CRank: 4Score: 47330

well, you do know it probably won't even take that long to complete. they already have they're engine up perfectly running since gears of war. if anything, UT3 on the 360 will probably come out the 2nd quarter of '08. So i'm assuming april-ish?

6156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

doomed? not yet. MGS4, GT5, and FFXIII is not out yet. If those games do not sell. Then goodbye PS3. Hellooooo Xbox 720.

6157d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget Halo 3.

Halo 2 in HD.
Only 640p at that.
Insane lack of anti-aliasing.
The sh!ttiest looking character models ever in a "next-gen" game.
Storyline has plotholes.
Supposed to finish the fight, only to beat it at Legendary and find out he lands on a mysterious planet... For Halo 4...
Multiplayer feels... like halo 2... but with more weapons... that nobody really uses...

10 out of 10! Because it gets +20 p...

6157d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well i think the general consensus in the entire video game industry about the PS3 right now, is that it falls short of the 360's video game library.

So when reviewers review the games that are actually good on the PS3. They just really... really hate that they are good games that are not on the 360.

So instead of giving the game a 9 or 10, they'll bog it down as many points as they can so it lands in the category of "good"

When most of ...

6157d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's funny how the sarcasm doesn't work if it's true.

Uncharted is a AAA that you don't get to play.

"Closest to playing a movie blockbuster as you get"
Ah, so a PS3 game that even Kojima himself states is a Theatre-type hardware that blends the world of gaming and movies, actually has a game that succeeded?

Oh but wait, Ratchet & Clank!
"It's like playing a Pixar movie!"
The PS3 also succeeded at being...

6157d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

i keep seeing you guys post about the "washed" out look. but supposedly every ps3 game has that? all the games on my 46" samsung 1080p tv look just fine. infact, they look as contrasted as it's supposed to be. and there's a setting called RGB full Range that should be turned on. so contrast isn't a big deal.

secondly, who the hell said that the PS3 version doesn't have HDR? HDR is a lighting technique, not a damn noun you moron. See the lighting in Uncharted, the...

6157d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah but you are basing your opinion off of cgi photos and nothing really that shows the actual game.

all it really takes is the inside hardware pushing graphics they're known for, regardless of actual story (which they seem to be pretty good at) and it will sell millions of PS3s.

worst comes to worst, if FFXIII and FFXIII Versus aren't successes, then they'll probably makes FFIV for XBOX 720 (or whatever it's gonna be called)

6158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes full HD really is just a marketing term.

i've had stupid best buy salesmen tell me that 480p is 1/3 HD...

...!?!##$@%$ idiot

6158d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow the ps3 version looks horrendously worse.

good job EA, you guys are heading in the right direction. when people buy a PS3 to play MGS4, FFXIII, and God of War 3, they'll forget about you guys and play games worth playing.

6158d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i wonder if this is going to be used for the new xbox coming out in 2009-2010?

6158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok so it looks good in those small screenshots. but i wonder how it fairs on an actual hdtv.

secondly, we need to see videos of it in action.

i'm assuming less anti-aliasing and frame rate problems.

ok i know, the game was made on PS3 first and ported to 360. but that doesn't entirely mean it will be just as good or better. the PS3 is capable to do so, but i remember them saying something about having problems with the PS3's memory and how to allo...

6158d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

the question is, does japan even care about assassin's creed? i mean come on, they're best selling PS3 game was Hot Shots Golf...



i'm pretty sure the ps3's best seller in the u.s is going to be mgs4

6159d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol cracked or not, people still have to buy bluray players to watch blu ray movies.

6162d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Infinity Ward deserves applause. Not only did they make a excellent version for the PS3, but managed to make the other versions identical, with the PC being the best graphically depending on the user's computer.

Now I'm curious for what's new for Infinity Ward in the future as far as PS3 games. Sony should buy them out lol.

6163d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

they look completely completely identical. i have both versions. the ONLY difference, and I mean ONLY difference i ever found between both versions, is the first level. The PS3 clearly has more rain fall. Although that's not really anything important, that's just the only difference.

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow you guys are all retarded.

just play some damn games already. why in the hell do you care about the "other" console so much.

all my friends all have either a 360 or a PS3. and they just play games and don't give a sh!t about the other system.

i have both systems and i enjoy them for they're own reasons. there's plenty of games coming out for the PS3. and the 360, there's plenty of games now, but not much else to look foward to other...

6164d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

pointless debate. COD4 wins hands down.

1. You play as somewhat "real" soldiers. Get a small idea of how Iraq is for the marines that are out on the field. Much respect to the soldiers out there risking they're lives. Halo 3? Much respect to microsoft who has billions and billions of dollars that don't go anywhere but to Microsoft themself.

2. You use weapons based off they're real counterparts. Halo 3? Yeah, resistance fall of man knock off spike grena...

6164d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"ya and you can play this for 279 plus cost of cod4 thats the diff."

and then drop another $100 for a 20gb hard drive if you want to download any content off xbox live. plus xbox live account for a year, $50?

That's $429.

How bout a $399 PS3 that also plays blu-rays, and free online multiplayer. And comes with Spiderman 3 which costs $29 alone. Also the best part... You can play it without worrying about the infamous RROD.

6165d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah fanboys in general. regardless what system they own. they're the same with cars, honda fanboys, wrx fanboys, evo fanboys etc. etc.

narrow-minded biased bigot racist come to mind when i think of a fanboy

6165d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

there's more rain in the PS3 version. not like that matters. but that's the only noticeable difference i can see from that tiny video.

6165d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment