Working Hard
CRank: 5Score: 4270

This is madness! Absolutely not!, I have invested a lot of money to get my PlayStation 4 modded and now I can play every title I ever wanted without having it impact my wallet. Please bring this game to PlayStation 4 so I can enjoy saving money on games. My wallet will also thank you immensely.

709d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Unless 343i offers free story DLC, with extra missions at no extra cost then I can't be bothered anymore. This game was a total disappointment in terms of story, gameplay mechanics and voice acting. If only 343i took a page from Infinityward: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 in terms of how to make the perfect First Person Shooter then Halo Infinite would have been the The Greatest Halo Game ever made but now it's The Worst Halo Game In The Series.

709d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Calm down there slick, The Greatest Game that was man made since the creation of Videogames is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, no game has yet to touch the magnitude of story telling, the innovative game mechanics and Oscar worthy voice acting and let's not get started on the sales numbers. The last of us, God of War, Half Life, Ocarina of Time, Nights of the Republic, Halo, Diablo, Mario, Donkey Kong, Final Fantasy, Fallout, even Doom, put them all together and they still come in 2nd when...

709d ago 11 agree85 disagreeView comment

Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a great title to The Holy Grail of All Consoles aka The Nintendo Switch*. Also Haze Remastered, Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5 Remastered, Silent Hill HD Collection, Max Payne 3 Remastered, Call of Duty World At War Remastered, The Orange Box Remastered, Halo Master Chief Collection, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Remastered, Metal Gear Solid 4 Remastered, Afro Samurai Remastered, Demons Souls Remastered, Xmen Destiny Remastered, Jack and Daxter Collection, Def Jam Icon Remak...

709d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

They are a corporation and saving and making money is their number one priority. We the consumer are nothing more then wallets waiting to be emptied by them.

710d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is corporate greed at its finest. At this point I can't tell the difference between Blizzard and Sony.

710d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Relax, you're letting your pessimism overtake your optimism. Take a moment, breath, take a sip of that green tea you forgot about in the fridge. Better? Good. Now you're probably wondering "How do I get the best experience for Marvel Midnight Suns" easy, call your local Gamestop. Make a preorder for Marvel Midnight Suns for the Nintendo Switch* then ask "Do you have any used Nintendo Switch Consoles" buy it. Oh I almost forgot you'll also want to buy a Nintendo...

710d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment
710d ago Show

Watch your tongue you blasphemous apostate. Nintendo is The Holy Vatican of the gaming industry and any heathens who dare to commit unholy sacrilege on their divine work will face a grievous chastisement.

710d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Awesome, Im glad I still have my shoplifted copy. I'll use my neighbors internet to download it soon as it's out.

710d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Personally I think it looks very bland and maybe even boring." Would it hurt if you had just a little bit of optimism about the game? How do you expect the developer to sell 10 million copies to individuals like yourself if you're having that kind of attitude. Just buy it day one with the season pass and let me know what you think.

710d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a videogame developer you are obligated to subjugate your fanbase and make sure they never step out of line and when they do you have to put them in their place or revoke their Fan Card.

711d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
711d ago Show

Does Diablo Immortal really deserve all the hate it gets? Maybe it's just misunderstood?

711d ago 0 agree19 disagreeView comment

It's simple, buy it for $1500.00 then sell it for $150,000.00 USD on Ebay, you'll get your gonna back and make an additional $148,500.00 in profit. You know how many High-End Escorts that will get you? To many to count.

711d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
712d ago Show

This is not Final Fantasy 7 this is Square-Enix "What If" version of a Final Fantasy 7 remake. The original story was the Citizen Kane of videogame writing and story telling. The combat was innovative like no other videogame before it. The fans wanted the exact Copy For Copy from The PlayStation 1 version to PlayStation 4/5 version with no change to story, no change to the battle system, no change to soundtrack and no change to any of the Dialog and absolutely no voice acting in the...

712d ago 15 agree32 disagreeView comment

Why is this muffin head so focused on the tutorials? Just enjoy the story, the quests and gameplay mechanics, you think I got annoyed when a Microsoft Paper Clip popped up everytime I was playing Resident Evil 3 on the PlayStation 1 and it told me I was wasting my resources and how I should conserve ammo? NO! I enjoyed the story, fell in love with Jill's pixalated female anatomy, was amazed by the voice acting and how it scared the acne off of me.

712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

YOU BLASPHEMOUS APOSTATE!!!! Don't ever speak ill of The Best Selling Console of All Time aka The Nintendo Switch. I qout Saint Satoru Iwata, May He Rest In Peace and Blessed Be His Name "Software sells hardware". Xenoblade series are already on The Best Selling Hardware of All Time "Nintendo Switch" and it be sacrilegious to even think of bringing that series on any other hardware than that of The Holy Grail of all consoles The Nintendo Switch.

712d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be like that. Put down the controller and stop button mashing on the old, outdated Fatal Fury bore, step up to a more serious, innovative and also challenging fighting game. Mortal Kombat will definitely give you the thrill of the kill with its gorgeous blood bath Brutalitys. Amazing voice acting and combos that make Fatal Fury look like a fighting game made for preschoolers. You'll fall in love with Homelander. So stop by your local Gamestop today, grab a used copy of Mortal Ko...

712d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment