
CRank: 5Score: 940

A fake?

It wouldn't be to hard to photoshop it. Low level lighting makes it easier to get away with a lot more. Take an pic of a port, move up the original output, place in your new pic, a lot of carefull cloning and viola.

Ove seen some really good fakes with photoshop and a lot of patience, theres no reason why this wouldn't be the same. Oh, and im a graphic designer who uses photoshop every day, I know how it works before anyone asks.

6473d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...listen to yourselves. You all do like playing games right? You all seem to spend so much time arguing about it do you have time to enjoy it?Does it really matter what does what and how, as long as the gamplay is solid and you enjoy it? I couldn't care less what platform im playing a game on, as long as its good (im not going to even say which one I own) If you want to fight about something, take up religon.

6515d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forget Resident Evil, Condemed etc, thats the scariest hing ive ever seen.

6524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the Tempest they release is as good as the Atari Jaguar version, then im all for it. That game was nuts, and so very addictive!

6533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sold my Playstation 2, as did a friend of mine, on the strength of Halo for the Xbox. After playing it, we both went over to Microsofts side of the fence. Thing is, it was well after the launch of the Xbox. I remember I used to spend a lot of time defending the PS2, saying Xbox was "a suitcase that will fail, and will only appeal to a certain few". How wrong was I. The moral of the story is, games sell systems, its a simple fact. There is no right and wrong to which one you own, i...

6533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Been an older gamer, seeing those games on the list have caught my attention. And did anyone play Tempest on the Atari Jaguar? Fantastic game, super fast and totally adictive. It really could give Geometry Wars a run for its money.

6533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment