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3543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The launch of Xbox One in Poland (which was yesterday) also wasn't huge. When PS4 went to stores there were packs of people waiting to get their hands on the console because there weren't enough of them. Today I've asked my friends in different cities how was it with Xbox One in mayor retailers (Media Markt, Saturn) - the answer were the same - single digit sales of the console or at most (in Warsaw) going into twenties.

3673d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of you my fellow friends have pointed that this is a jab from SCE directed at M$. While we will never know if it's truly so, from seeing the Polish image I'm 98% certain that it is so. As Rashid Sayed said in the article the picture says: "THOUSANDS OF PLAYERS Welcome ONE in Poland". This seems innocent in translation but if you're a Pole like me you look at the word "jednego" which doesn't mean 1 but is used in connotation with a thing/person. Like th...

3673d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

IMO the decision to abandon PSP in December 2013 was an error on PS Asia's part. They should have done it in December 2012 when they saw that the sales are tripping. Because the developers started to create perverted or anime-based games only a year ago the call to go on board the vita train just started in Japan - and that means that we will need circa 1-1,5 years for developers to grow accustomed to it and start creating quirky games like loco roco or Patapons and other games which made...

3711d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, I'm really fed up with all of your bi***ing. You can only whine that there's no support from Ubisoft, EA, Activision, etc.

For nearly 2 years I, a poor Vita owner tried to boost Vita sales and provide after sale support for players so that they won't sell their consoles after a few weeks. As it happened in Poland I'm certain that you haven't heard about Vitabros Meetings (here's photos: ht...

Okay, I'm really fed up with all of your bi***ing. You can only whine that there's no support from Ubisoft, EA, Activision, etc.

For nearly 2 years I, a poor Vita owner tried to boost Vita sales and provide after sale support for players so that they won't sell their consoles after a few weeks. As it happened in Poland I'm certain that you haven't heard about Vitabros Meetings (here's photos: 3817d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tearaway is a carefree game, so there was no need for implementing fights in it. Those available in the game are just boring. They consist of doing the same sequence over and over again. The weapon makes it even easier and in conclusion - makes the gameplay even more boring.

3963d ago 1 agree24 disagreeView comment

There won't be any announcement of PS4+PSVITA bundle at GamesCom. They will announce a price drop of vita to 149$. If you don't believe me just browse through chain-stores offers and you will see that they're already doing a price drop.

4071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dear PopRocks, I quite understand your point of view.
It's quite interesting that people seem to compare PS VITA with WiiU where those consoles are so different from one another.
Firstly, we're talking about a difference in experience. I know that i'm stating the obvious but gosh! WiiU is a home console, and Vita is a portable one. IMO this comparison comes from the Remote Control (which still don't work with PS3) functions. Let's not forget about the guts....

4074d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

If my financial situation will allow it i will choose both. There are and will be some PlayStation exclusives I would like to play and this situation is also true with Xbox.
I'm just sick and tired of these articles which want to gain a few free hits using the controversial topic of "console wars". You want PS4? I feel you bro. You would want a X1? I also understand your decission. But stop these childish wars and remember why we buy those consoles - to have a fun time ...

4083d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

I would buy that.
Soul Sacrifice was nice and Toukiden looks to be a good game, but if VITA could boast a portable version of Demon Souls/Demon Souls 2, it would be awesome.

4083d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

My wish would be a real new GOW for PS VITA. Yes, we can play chain of olympus and ghost of sparta from PSP, Yes we will have GOW Collection HD, but really? I played those on my PSP, PS2 and PS3. Now i want a real GoW VITA.

4083d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Games and game dev are the only reason for me to feel attachment to my country therefore I'm interested in what they will do.
In August I will try The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from CDProjekt RED during Gamescom, which i hold high regards to.
Then I guess that maybe Bloober Team will show us something from Basement Crawl. Also I wish to know if Medium will finally come out or if it will stay as ghostware.

4083d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Studio Liverpool was disbanded nearly a year ago (
People from SL created a new studio - Sawfly Studios, which created Men's Room Mayhem for PS VITA.

4083d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It will be FREE ^_^
Coming out in less than a month.

4096d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a Pole (for those who want to troll - not the stick) it doesn't matter for me.
Let me tell you, dear n4gers about Polish gamers. The most of us are PC gamers as it's the cheapest way to play (GOG, steam, etc.).
When it comes to consoles the most used ones are PlayStation consoles. It's mainly due to whole decades of using SONY's stuff in Polish households. Personally I still have a 21" CRT TV which was bought 18 years ago. There is a conviction in Polan...

4122d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm from Poland.
Your trolling is unsuccessful

4122d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

But worse for my country (Poland)...though I'll be playing it on PS4 :D

4122d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game boy Color? XD

4125d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The best statement: "Vita owners have average of 10 games from which 60% is digital."
I have 17 retail copies and nearly 40 digital releases. I would have more retail copies and Vita games in general if they were worth the buck.
So either price drops of games or making them worth their price.

4125d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment