
CRank: 5Score: 9370

What's wrong is physical media is dying, the end is near.

11d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Switch 2 will be underpowered and priced as much as Nintendo thinks they can get away with. As is the current switch, but will sell like hotcakes as it the best place to play mobile content by a long way. I love mine and have bought more expensive revisions with a newer screen and still didn't moan. Swith 2 450 is my guess, watch the carnage ensue. I mean look at the chaos from the ps5 pro and that is a seriously over powered console coming in at a ridiculously low price. But people acti...

11d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

The trouble with consoles is they are too cheap. The tech cost more and the profit margins are narrow. 700 is a great price for the hardware and I'd imagine Sony will be taking a hit initially on these like they did with the ps4 pro. Prices go up, game prices go up, developments cost go up, but this lot want console prices to stay the same. Your living in a fantasy world.

11d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

Oh gosh your so right let me load up gt7 on pc........ Oh hanging erm
. And as soon as you started talking prices it all ended up as money. Can't afford to game pick another hobby. PlayStation has sales everymonth and at great prices for big releases, epic games give away games because why else would you use such a terrible service. Take your Pc trumpet somewhere else

11d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only those that can't afford 700. And I get that but people want something for nothing these days, well it doesn't happen I'm afraid

11d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Got my 700 ready for it, somebody will get my ps5 slim digital for a good price. I'm happy, someone else is happy. Only xbox and pc gamers who are upset, but nobody knows how to cheer those people up.

12d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

Digital only is the way to go, them pc users have been playing that way for years

12d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's not a deal breaker, I have an origionla ps5 and I can say hand on heart not a single disc has ever entered the drive. I bought the new slim digital to without the drive as well. Just don't by discs, don't want to play old games from past systems on my console either so I'm all good

12d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I never want a pc for gaming I want a console and I'll be buying the pro, it's the best console. Been and done pc stuff, just not interested in all that any more just want two cable and a comfy seat iend off. Guy trying to tell us pcs do so much more, who cares, we're gamers. Simple fact is we wanna play games and games alone. The other things pcs do is totally irrelevant to 100% of console ganers

12d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A pro model achieves 2 things, it stops people moaning that the ps5 is underpowered, you now have a route to go to if you want a better ps5. It targets the people who might go to pc with a console priced lower than a base pc that would struggle to achieve anywhere near these specs

12d ago 18 agree13 disagreeView comment

Maybe charges faster when not on, as no draw on the battery. Guessing it's something like that. They did change the ports on front of the ps5 slim. I know cause I missed the standard USB port on front I added an adapter to put three on there lol

12d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And gpu manufactures are the greediest people on the planet and they still do very well. People way pay whatever it's cost to get what they want, if you don't want it fine, I get that. But people will buy this for sure

12d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm so it's the total spend on a pc over it's lifetime we should be comparing? Not a great plus point for a pc. People need to stop comparing pc prices and console pricing. Ps5 pro is the top dog in console gaming so I'll buy it. Rtx4090 is top dog in pc gaming, you can buy that, it's so stupid to even bring up the comparison

12d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

I think it combines both hobbyist and enthusiast and it's the later the ps5 pro is aimed at. Can't belive it launches in a couple of months

12d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your gonna get dislikes, but I agree it's a stonking box for 700. One wire in, one wire out and no configuration just turn on and play. That's everything why it's better than a pc already and we don't have to talk about the specs lol

12d ago 23 agree7 disagreeView comment

Disc drives are dead to me. It would have annoyed me if they forced me to buy it. Not bought a game on disc since gt5 and the last disc game I owned was killzone shadow fall on launch ps4. and even that was only cause it was bundled. In the console. Consoles are going the way of pc with digital only. If we still have physical media in the next iteration of any console I be supprised

13d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I put my 700 aside already. Can't wait...

13d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

And that's exactly who it's for so all good right

13d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes but to justify it with wanting it to do more, then it's not any console your after, ever. Even the ps4 pro most people didn't care about. It's a niche purchase for those who want to get the extra omf from their console gaming. The problem is that most people thought they were getting a massive boost in performance for the same price as the standard console. People's expectation these days are distorted by all the bottom feeders on YouTube who push agendas.

14d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Erm no, a pc would mean I've failed as a console gamer.

14d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment