
CRank: 5Score: 11480

I have honestly been saying this to my friends from the beginning, I mean I gave them a chance with early access and all (as you do...becoming a more common mistake these days) but after the amount of hype they had around it and the millions of copies they sold I would have thought all that money could have gone towards some good development. The devs honestly must have been so lazy, I still don't get how they didn't push forward with the momentum they got. It's baffling! D:

2105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just gonna leave this here

2235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's all cool and all but when the fuck are they gonna learn to count to 3???? I'm dying for a Left 4 dead 3 D:

2355d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow this actually looks really good, first time I'm hearing of this game :o. I think I'll make a donation when I get some money, I can defo see this being really fun on the switch

2445d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See now this is why I stopped playing D1 so early on and skipped D2. I'm just gonna wait for Anthem and hope for the best lol. That game looks solid but only time will tell xd

2445d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Idk why you got so many dislikes, but that's actually correct - They wanted a strong character where they took inspiration from Ygritte (game of thrones) and I think also Ripley or w.e from Alien.

2654d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

PLEASE be just as good as BF2 and Bad Company 2, those games were awesome!! Whilst BF4 is still a great game I don't feel like it pulled me in to the same extent they did.

2972d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was thinking the same thing o.O

2973d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Omg, if they relaunched WoW on a new engine, built from the ground up I think I'd cream my pants. That would be awesome, but I don't know if blizzard is even considering such a thing. Still though, I think that would be a great direction to be heading towards if all else fails especially.

3139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't actually have any issues, with any 'bad story' or see any 'retarded AI' maybe linear but I'm not complaining the game was fun regardless.. Not like there isn't any other linear games out there so not sure why this is the only game to be hated about it lol. PS I loved the story and the whole film affect.. There were plenty of times where I wouldn't realise that the game had switched back from cinematic to actual game and would be standing there doing no...

3407d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the only complaint I had about this game is it's length, I know many people complained about it, and it wasn't as bad as some people made it out to be I guess but this game had me sooo into the story and I loved everything about it, then it finished way sooner than I expected lmao. I luckily managed to grab it for £30 though so I wasn't too bothered about it if I had spent let's say £50 on it, but I am definitely looking forward to the next one and will be go...

3408d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah I am quite baffed about that one..I'm pretty sure there's no Warhawk on the Vita, just had a look online too and nothing.

Bloody got my hopes up :(

3447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah mate I hear you, what Ubisoft had shown us looked really promising but after that there's not been much, and after seeing practically all their other releases go down hill I have only worried for this game, so much potential in it I just hope they're not stupid enough to mess this one up as well...I'm just not getting my expectations too high anymore with Ubisoft.

3447d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

FML, I don't think I can wait much longer, I'm going to end up just purchasing the PS+ Upgrade edition at this rate D: I just want to play this game already

3449d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I pray Ubisoft has some sense left and doesn't F this one up!

3449d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks wonderful :o if a Gears of War is announced also and looks just as good as this then I don't think I'd be able to hold back on an Xbox One any longer! ^^

3512d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hahahahahhaha, no. After the wait I endured last time for the heists to come to do with all of my friends online, I can happily say that there's no way I'll be fooling for this one again, I reckon I'll wait before deciding to pick it up on next gen.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Yes rockstar this is how it has to be this time round lol xD.

3518d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really wish Sony made it possible for us to play all our disc copies of games without having to insert the disc after it's installed, would extremely help my remote play situation of having to swap out discs xD Digital is too expensive for me at the moment :(

3532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The wait is killing me...

3701d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I suppose you're right, but let's hope there is some character customisation without the need to whip out my card lol. Yeah I'm not bothered about facial features etc. I like customising my characters gear and weapons and so on. Will give Dark Souls 2 a look, thanks mate =)

3847d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment