Reach through the sky.


CRank: 5Score: 97570

1) It was probably completely bright if you had your TV and the game's brightness maxed the fuck out.

2) Way to COMPLETELY miss the entire point of the fucking game.

5007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hooray for low-class shitty articles!

5007d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

10G for that? I've done better stunts and feats in tons of different games, so where the hell is my money? Like a lot of people said, anyone can do that with enough practice. Flying the harrier in GTASA was harder than flying anything in friggin' JC2. Not bashing JC2 or anything, but it's like they literally just threw away 10Gs. I was expecting to be blown away.

5007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All gameplay was done on a PC. He just had a 360 controller hooked up for the flying.

5007d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice. Got tired of all the Team Silent fanboys/girls. What they fail to understand is that "Team Silent" wasn't even an actual team. The guy behind Silent Hill left after the first game and actually recently retired from the whole industry altogether a few years ago. The "team" was small to begin with but various people left with each game in the series. Only a handful of key members actually remained together for SH1-3 while with 4, hardly any of them were even still ...

5011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So he was sick of the PS3 because it had "no original games", yet Xbox Live + CoD4 (which was multi-plat and available on the PS3) was his escape from it? How is Xbox Live any better for CoD4 when just about EVERYONE has a mic and 99.999% of all the players are little three year old kids? And how was CoD4 original?

Logic = fail.

5011d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMFG, such a GARBAGE list. Bayonetta isn't hot at all, but Solid Snake? REALLY? When the FUCK was he SUPPOSED to be "hot"? I don't even...

And Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3? REALLY? She was one of the best, most believable protagonists in the whole friggin' series, AND she was hot, yet somehow she made this list? They can just go fuck off. And Anna from Tekken IS hot. Nowhere in the anime movie or the games does she come off as a slut. The only known rel...

5013d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, we're playing it wrong. We forgot to camp and use the UMP45.

5013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh, no. I and many others kept in contact with the original devs of the CFW and they even stated it wasn't meant for piracy. Piracy didn't become a big issue until idiots started making sites and torrents. Many CFW's that came out even locked out the ability to run ISOs. Don't falsely accuse people when you don't know shit about the scene.

5014d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CFW didn't kill the PSP, pirates did.

5015d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"highly-developed 360 engine"? WTF is that? Mass Effect 2 ran on the friggin' Unreal Engine 3. UT3 on PS3 looked better than Gears of War 1 on the 360 (confirmed by Cliffy B. himself) and it ran on the same engine, ran at a locked 30fps @ 720p. If anything ME2 might look better but it's yet to be seen, since this is Bioware making it and not Epic Games.

5019d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Omfg, Zombies was all but confirmed ages ago. Not only did a Treyarch dev let it slip in a magazine interview months ago, but there's the whole "4 maps from WaW" thing as well. What else are those maps gonna be used for, a friggin' story mission? Don't even fucking kid yourselves, it's obviously zombies. Zombies is gonna be in the damn game, so I dunno why everyone keeps getting all hyped up and worried when it should be PAINFULLY obvious it's already in.

5021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Retarded hacker. It's just a way for the hackers to try to make Sony look like the bad guys when it's the hackers' fault we lost stuff like OtherOS, and 3rd-party device support. The YLOD isn't even always caused by the system being too hot, and you should know when the system is too hot when the fan shifts into 4th gear. Fuck these guys.

5021d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Keep you're hare on"

Someone message me when that sentence starts to make any real sense.

5023d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

CoD3 and WaW were way better than MW2. If you think MW2 is good, then you're nothing but an explosive-whoring, commando-riding, camping scrub. MW2 holds your hand more than any FPS I've ever played, ever.

5023d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Worst article title EVER.

5024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fail list, because Cammie is really nice IRL and she's also a milf. Jaffe is a badass and even though he rants his ass off, most of the stuff he says is true and he backs up just about everything with valid points.

B. Kotick, however, is a bitch, and needs to retire from life.

5024d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

...Which even if that were possible, wouldn't increase performance in any game anyway since all the resolutions and framerates are locked and can't be changed in any way.

5026d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exact same happened to me. DW3 was the first I played in the series. I got 4, liked it but it wasn't anything special. Then came 5...and I got bored as hell with it. 6 totally put me off the whole series. Such a piece of shit game...Ugh.

5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This. If it doesn't, not a buy for me, unless the actual gameplay is great, then I'll pick it up maybe...For $20 or less. But Dynasty Warriors Online comes out later this year apparently and it's free-to-play, besides the initial purchase of course.

5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment