
CRank: 5Score: 2330

It'll be strange to see someone other than Bungie doing it, but it may be for the better of the story and for innovation. Personally, I could see something crazy like Insomniac getting a call. Yes, they have Resistance and have been successful with that series already, but they aren't owned by Sony and could bring a lot of cool trinkets along for the Halo ride. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Of course, all speculation at this point. Who knows what's going to happen ...

5869d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Awesome boxart!

5872d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sorry guys, I thought it was on UE3. Thanks for clearing that up. Oh and through my many PS3 game experiences with the, it works like garbage. The only game that worked swell was UT3 itself. Everything else stuggled with framerates and screentearing in comparison to the 360 version or just didn't look as good, textures etc. (ex. Turok).

5873d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Some idiot is going through disagreeing with any pro-game/pro-360 comment made here. Just ignore it.

It's on 2-discs.

EDIT: No worries, enjoy September 2 cause I know I sure in heck will!

5873d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's ship date mate! I don't know where this September 5 is coming from, unless that's Europe. I think Japan gets it September 7. Check the official site for confirmation.

5873d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Last Remnant issues seem to be similar to the process of Frontlines earlier in the year. I should also point out that Square at this point is in the game for profit first and foremost, not to cater to fans. I think that's an obvious point right now after their disgust with last year's financial performance. If the development lags, Square will cancel the PS3 version.

As for SO4, until I see otherwise, It's 360 exclusive to me. I gave the same credit to FFXIII, so hey! Who k...

5873d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

nuff said.

5873d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are a credible developer and I definately look forward to anything they're willing to show!

5873d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Remember, White Knight Chronicles scheduled by Sony to be out before March 31, 2009 in Japan. The quicker it's out there, the quicker it's out here.

I'm hoping they announce a Christmas release for Japan at TGS. If so, it's here next summer!

5873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blue Dragon, to do everything through 3 discs, only took me about 50 hours (amazing game by the way). Not that long considering disc total. So what will this game be, 25 hours? Not what I'm hoping for.

I'm hoping Tri-Ace deliver that 150-hour experience similar to Star Ocean: Till The End of Time, but we'll see.

5873d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

If I'm not mistaken, from some of the videos I've watched Microsoft has a hand in publishing. Plus, it's the Unreal Engine, works like garbage on PS3 (hence Star Ocean 4 360 exclusive and The Last Remnant timed for 360...maybe cancelled for PS3)

Sony gets solid support in the form of Disgaea 3, Valkyria Chronicles and exclusive content with their version of Eternal Sonata.

EDIT: No worries ;P

But I'm going to leave this post up for the next guy th...

5873d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Available on the website a week ago. This is just the GC trailer that is the same as the E3 trailer with one new character revealed.

This game is already pre-ordered in full. More 360 JRPG goodness!

5873d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I win.

5873d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

September fails hardcore. Pathetic line-up. The Wii isn't a gaming console, it's a soccer mom's status symbol for their seven year old boy or girl. The only decent looking title on that list is multiplatform (star wars) and that's not saying much.

I'll stick to my 360 and Tales of Vesperia/Infinite Undiscovery in September thank you very much. And throw the PS3 in there for October with LBP and Motorstorm.

5873d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Certainly have themed the summer of 2008 to be XBOX's flop season, but I'm confident Tales of Versparia, Infinite Undiscovery and Fable 2 will put an end to that issue.

5873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly dude, that was the most pathetic attempt I've EVER seen to claim 360 flopage when 95% of those titles are multiplat...idiot!

5873d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fable 2 and LittleBigPlanet for me! Also, I believe Bioshock for PS3 too right? INCREDIBLE!

5873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

has trouble handling innovation. Let's not mention all of the awards the game took home from E3 but rather complain about the new angle the developer is taking on a first-person experience. Skimming though, I can once again tell that EDGE is ready to unjustifiably thrash a very good game. They've done it so many times before in the past only to praise garbage. EDGE stands as one of the most questionable, controversy-driven gaming media sources available.

5874d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

So...uh, where's the PS3 RPGs at? Oh yeah, there are none worth mentioning outside of my favorite SRPG ever!!! That said, that's one that has scored similar to Lost Odyssey. You sir need to get your head outta your arsh and come to terms with reality that there is more to life than PS3. To post THAT many a job mate? Maybe a family or school or something that could be considered priority? If you've got that much time on your hands, why don't you play some games instead? Don't get ...

5874d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

....interesting. Not something I'd pick up off the PSN. I'll stick to Ratchet and looking forward to Fat Princess.

5874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment