
CRank: 6Score: 19610

im sorry, after the demo this game is complete trash, slow stiff, boring, same old MK except slower. trilogy and before that were the only decent ones, now the series is stale and boring. the fatalities are cool but core mechanics are horrible, and the X rays shud be skippable, they are repetitive, especially since everyone has 1, (atleast in demo)

i will rent it, play as kratos, then return it the next day and wait for actual good 3d fighters like soul cal 5 and dead or al...

4942d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

jill is horrible, low hp, horrid special attacks, uggh, so dissapointed. shuma on the otherhand is beast

4942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

heck yeah dude! i loved that game, i remember when i was retarded and sold the excalibur cuz i thought it sucked just to find out it was the best sword in the game hahaa.

game was awesome, difficult, and had an atmosphere like no other game till demon's souls came around.

4942d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


wtf what little BI*** cried at that horribly executed scene?

i actually cracked up when she died. heck carmines death was sadder because it was goku's voice actor lmao, and i still cracked up.

gears story is horrible, stop acting like it affects ur emotions u pansy's

4943d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

warprincess ur so right. she is so low tier, all specials are horrible, the dashing ultimate is a waste of 3 bars may aswell use that for another character, the machine gun special does no damage and almost never hits anyone, and the kick is mid screen with a slow start up so its low success rate.

i heard if u master her u can learn infinite combos but thats ridiculous strict timing and precision, i dont wanna have to spend hours to learn to do that crap, when u can just pi...

4943d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

xboxgamers play fighting games? must not have a ps3.... haha kiddin yo calm down. got it on ps3, jill plays like crap till u master her mission mode. all her specials are garbage by the way, complete and utter garbage

4943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hlikes xbox cuz he is a fail ae dev who hasnt made a good game in 10 years. the 360 is easier to dev or cuz its weaker. and even tho this is true all they r pushin out are kinect games, even wii has more exclusives this year

4943d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

ps3 doesnt need anything. maybe crossgame chat but ive been fine without it these 4 years. theykeep giving us great exclusives and thats all i want.

now my xbox needs some tuning, more stuff than gears this year plz? and stop focusing on kinect, o and make XBL free, yeeeaaaah

4944d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

dang this is gonna hurt the sales bad

4944d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

vindictus on consoles wud be awesome, i already use my 360 controller to play the game and bro uses ps3 controller. vindictus wud be great on consoles :)

4944d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

chances are because the rest of the voice acting was done in america since they both speak english.

man u people r so dumb lol, no 1 understands incomplete dlc

yet no one complains at over 20$ worth of dlc for dragon age 2 on release date.


4944d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol dude, VF5 came out first on ps3, like a year ahead. it was my first ps3 game

the game had horrible load times.

the game series itself is deep but very slow and sorta boring, the ring outs kill it, for 3d fighters i stick to DOA and soulcalibur

4945d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

it wud be counted if the dlc was actually finished. it wasnt done, so why do people keep complaining.

its like saying u have a piece of digital art on a SD card, its on there but its not finished being painted. u still count that as complete?

people are so closed minded, damn, not like the dlc came out day 1 or somethin, took months for the RE dlc and a month for MVC3 characters, tontop they gave free shadow mode dlc

4945d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

figured this wud happen. u wud think capcom america wud have access to the file but oh well. i just hope japan recovers quickly

4945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ofcourse ms wud do that

4945d ago 17 agree13 disagreeView comment

demons souls is a gem to gaming, my only quam was the final boss was retardedly easy, i dunno y it was, i slashed it till it died and it didnt hit me once, guess they did that on purpose. cant wait for dark souls!

4946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

horrible game. it looks like it was released 12 years ago. seriously needs polish in animation and graphics

4946d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

no one used linux on the ps3 who cares! such a repetitive arguement already.

only hackerz used it, u use the ps3 for movies, games and music, not for linux, but a 200$ comp and throw linux on it if u want that

4946d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

NEXT GEN ROLLCAGE PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4946d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate pokemon \

EDIT # Helghast102

Meh, just saw it say i hate legendary pokemon, so i just deleted the word legendary.

:) lol, jus cuz i hate it doesnt mean u guys have to. love it as u always have, even if its the same game release over and over

4946d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment