CRank: 5Score: 1270

Too good lol

3636d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Is a console.

You can put Vita cartridges and can save games in it too.

3654d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

No one cares what you want

3659d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo for life

3673d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

5 games per year won't cut it

3673d ago 10 agree19 disagreeView comment

Vita has a better catalog now

3674d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

And this is why you Xbots don't get the niche japanese games like Persona 5...etc we all love.

All has to be a flashy big shooter for you guys. Pathetic.

3674d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Review Scores are useless for those who played the Beta and liked it.

3674d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stay mad!!!

3674d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Shovelware? sorry....this is not Wii U.

Call it independent developer.

And you're mad.

3674d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

Linear? aren't most games linear? TLOU/Uncharted/Halo are all linear. Why point it out with this game?

and again...he played the same demo people have been playing since a year ago.

But good preview nonetheless.

3674d ago 25 agree9 disagreeView comment

I don't see how visually this game touches Driveclub

3675d ago 17 agree9 disagreeView comment


Gran Turismo is the grand daddy of simulation and can't be replaced by any average budget racer

3675d ago 15 agree11 disagreeView comment

To the hell with modern feminism

3675d ago 44 agree8 disagreeView comment

What exactly is appealing about this franchise?

3675d ago 0 agree24 disagreeView comment

Yes the Vita had tons of games and still didn't sell. That's not Sony's fault.

It had Uncharted, Tearaway, Persona 4 Golden, Little Big Planet Vita...etc

3675d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Everyone that has the means should get a Vita to go along with their PS4

3675d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who the hell is buying this stuff?

3678d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

Are you? Nintendo has some of the suckiest and corporate fans

3678d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

Not at all. Microsoft has NO appeal for japanese people....None, zero. The fact that the PS4 is struggling is because of lack of Japanese software and an overall decrease of consoles in Japan.

3678d ago 17 agree10 disagreeView comment