
CRank: 5Score: 12660

yes i agree there are not much unreal based mobile games, but from all three, unreal is your best bet if you want to join triple A industry, there are a lots of unreal powered triple A games out there. and it's capability to make mobile games makes it worth to learn.and unity is your best bet for mobile. Cryengine is none of those. students don't really care to make a game with great graphics (since most of us know it also requires good and experienced artist). They just want to make...

2855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

look, i love crytek and i used cryengine for months until i was stuck. i had trouble finding team to finish my indie game during my study. the engine is built with a mindset to become a leader in tech. that's not the case to make moneys nowadays. mobile platforms is where the moneys at. first they have to gain market share on students, and let them ask for cryengine in their company. more students, more community, more company's interest in using your engine. That's how Unity got ...

2856d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

no one in my class want to use this engine simply because no mobile platform support. haven't they learnt anything from their bankruptcy?

2856d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

let me explain what he was trying to say. and im a computer scientist, so please consider that.

imagine you're trying to send a set of order to your employee. you have two options, you can do it via a middleman: asking someone to send the order to the employee, or to send it directly to your employee. naturally the second option is way faster because.. well it's just naturally faster.

programming is a set of order, employee is your hardware, and those...

3311d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

do you really think that huge companies like EA and Ubisoft care about the game? as long as it gives the money, they dont care how you'd call it.

iOS have more game compared to 360, ps3, and wii, combined. and it sells more too. the problem with consoles is the market is dominated with well known franchise/developer/publisher. there is little to no chance for small devs like ours to survive.

3794d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

for me it's kinda a stupid move for EA
Titanfall could be a very profitable franchise like CoD, yet they decided to limit the market, on it's first game. xbone might gain a lot from this but EA, especially Respawn, won't gain anything from this.

their best chance is the game released in march, not much franchise use that time slot, so i guess the competition will be minimum

3882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fake box art. This fan art has been existed since kz2.i hd it on my hdd already

4436d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no it does not 100% true.

i remember dice devs saying that developers troubled developing on ps3 is just because their code is too 360 oriented. developing both from the very beginning concurrently will solve the problem. but 'small' or 'lazy' dev wouldn't care that much on ps3 because ps3 'would sold less'.

besides, its 2012, there are dozens if not hundreds of papers on the internet helping this problem.

4511d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im pretty sure they'll connect all sony's product (including the non playstation branded) into this network. so its like you can use the sony's unlimited music in ps and walkman via 1 account.

either that or they just trying to kill the playstation brand.

4516d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

multiplayer needs to load the whole map into memory. single player can easily stream from br/hd. nothing new here.

4595d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes depressing indeed. as much as i like cod franchise, this may lead more studios to be less creative. i really expect this wont damage skyrim sales, though i dead curious with all the games coming out this quarter alone, how the hell it got that kind of sales.

there's a slight fear on me saying this number is just a marketing stunt.

4602d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

gee.. my gf will hate me a lot next month.

if i dont hate her first :p

4619d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

for some (most) map, its not even gonna work. it works for short distance but mostly you have to see your opponent in front of you, and some maps are just too wide for that

4633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

fake? why fake? people admire/idolize someone is common! and of course its gonna affect them! thats the whole point of having a frontman in a company!

Apple has contributed many things while Steve was the CEO. They might not innovate many things but they did new things right and to have a courage to do many new things is something I admire from Steve.

4637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wonder whos that guy that can represent the 'public'?

4645d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

its 90% home related imo. its like if you're tired playing shooters/games, just go HOME and hang out there.

4647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i blame sony for this. the game is really good. much better than i expected. its just sony's lack of move to support this game is ridiculous. they should put a better trailers or something that makes this game a hot topic.

dead island for example, the game is awful (buggy and lack of innovation). but they have a cool trailer and thats a good sales number, even compared to r3.

havent sony learned anything from socom 4 and infamous 2?

4653d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the problem is simple: wrong marketing! kb is good but not THAT good, and the target is effective only to internet users who actually GET the jokes. but on tv and all you got is a "meh".

all sony's need to do a live action tv spot like halo series. resistance is similar to halo, it must built a signature on its franchise, unlike CoD or BF. but to make those signature noticeable, they have to work harder

4654d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


and a f*kin P

4674d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

probably because they does not have career link on their website! i'm dying to work with these guys, but cant find any info about it from their 'ultimately simple' website. and apparently they put those info under contact.

4700d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment