Playing Video Games?


CRank: 5Score: 2230

Seeing as From Software has been making Mutli-plat games for years & that they have more experience developing for Xbox - I'm sure they'll do fine.

4888d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


Demon Souls was 6.6 GB... Seriously stop with the nonsense talking...

Dark Souls is most likely (based on design) Maybe 7 gigs...

4888d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a bit confused:

Kinnect came out for casual audiences to grab up Moms and kids from the Wii - and succeeded.

Kinnect came out to allow those people to experience casual entertainment and make the 360 more than a hardcore console - and succeeded.

But it failed because there are no hardcore games? When did they save that it would have any? If I'm not mistaken (as a retailer) Kinnect was marketing for everyone in the househol...

4925d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree although I can't recall CD developing a back game so I'm not all that scared to see where they take this new game.

4942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because CD has always been about gameplay - Lara Croft has always had a good look, however as CD has stated too many times after taking a look at how Uncharted took the Tomb Raider idea and ran with it in more mature directions, they felt the need to begin crafted something on-par with UC2. The only area they really needed to improve was visually, gameplay wise ever since they took over for CORE the games have played ridiculously well.

4942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude Microsoft turned a profit for the first time on 360 in 2008 and since has made good on their security deposit...

The only company who hasn't made a profit yet is Sony and I doubt they ever will.

4951d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment


Yeah you're right what with the 360 being a cash cow for Microsoft and how they keep making hundreds of millions a year from XBL and whatnot - Let us not leave out Halo sales, GoW sales, and everything else.

There isn't a single stockholder in Microsoft who wouldn't sign off on a new console because they make money from it.

4951d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

GoW3 will never win over ME2 or SMG2 - mainly because it didn't sell as well as either and it was rated as high as either - it just won't happen.

PS3 fanboys will disagree but in truth my money is on Super Mario Galaxy 2 - No one in the Industry and I mean no one will give a GOTY to a game that is "prettier" than another game - I take that back, they probably would but still I'm hopeful that this industry hasn't become the porn industry over night....

4951d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Ironically none of his other games of this Generation sucked.

Blue Dragon was a strong Class based rpg with a really fun story and Lost Odyssey is still the single best JRPG of this generation in terms of story and gameplay.

4953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not about the sales. JRPG sales are meaningless - its mainly about the quality of the game. It seems most westerners judge games on sales. RPG wise everyone always thinks in Final Fantasy terms but they are a very lonely exception to the rule.

4953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

She looks a lot like Emily Deschanel from Bones o.o...

But it is a really good Cosplay than again it helps to use professional models!

4953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, how come people on N4g never read the articles?

He was apologzing for doubting that it works and that it is capable of everything Microsoft said it was capable of.

Simply put - it is as advanced as they said it would be and does everything that explained even though people doubted it.

Is it for super hardcore gamers - no but Microsoft doesn't care about that because that's what Fable, Gears, and Halo are for - is it for everyon...

4974d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment


You obviously never played Enslaved... nor have any idea of a term called Stockholm Syndrome.

4988d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Enslaved's gameplay was fun, quick, and while the combat wasn't deep at all the story and characters honestly make it a nonissue. Anyone who complains about gameplay obviously hasn't ever played games before - I mean in games of the genre there is never innovation - Hell GoW has been using the same combo for 5 games now.

4988d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't get the comparison Enslaved's characters are far deeper than Uncharted's.

4988d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Unlike most retarded websites and magazines, They don't give out score numbers because it would make the review of the actual game pointless.

You're actually forced to read - something that while RPG players are used to, the rest of the gaming elite seem to not have much of a knack for.

If you were to score this review it seems like it would be a - wait wait I see what you did there - you better start reading mister.

4988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How does Sims 3 geta 9 out of 10... GameInformer continues to surprise me with their idea of scoring.

I can't really complain but its been so weird lately. It seems like the more casual the game the better the score lately.

On the up and up - I love the Sims though, of course I do.

4988d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey guys Mastodon here :)

How are ya? Hey you know what I think? I think you should stop living your fanboy lives by the words of some journalist who doesn't even have the proper degrees and start PLAYING video games... If you enjoyed Fable I & II than perhaps III is for you - or you can try GameFly or your idiot friends who buy everything (everyone has an idiot gamer friend).

In no way am I saying that an 8 isn't a good score nor am I sayi...

4988d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its actually a play on words that he wanted to push as his "last game". In reality its a play on Final Fantasy:

Last or Final

Story or Fantasy

He's got it like that...

4990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment