CRank: 5Score: 15600

It had its high points. Visuals are still some of the best I have ever seen. The areas were also gorgeous and fun to explore and the puzzles were actually good. That being siad the combat felt terrible, the hub area of paititi was boring, and nearly every aspect of the game felt a step backward from Rise. I still love the series and really forward to the next entry but hoping they make it mode similar to rise or even the original reboot.

4d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol apparently someone likes insta fail stealth based on the downvote. I'm OK with a section or two, but sounds like a good chunk of the game is restrictive stealth so no thanks. We should have options in this day and age

25d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Completely agree. While I do see the draw of the souls like games, as someone with limited time to game, I never play them. I just can't justify spending days trying to fight the same boss and memorize it's patterns. I miss all the old school action adventure games where I could just relax and unwind and maybe change the difficulty if it was too frustrating. Those games seem to few much rarer these days.

35d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know the more I read about this game the less interested I become. As a long time fan of the franchise, I've been really disappointed with what Disney has done to it lately (its becoming clear they dont respect the original fans or want us to stick around), but was hoping this game might turn things around.

I cant speak for the story, characters, and "star warsiness" but the gameplay screams flop. Not being able to shoot from your speeder, many stea...

53d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow kinda surprised at the end that this person "really enjoyed the game". Almost everything they brought up sound incredibly annoying. Not being able to shoot from your speeder, stealth only, memorize the pattern or fail missions (despite them claiming it was wide open for choices), bland combat, Enemies AI from 1998 that can spot you a mile away, only one weapon the entire game, wonky parkour and traversal leading to cheap deaths? Sounds kinda terrible actually. I had a hard t...

53d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To each their own I guess? I really enjoyed them up until odyssey and valhalla was decent. I still really enjoy exploring the massive detailed worlds and the characters, stories, gear, and combat.

I have never once been swayed by a loading screen trying to get me to buy DLC as these games have 10x more content than you would ever see anyway. I do agree the series seems to be going the wrong direction at the moment, but would still highly recommend origins, odyssey, and ...

65d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds like you gotta work through some things buddy. Not everyone hates you and is jealous of you at the same time lol. Some people just don't like seeing history rewritten so the game developer can look "progressive". I'm all for black and diverse casts of characters in games, bring em on! Just make NEW games and NEW stories that don't involve rewriting history and replacing those who actually lived and did these things. AC is fictional but always set in a histor...

69d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
69d ago

I think they are just trying to preserve and accurately portray their culture in Japan. AC games are fiction sure, but they lately even include a mode called "virtual tourism" where there is no combat and you just explore and learn facts and details about the culture and Time period. Kinda hard to have that yet completely make up what you think the culture SHOULD have or could have looked like.

Honestly, xenophobia and racism are just versions of tribalism which...

70d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think it is a bit of a slap on the face of Japanese culture when you choose a female ninja (none ever actually existed) and a black sumarai (possibly one existed in all of history but likely didnt see combat). Why the hatred for Asian males?

I actually like diversity in gaming, but there aren't that many western style games with actual Japanese male characters, why feel the need to shoehorn people in that don't align with reality? Sure AC games are fiction, but t...

70d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

Up next mlb the show! Let's see some post 2012 visuals this year!

72d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Highly recommend Odyssey. It is honestly in my top 3 games all time, even with my complaints about level gating and filler. It has easily the best open world I have ever explored with unique (both real and made up) characters everywhere. I love the virtual tourism side of it, and replaying on series X with 4k 60 fps it is still one of the best looking games I have ever seen.

The attention to detail is absolutely phenomenal as well if you take the time to admire things. ...

75d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stupid article. Sure Ubisoft has lost their way recently, but to imply that all their games are trash is just dumb. Millions of people enjoyed the RPG version of the games, Origins and Odyssey especially. Valhalla got worse than Odyssey in every regard and they tried to go back to the roots with Mirage and failed miserably due to cutting corners and forgetting what made the originals great. I think they realize this and will try to stay true to the remakes roots.


76d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

I still love open world games, but for me the biggest factors are respecting the players time and having enough content to fill the worlds and make them interesting to explore. If it is massive, filled with filler fluf content, and forces you to waste time with menial tasks and travel I would agree.

Witcher 3, GTA V, and RDR2 were almost universally acclaimed and had huge worlds. They however had great characters, engaging stories and activities, and great worlds to expl...

76d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone else concerned the combat will get stale being limited to just a stick? I mean everything I have seen so far looks amazing, but the little dodges and stick smacks feel like they will get old after a few hours unless there are other weapons they aren't showing or tons of skill upgrades to keep things fresh.

80d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fishy: was there a preview in particular that claims that? If so I might actually give it a try. I just don't have the gaming time to fight a single boss for 3 days straight anymore, and prefer games that give difficulty options and respect my time.

81d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was under the impression that was the whole game, just one boss after another. I feel like that what all the souls addicts want right?

81d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I would agree it didn't feel tacked on in TLoU1 in part 2 however it was tacked on with a 20 lb sledgehammer. Everywhere you looked it was a gay character, trans character, pride flag, stories found in diaries about gay lovers etc. It's like the end of the world made 90 % of people gay. Also the stuff with the Christian stand in cult felt tacked on as well. You would think with horrifying creatures trying to kill you a confused kid wouldn't even be on the radar but nope, prior...

88d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Seems legit to me. All male characters categorized as "egotistical, ruthless, vindictive, narcissistic, vengeful, tyrranical" and the females are "ambitious, self-reliant, witty, resilient, non-conforming, determined and intelligent. Yep all checks out as a Ubisoft game.

90d ago 38 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree. I'm all about representation, but seriously like 75% or more of all recent and upcoming action adventure games have the girl boss main character. It really is becoming excessive and doesn't really make sense. Imagine if every Lifetime movie suddenly was made from the male pov. Again, no problem at all playing as a female lead, but c'mon are male heros not allowed to exist anymore?

90d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment