CRank: 5Score: 82220

Some people think Microsoft is using the 3 year warranty to avoid lawsuits, but are they doing it to buy extra time to replace the population of 360 owners with the Falcon model?

What I want to know is are owners of the Falcon model RRODing?

5965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem here is you are factoring the PS3 as just a gaming console and comparing it to the 360 sales as such to, but the PS3 is going to be bought as a blu-ray player only from consumers.

Now that blu-ray has won you have to count the movie watching demographic plus the gaming demographic, something that unit sales numbers don't discriminate, they just show the total numbers of unit sold.

So you might see a higher selling rate because of this as compared to the 3...

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is UT3 going to be updated with home also?

5967d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are underestimating the new kind of consumer thats wants everything in one box, so this might steer more consumers to buy a PS3

Not to mention the fact that PS3 sales units will rise due to it being the best overall blu-player, and even though it was bought as a blu-ray player and not a game machine it will still count as a sale for sony which will boost its units sold, and we all know the progress report for any company selling products is the units sold

So when...

5968d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree Texas all the way

5968d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah everytime I hear my local news on the HD media they always refer to Blu-ray as Sony's Blu-ray so I think this would mean that they have a huge stake in it

5969d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well even though it isn't from Versus XIII it seems her music is very different now from her Legend of Mana series.

Kingdom Hearts had a touch of Mana in it, but this is different, I like it.

I loved her Mana and Kingdom Hearts music, but man she just gets better and better

5971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks dudes

5971d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey did I even attack you, for you to say don't get my ass hurt over it just means how much you are hurt over it, I've never said anything bad about the 360, just argue over my facts and leave the name calling out of it please, I know you can have a more civilized conversation over this

5971d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very good thought, it doesn't make any sense for a person to find out the 360 is out of stock and decides to buy a more expensive piece of hardware, it seems the merits of the PS3 is penetrating the minds of the consumer these days and more are interested in the hybrid characteristics of the PS3

Again like my other post is saying, the blu-ray player aspect is starting to show its worth with HD-DVD disappearing and this has a more of an impact on the sales

I don't thi...

5971d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I disagreed because your not putting the blu-ray aspect into consideration, who knows this could be an average of what the PS3 sales because of blu-ray, which will help until the premiere games come out

I'm just saying the 360 beating the Wii one month might have been a fluke, we don't know the circumstances to this, but we do know that blu-ray has a hand in these sales increase this month, and will maybe stabilize the PS3 sales

Again not being a fanboy of any syste...

5972d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

So let me get this straight, Sony gets criticized for not dropping the PS2 customers and giving them the best entertainment for their wallet, whereas Microsoft is praised for dropping their loyal customers... hmmmm yes

I wonder what you would be saying if the Xbox wasn't dropped???

No answer....very interesting

5972d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry I'm just used to people, if it has anything to do with good news of the PS3, to call this false reporting so I am just preempting that strike...hehehe

5972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember a week ago there was a show with Geoff Kieghly, I think one of the guys predicted the PS3 would beat the 360 at least once this year

Well the 2008 year just started and BAM!! Prediction reached

P.S. that's if this is true of course

5972d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I understand, but this is what the Playstation is all about, it doesn't have a hardcore audience, this is what the PS2 did. The PS2 started off slow but then it brought out its reliable franchises and added new ones to bring in more people. The PS3 is doing this also, adding Little Big Planet with a slew of their other reliable franchises.

I'm not saying the 360 is a lesser value of a system, just that the Playstation will always cover the genre bases, this is their strength to...

5973d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't understand why you would say its a matter of opinion on games coming out for 2008, when in fact most of the genre are covered for 2008, so there is at least one game someone will like on the PS3 this year

Oh yeah also not once in your post did you mention the 360 reliability factor, this is huge in deciding between a system, and system price therefore becomes less prominent. The penetration of RROD news has been growing and the word is out, more customers are getting the...

5973d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who was the one that said there was a big announcement, but it turned out to be Pac Man, no offense to Pac Man its a great game, but the way they were hyping that announcement it seemed like a revolution in gaming was about to happen

5974d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You all pay $50 dollars a year for your subscription, what if they used that $50 or some of it as an insurance policy, so if this thing happens they can give you back the amount of money needed to repurchase the Live content. I don't know just a thought.

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You said Sony got sued for their actions but wasn't there a ton of people suing Microsoft for the RROD, also presently aren't there people suing Microsoft for their Xbox live service down time. Didn't it take those law suits to actually get Microsoft off their duff and actually award this 3-year warranty, I mean I have heard and seen many RROD stories, so saying that they took action because they felt they had to appease the consumers is not totally right, it took those law suits to wake the...

5975d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just glad I snagged a 60 gig near the end of the discontinuation
These things now are starting to become rare gems

I can't just imagine what the PS3 sales are for this year, with the low price and great games coming out, not to mention more blu-ray movies you can shake a stick at

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment