CRank: 5Score: 3060

wont happen, not on ps3, but on vita, why hell i dont know prolly because the ps3 has such an asshole architecture, and limited ram. want real online features? get a 360.

4795d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

yep, and even to this day, their games perfrom and look best on 360, even the once "exclusive" asassins creed

4795d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

i have to laugh at you sony tools...even after 5 years you all still do not get it....

xbox has key exclusive titles...doesn't have to be number 50, just a few...

xbox has EXCLUSIVE live service...trumps psn hands down.....

xbox has the better/more loved controller..nough said.

sony can boast their chest about exclusives like you darkride, and brag about bs, but micro has delivered since 2005, sony can not and will not ma...

4795d ago 9 agree53 disagreeView comment

judging from the comments, looks like 360 whoops ps3's again, but go ahead sony girls, and name ya normal "5" ps3 wins on multiplats in the last 5 years lol

4795d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

i may buy a wiiu, because unlike sony, it will have led lights!

4795d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

hold up! killzone franchise should be first on this list!

4796d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

hmm is this another ps3 exclusive? seems like it.

4796d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you got it wrong nomad- they are suppose to ignore their fanbase and what they want to "reach a broader audience"

oh wait this isn't about socom 4...

4796d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

damn for you ps3 fanboys not to care about "teh sells" sure are a lot of you in here! the tears look funny on you ps3 fanboys, need a kleenex?

4796d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

and the ps3 doesn't do led lights.....

4796d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

fire up your lancers delta come sept 20th!

4797d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

to micro-sony- "Wow....How do you only have 1 bubble?

The bubble system on N4G is messed up. If you say something pro MS in a 360 article you get bubble downed by you know who."- my response, WELCOME TO N4G- the sony fanboy capital of the internet.

and for your on topic part of your statement, i agree, but microsoft does have one other studio that care about what they do also, they are called 343.

wish i we're more of a car raci...

4797d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

man you guys must have a different psn where you are at? because i can swear in the years i have used psn, i have came across the same amount of racist and idiots on psn as i have on live.

and the article is right, psn does lack in comparison to xbl. i have used psn since 2007, and i have used live since since 2005, and yea live functions a lot better and easier. i feel like some games on ps3 are ok online, while others aren't.

i hate how sony leaves it ...

4797d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'll tell ya where he got it from maniac, page 3 of the sony defense force manual.

4797d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

well ps3 fanboy, i can tell you what you will be saying on here, along with your other minions on n4g if uncharted 3 doesn't win GOTY- "microsoft paid off all the publications to choose any other game for GOTY other than uncharted because it is a ps3 exclusive"

gtfo talking "sh*t" when you yourself is nothing but a sony fanboy your damn self.

4797d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

hey sony i have an idea for your next "hardware revision"- i know the plastic that houses the ps3's insides cost a buck or two, so i purpose next "revision" that you guys start to make the housing out of card board, and connect it together with scotch tape! hahahahahha then you could drop the price to 159 us dollars!!

4798d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have a question because "i don't get it" darkride, can you not make a post without mentioning the competition??? gosh quit crying about everyone else in all of your posts for ONCE.

4801d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

yeah that way it will have blurry textures, and frame rate issues.

4804d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not compared to MAG's maps, but MAG does not have fully destructible environments and only has graphics as good as COD4.---- this made me laugh out loud at the lol king. dude must be blind

4810d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

i guess this is online only. well i liked medal of honor when i rented it, but i dont know if i may get it if this deal stays. i would rather buy crysis 2 from them since it's 40 new and i haven't gotten to play it yet.

i will keep an eye on this though.

4810d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment