
CRank: 5Score: 2660
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1090d ago Show

StoneyYoshi3h ago
So what was the whole point of the info you shared exactly?***

Shared info needs to be explained? WTF are you? The Spanish Inquisition?

***I've already seen people bringing up that FireSprite was working with CIG.***

Was I addressing you? Do people need your permission or something? You his mum or something?

***Is it supposed to make them look bad?***

Sometimes facts are j...

1090d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

TheRealTedCruz3h ago(Edited 3h ago)
Probably because they agreed with me and, again, didn't read your short novel.***

The premise was if they didn't read it then what are they disagreeing with? Duh.

***It's also "tool in the shed"; not that I don't appreciate improv. Though, in this case, it would just be stealing and reworking content, so I'm not exactly impressed if this just wasn't you not actually knowing the...

1090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

TheRealTedCruz1h ago
I'm pretty sure nobody cared to read this short novel.***

Yet I got 3 downvotes... Not the sharpest tool in the box are you [or they?]. lol

1090d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

TheRealTedCruz5h ago
Can't wait for the next article from Twinfinite when they raise another $12.***

I can't wait until its revealed that, ex Sony Liverpool devs Firesprite has been helping these clowns out


Multiplayer Online Shooter


1090d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

EvertonFC17m ago
The sun puzzle was great to scratch away the puzzle***

This is the type of thing I mean, you could do it or anything like it, but it was more "natural" with a touch screen, as its what you would do in r/l. Give a driver a controller and GT, he won't have a clue.. Give him VR a driving wheel/pedals and I know for a fact he and his wife, wouldn't get off the thing. ;)

1091d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

CrimsonWing693h ago
Tearaway was released on console and that made use of the touch screen and the touchpad on the back of the Vita.***

Not the part where the finger ripped through the scenery. Or am I misremembering? Like I said my vita went missing a while back when we were doing some heavy internal work/decoration.

1091d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SullysCigar16m ago
Lmao 🤣

Golden Abyss was such a great game, excellent use of the Vita and using the gyros to fine tune your aim down scopes was genius. So much fun.***

Agreed.. My Vita went missing some time ago, I just couldn't see how they could move Uncharted to the small screen, but they did a great job. They were in a bit of trouble as Nathan had to take a side -job
1091d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

NotanotherReboot21m ago
Sony...stop cancelling your games FOR 5 MINUTES!!!!***

You cannot cancel what you never intended to release.. From my above link


***Sony Bend embracing multiplayer should not come as a surprise. While the acclaimed Days Gone was perfect to feature some sort of multiplayer support, it was h...

1091d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Magog17m ago
Dualsense has a touchpad. Sniper mode could probably be tied to the gyro on the Dualsense as well.***

Agreed, but with the touch, you had screen + finger touch/move.. However with the touchpad youd be using the pad, whilst looking at the screen.. Gyro would be fine but so would head-tracking, with move if you can see it, you can hit it with 2x hands at once...

1091d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Jay7671h ago
I hope Sony bend next game has multiplayer.***

Your wish has been granted..


Sony Bend Studio’s New IP Has Multiplayer Elements

1091d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment
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SenorFartCushion19m ago
In 2021? Why not just get some games on a mobile phone?***

Sony Bend aren't making mobile games, you are confusing them with Sony Music and Unties

Sony Music Entertainment has opened its own game publishing label
By Fraser Brown October 18, 2017

1091d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

But could it be done? Its a while now but I seem to recall puzzles which used the touch screen very well, which might be a chore with the controller.. Also the "sniper mode" where you held the vita up and turned it to survey the terrain. Prob why it isn't on PS Now, whilst all the others are[??] Maybe VR/ move controllers are the answer??

1091d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Magog58m ago
The Uncharted Game Was My Idea***

Well done that man.. You must have been so proud

This Week Last Week Title Platform(s)
1 New entry Uncharted: Golden Abyss Vita
2 New entry FIFA Football Vita
3 1 UFC Undisputed 3 PS3, Xbox 360
4 2 ...

1091d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Stoni885m ago
Not bad for a title with N64 gameplay***

Aww sweet.. I think you're mixing this up with the Perfect Dark game sonny, that was released on the N64.


Then on the x360.

[NB: They as so cute when they try to act like grown ups.]

1091d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment