Reach through the sky.


CRank: 5Score: 97570

I was expecting a single player journey like the first one. What the hell is this always-online auto-generated world bs? They just made the game in a way nobody asked for. It's probably gonna bomb and Ubi deserves it.

2001d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah this is absolutely absurd. I have no idea how what he said could even possibly be construed as sexual harassment. It's a very common metaphor and wasn't even being used against the person he was talking to. It seems like she had it out for him and/or his position and used this as a means of getting him removed to try to move her way up in the company. Pretty slimy honestly, and shame on EA for firing this dude for something so trivial.

2004d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


That's no excuse at all. Take Two literally stated in an official press release that they would monetize every game they release going forward with the business model that GTA V had. They straight up said this to everyone. People should've known RDR2 would get the same grindfest treatment with exorbitantly skewed virtual economy to heavily incentivize players into purchasing MT's. It's no coincidence they delayed the MP portion of the game from t...

2009d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really doubt this. Digital Foundry discovered that the system has a mere 16GB of flash storage in it. There's no way they could fit 36 more titles on there on top of the pre-existing 20.

2019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hot take: CTR is still the best kart racer ever, better than any Mario Kart.

Change my mind

2020d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Welp they can have my money. This game is gonna be an absolute bitch to Platinum though. The relic challenges and the time trials alone are gonna have tons of people pulling their hair out lol

2020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There were an insane amount of good games EA developed and published back then. Now? It's just abysmal and depressing. 6th console gen was epic.

2020d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you talking about God of War? Wtf does GoW have to do with anything? They aren't even the same genre and that whole series isn't available on PC.

Man, fanboys are miserable little creatures lol.

2022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Freesync/Adaptive Sync can have a refresh range much higher than 60hz. It's not really about smoothing out low framerates than it is just eliminating screen tearing completely by having the monitor actually change its native refresh rate on the fly to match the game's framerate. Some people cap their framerate so it remains within the freesync range so they don't get tearing again. Like if I had a 120hz monitor, I would choose capping it at 119hz over gettin...

2022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


There's nothing outlandish about the next crop of consoles doing native 4k and 60fps. There will probably be a lot of games that focus more on graphical complexity where they opt for a locked 30fps or a variable refresh rate with proper framepacing instead, as usual. You can't compare a hypothetical GPU/CPU combo on the PC space to a console in a 1:1 ratio since on consoles devs can extract as much perf as possible with as little OS and API bloat as possible ...

2022d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Raytracing in and of itself isn't anything new, though. It's been getting researched and even implemented in various ways for decades. RTX is just the latest leap in it being feasible in real time in conjunction with rasterization based software. Even then we see the hardware still has a ways to go. It will be a long time before raytracing is doable on a wide range of affordable hardware as well as doable without utterly destroying performance. Not even Nvidia's top-end GPU gives ...

2022d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. The GPU space has gotten quite boring these past few years. A big part of it is the complexities and problems the foundry partners have ran into, it's gotten increasingly difficult to achieve these smaller optical shrinks as well as becoming even more expensive to R&D. Hopefully 7nm we get some true jumps in performance and energy efficiency.

2022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a deserved score, honestly. Half the games on here are questionable at best and a joke at worst. Even then you got half the games as the PAL versions so they run at 50hz, which is 83% of their original intended speed which literally slows the games down. Frickin Tekken 3 looks like the guys are fighting in mud or something. The whole thing is just mediocrity at its finest.

2027d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty sure Agent was announced before La Noire had anything to do with anything lol. Agent was vaporware for ages and it was obvious it was never gonna be a thing after a while.

2031d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

They said they're gonna interact with fans in a new way and they can't wait to share details, seems a big announcement is coming next year and a PS5 reveal isn't out of the question.

2038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember seeing this original art style in the gaming mags back then, like EGM and Game Informer. I still prefer this style to the cel shaded style they went with.

2049d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anything to chase after the almighty dollar. Kinda ironic in a sense

2051d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should, but they won't. They'll complain now, and then when the next one gets announced, they'll immediately pre-order it and keep their wallets ready for future poundings.

2052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No lol people have been doing genderbent cosplays for fucking ages already, nothing "SJW" about

Man that phrase is literally just a buzzword now, it means nothing lol

2072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lara came before Nathan

2072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment