
CRank: 5Score: 5530

Sony needs to first fix the ones they have out now. I got the dreaded yellow light of death two weeks ago. I thought it was just me until I checked youtube, and found out the truth. They (Sony) needs to take a page out of MS's book and extend their warranty. Then bring out the white one.

5742d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was the most intelligent and accurate response to this quagmire I've heard yet.PS3 is going to annihilate the 360 this year. Especially if all microsoft puts out is buggy games like fable2 and geow2.

5748d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whoever took the time to create this article really needs some real pu&^y. I'll even pay for it for them if necessary.

5767d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This comparison is stupid. The in-game graphics are light years ahead of the CGI graphics. Whoever thinks these are even comparable is seriously deluded. This game makes GOW2 look like Super Mario Bros. Absolutely gorgeous game, and a must have.

5798d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I still play Soul Calibur to this very day. Astaroth is my all time favorite character when it comes to fighting games. The Dreamcast was ahead of its time. Soul Calibur was and is still the best fighting game hands down.Resident Evil :Code Veronica was the best of the series to me also. I can still remeber the expression on my homies faces when they first saw NFL 2K running on my 42" screen tv. It was priceless.

5991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a result of microsoft refusing to think progressively, now millions of 360 fans will have to dish out an additional $200 bucks. All the hardcore 360 fans are eating crow, and sony should bow down and kiss Mr. Kutaragi's ass.

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bring back KEN KUTARAGI NOW!!!

6158d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is nothing but PGR3 with some smattering of weather effects,and some motorcycles to break up the repetitiveness of the series.And to even dare compare this game to the upcoming GT:Prolouge is complete and utter sacreligiousness.It's like comparing the Mona Lisa to Garfield.

6198d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

This game is looking just as the title describes-UNREAL.This game graphically blows gears out of the water.And think about this, Wardevil makes this and Killzone 2 look like R:FOM.PS3 is the truth, no if,ands,or buts.Play B3yond.

6198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing microsoft does better than Sony is advertising, and hype-that's it.They have a very aggressive ad tactic that sony would be wise to adopt.Look at Halo 3,a mediocre game at best, but the hype and advertising surrounding it was unbelieveable.The game sold basically on those precipices.Sony needs to swallow their pride and get down and dirty with their competition(Because I'm a dual system owner) If Bioshock,PGR4,and GeOw is the best the 360 can do then Sony can capitalize on it's...

6200d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

This game looks like PGR3 with a few smatterings of weather and a few motorcycles mixed in to break up the monotony.F1 still has better rain effects than PGR4.

6201d ago 8 agree15 disagreeView comment

This is one of those cases where everyone has fallen prey to that old principle.Where if you keep hearing something over and over again, you eventually begin to believe that it's true.All you hear is that Halo is great, over and over again, and now everyone actually believes this crap.I finally got the chance to play Bioshock and was expecting some earth-shattering experience to say the least.Well it turned out to be just what I would consider just slightly above average.I myself would person...

6208d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No matter what anyone says,because of the hype surrounding this game,and all the "yes men", this game will garner no less than a 9.5 or 10.(Even though the graphics are sub-par,all the ads soda,etc.)Don't waste time looking for a negative review.

6209d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

This is the game everyone's excited about.I've played and beat Halo 1,and this looks the same as the first one with only an improvement in graphics.

6209d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know what the heck everyone's talking about,but I have a 56"1080i Samsung DLP TV,and when you see VF5 in motion it's hands down the most beautiful game I have ever seen.The water effects on the arena stages is some of the best(if not the best)seen anywhere on any console.Everyone knows Nvidia makes the best graphics cards on the market,in contrast to ATI.It's like comparing Intel to AMD.I sold my PS3,and began doubting my decision immediately.VF5 always rekindles faith in my deci...

6238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After the mediocre lair,and warhawk reviews,and the lukewarm ports this could be the silver cloud lining.I'm thinking that after haze,and ut3 that the ps3 games should get progressively better.

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think your're exactly right to suggest that I temper my expectations, and not leave myself susceptible to all the hype and PR.Very nice advice Figboy.

6239d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The situation between Sony and Microsoft reminds me of this story I used to read called The Hare and the Tortoise.Microsoft being the hare and Sony being the tortoise.The hare comes out the gates with blazing fast speed while the seemingly slow and lethargic tortoise lumbered along at a seemingly hopeless slow pace.The hare eventually ran out of steam and had to stop and rest.Meanwhile the tortoise eventually caught and passed the hare,and about time the hare woke up and realized that the tor...

6239d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's all good for us PS3 owners,and as far as audio/visual innovation it desrves it rightly so.But this is the kind of praise I want to see when it comes to making games.True it's only the PS3's first year, and the technology is new,but how long will this continue to be a viable excuse for the PS3's underperformance.DMC4 is a PS game, and I'm hearing that it's looking better on the opposing system.This is getting to be ridiculous day by day.Can someone more knowledeable of the ins and outs ...

6240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA and everyone to me it seems are without excuse.With the level of detail and action going on in this game(not to mention COD4),and still maintain a rock solid 60fps,is very indicative of the untapped potential and power of the PS3.If I'm not mistaken wasn't GeOW 30fps.I'm curious to see if the PS3 will ever get past 60fps to maybe 70-80fps.

6240d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment