
CRank: 5Score: 10510

yes, microsoft sucks

5967d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this definitely goes well with my all logitech accessory for my PS3. i don't mind paying the price for quality since I did pay $250 for my G25 steering wheel. it's stuff like this makes me glad that I chose PS3 instead of 360.

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm trying really hard to like GRID but realizing that it is an arcade racer (nothing can touch GT5P with my Logitech G25) but even when compared to Burnout Paradise, the steering seems a little off. It's either a touch oversensitive or under-sensitive and there's no feedback on the Dualshock 3. Hopefully, Codemaster will improve the handling and the physics before the release and provide those with PS3 a little bit more feedback on their DS3.

5975d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

the graphics fine although more like Forza 2 than GT5P, the physics however, both Forza2 and GT5P in particular, trump this game. I tried using it with my G25 and it feels like I'm driving on ice. It is however only a demo, although I'm not holding much hope that it going to improve substantially (which is what require in order to make this it playable in my book). In the end, I'm disappointed. It looks like it's going to be GT5P until GT5 arrives.

5977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it drives like GRID, I'd steer away from it.

5978d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't know what it is about osx but after ditching windows in favor of it, it's the little thing on my macbook that makes the difference. for example, osx recognizes and automatically switch between the printers that use at home and at work. it's stuff like that which i can't make windows do, that make the switch worthwhile.

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to those having hard time driving my suggestion is to pick up GT5P and race in pro mode for 30 hours. After this, you should have no problem driving car in GTA IV.

5984d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

forget what it is, what factor it's being zoomed at. at the end of the day the ps3 version is always on top.

5987d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

My neighbour bought the 360 and we've been doing a "scientific" comparison. his indeed looks more cartooney- while the PS3 is sharper with less anti-aliasing the 360 version looks smoother to the point that it loses and lacks sharper edge. The PS3 looks grittier but in some cases like the outline of a car, it appears more jagged. Personally I find the 360 looks too smooth and clean and the word "clinical" comes to mind. He argues that he can live with that and I agree.

5988d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i got mine and been playing it the last 2 hours. on a PS3. Overall, nice graphics, no glitches that jarring enough to affect gameplay, great lighting, great story, voice acting (except for the two girls Niko picked at the subway station). Graphic is not GT5P kinda great but we're talking apple and oranges. the cars drive like s**t (Burnout Paradise is much better) but enough to get you around. The L3 button on PS3 pad, gets in the way at times but once you get the hang of it, it's not as...

5988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well said. i think the problem with forza 2 and to lesser extent, GT4 is that you have to be a total geek to spend a lot of time mulling over a game. i love cars, not playing racing. in GT5P, it's all about the cars and nothing else and to me that's alright.

5999d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have the Japanese PSN download form a few months back and yesterday bought the BD version. even before the actual GT5, i've already paid $80+. no i don't mind at all.

5999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have the Logitech G25. it's a bit much if you're a casual GT5er but if you're like me, it's a small price to pay for an ultimate driving experience.

6000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i picked up the NA version. compared to the japanese spec 1 ver., the improvement in the graphic department is leaps and bounds. gone are the frame drops and screen tear, it's now smooth as butter. i'm sure PD is still working on making it better and i can't imagine how good it'll get by the time GT5 is released. my only gripe s the online racing- it's for most part enjoyable. what needed is a better way of matching players (based on their abilities and expertise) but right now the expe...

6000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

first of all in dirt, the cars feel and look like a hovercraft and the environment is like the landscape paintings my grandparents hang on their wall. if you've been in a flight simulator, you'll see that the environment are mostly sterile. i'd rather have that than a wide-angle view of an overly dramatic sky (ie. forza2). i agree, PD has ways t go in term of online gaming and by the time GT5 is released i hope it gets better. i've been playing GT5 everyday (the reason why i got ps3 in th...

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

window vista is probably the worst developed and marketed piece of software ever. and this is to coincide with leopard, which is the finest os apple has ever produced. i'm guessing the author of this piece does realize that all intel based mac does run windows and not vice versa. regarding games: i made the move to PS3 (i would never touch MS product ever again) and never looked back. if i were to equate PC to a country- it would have to be some war torn middle eastern country. total c...

6007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

regarding GOTY: i know a lot of people have played GTA and many have never finished the game. it's all hype and save for GTA 3, the rest is all fluff. i'm hoping the new one is one hell of the game. MGS4 look like it's going to be a benchmark until hopefully KZ2.

6009d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

here's an example of 360 cartoonlike rendition in comparison to how well the ps3 is:

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a few years back before getting my first gaming console (PS2), i was adamant at how much better PC gaming is- better,"state of the art" hardware, more flexible upgrading option and obviously all these results in higher resolution and better graphics, better frame rate etc. nowadays, i don't have any games on my macbook pro, i've finally ditched the widows platform and PS3 is my console of choice. with the ability to play Blue Ray disc, store music, online game, websurfing ( it st...

6011d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the bumper view looks pretty good- it has great sense of speed, motion and definitely look like fun. I didn't buy dirt because, off road rally isn't my cup of tea, but i'll more than likely get this one.

6016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment