
CRank: 5Score: 3380

I am an xbox owner (sold my PS3)

I got an xbox because all of my friends have it.
(If you want my input on the flamewar, PS3 kicks xbox's ass, but oh well)

Anyways, I played and loved Demon's Souls, and Dark Souls is treating my not-so-well as well. In a good way ;)

I pre-ordered this and Battlefield. Does that mean xbox gamers are shooter fans? Nah, not many of my xbox friends play shooters. It many shooters and sports gamer ...

4737d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree, the most annoying thing about Battlefield 3 is that it is not available on Steam. I am not going to have 2 gaming stores on my PC, so I pre-ordered it on xbox. Also, my machine isn't strong enough to play on full graphics anyways :P

4749d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I agree competition is good!
That is my point I am trying to get across!
You cannot compete by copying, instead, sometimes you need to take leaps forward, like the Kinect, or the iPad, and other new, innovative technologies.
And yes, there is also Sony Style, thank you for reminding me.

4996d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Urgh, I may be biased when I say this, as I do own a Mac, and knowing this is a gaming site, PC's are probably the dominant and preferred computer (Even though I play Starcraft 2 on my Mac, the rest is on my PS3).


I do not like it how each company is becoming more and more Apple-like. I mean with all the iPhone clones, Macbook Pro design similarities, the new "innovation" of think simple and stable and UI.

The releases ...

4996d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is stupid, they shouldn't shut it down because they can't fix their own game bugs and poor online quality

4997d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have 3 words to describe this

Interesting, Creative and Stupid

4998d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

I disagree about the battery claims.
While sure, they may be shorter, handhelds, unlike cell phones, don't have to be super thin and light. They can be bulkly, and have more room to fit a larger battery. This would probably use the same amounts of battery as the 3DS have to power essentially 3 screens...

5002d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's cool but....why?
It's so useless....

5002d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am sorry, what does the Kinect actually do here?
It seems like its just the Wii doing everything...

5007d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL, wow, this guys is a wanna be Apple speaker. He exactly like in the Apple commercials.....

5009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate it how they write it like this.
School is a place where kids can loose their self-confidence self-esteem, morality, self direction, and can plunge them into deep stress. Many fights may occur depicting real life blood, pain, and medical attention. Sexual acts may occur, and drugs and alcohol are encouraged. Language such as "f*ck" "motherf*cker" "t*tties" "*sshole" and "dipsh*t" can be heard.


5015d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PEGI is the stupidest thing ever!
Racing games can be 12+ because crashing is "violent".
Soooooo stupid!

5015d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i agree, I want launch games.
PSMove is great, but I find myself waiting too much. I want games, now!
No launch games = no purchase

5019d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They would have have been great for the Move! Pity they didn't use it.
Shaking the controller to roll, picking territories would have been a breeze, etc, etc.
Maybe a patch?

5025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree.
I got the move, and I do use it regularly to play The Fight, and R.U.S.E, I feel that I so=hould have waited a bit, because the real quality games are coming out 2011 (LBP2, KZ3, SOCOM4, and maybe UC3 and maybe R3)

They are suuuper innovative and fun, and I absolutley cannot wait until Dungeon Defenders!

But yeah, if I were you, I'd wait.
The move is great, you just need to wait for ...

5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am so on the fence with getting the sharpshooter. I have the move, and I only play 2 games with it (R.U.S.E. & The Fight - both excellent games) and I am getting Killzone, it has always been my fav FPS. And the sharpshooter looks like fun, but I am worried about fatigue. I mean, aiming down the sights would be a blast on this thing, but $40 is pretty steep. Also, you have to move the whole gun instead of your wrist... Is it worth it? Can someone give me their insights on this?

5027d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am also concerned about the extra energy being, quite frankly, wasted.
I am a "treehugger", so my opinions are stongly biased, but still, that chip uses tones of energy, for something you will be doing maybe 1% of the time on that TV.

5028d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

yes, unfortunately :P

5028d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I am not trolling when I say this, but I disagree.
I own a PS3, and am not saying this because of any bias, I just think that this idea is a waste money and electricity.
I would rather pay an extra $5 to buy a blue-ray upscale of a SD movie, than pay an extra $500+ to have a chip in my T.V.

Just my 2 cents though....

5028d ago 9 agree21 disagreeView comment

My cat can play better!

5033d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment