone.

6224d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

DOA4, too human, forza 2, gears of war, halo 3, mass effect, and two worlds. I will hardly call playstation 3:waitstation 3.

6224d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


6224d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Will be an awesome game none the less but it seems it will get in the 7-8 range. Motorstorm I think scored 90, 89, 90 at ign.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because one is shiny and the other isn't. This is a joke comparision.

6225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to see a video of this. I am very catious about hyping this game before I get any info on it. This game could be really good or really bad.

6225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They will need to restructure the textures, and the physics to make this game look better. In all honesty they won't spend millions of dollars hanging the textures on a port.

6225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The cost of movies, and cost of a high definition player will lower alot. HD-DVD just should die out I wish. But for some reason hd dvd fanboys don't want one format. I just want it so I could get rid of my hd dvd player, and buy all the movies on one format. This war is hurting the consumers so much, and it is just better off for sony to win this format war.

6226d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean honestly they've been working on this game for what is 5 years, it is an rpg with unreal engine, and now has an orchestrated sounds. I mean does this game cost more then halo 3? If this game sucks(which I hope it doesn't because it looks fun) must cost microsoft a fortune.

6226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but was amazed it wasn't. I thought tiger woods trees looked the best, but too human art style was the best.

6226d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got really excited for sly 4 coming to ps3, but then that rumour was declined. Hopefully it won't be the same for this game.

6226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But they don't have any real decent rpg elements. This is the first one that could be a really be a good community rpg fps. PLanetside was a real bust, and didn't have many rpg elements. And huxley, seems to follow in the same path as planetside. This is the only one that seems to be interesting. Wonder what happens with this game.

6226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment