
CRank: 5Score: 1560

For my last post ever on this I would like to apologise to any non-fanboys I may have offended. I am sorry. Goodbye forever.

Rip; Mario2man

5578d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

you know what screw this site. This site was suposed to be about friendly debate/conversations no full fledge war. I am never coming back here ever. I hope ever single fanboy is happy for ruining another good site for me.

5578d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

ment ps3 article

5579d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Ban me I respect your opinion but i just find it stupid to go into articles about something you hate and make everyone who likes said thing know about it. Im not a fan of the 360 so i dont go into the 360 sections and make everyone know about it.

5579d ago 15 agree38 disagreeView comment

wow 10 disagrees for asking a 360 fanboy to leave a 360 article. Bring them on how high can it go!

5579d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

you know what i give up. disagree as much as you want. I hope you feel good inside.

5579d ago 22 agree68 disagreeView comment

This is getting ridiculous cant you at least respond to me in words and no the disagree button what are you guys cowards

5579d ago 26 agree70 disagreeView comment

why am i getting disagrees i just asked the 360 fanboy to leave nicely because this is a ps3 article. How can you disagree to that. please tell me

5579d ago 30 agree73 disagreeView comment

please go away from the ps3 sections with Why Dis you can talk about how the ps3 is dead in the 360 section please just go away

5579d ago 14 agree33 disagreeView comment

please please please go away go talk about how awesome microsoft is in the 360 area please

5579d ago 29 agree71 disagreeView comment

why are you here this is a PS3 artical you are a xbox fanboy go in the xbox area or go play your amazing 360 please

5579d ago 31 agree68 disagreeView comment

If you hate God Of War III so much why are you hear. Shouldn't be in areas with games you like. So please leave us alone. Most of us don't rant in the 360 areas.

5587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it is real I don't see how anyone would think this would be fun unless you are a child pedophile

5588d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you know what would be hilarious? The money Rockstar got from the GTA4 dlc exclusive deal is being used for the development of this game. Thank you microsoft for making this possible.

5588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do want to know what I have noticed there have been more inFamous reviews posted than any other PS3 games even Killzone2. Most of the reviews are from no name sites (noodle gamer???????). Any only 360 fans who want to reply to me go away. I never go in your areas and rant about how your exclusive is bad without playing it to you so don't do the same to me please.

5588d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

how are hardcore xbox fans going to play their favorite franchises such as halo and gears with this thing those are the type of games hardcore gamers play not breakout with avatars

5589d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

wow that is ridiculous

5589d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

And why are you here in the first place if you don't like the game then don't go in these areas. Are you here to try to convince people who have the game and love it to sell it to buy a 360 game that you believe is much better. Go to your own areas. You don't see me in the 360 areas because I don't have a 360.

5589d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

its not redundant if you actually played it. There are many variants of powers and you can combine these powers to create combos. If you think this is redundant then every shooter in existence is redundant (Halo, Gears).

5589d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

how will play your favorite franchises such as halo on it (there are no buttons). So far you have only seen casual games. With the Sony controller you can make a hardcore games along with casual games because there are buttons.

5589d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment