
CRank: 5Score: 84170

Possibly, depends on how you played the game. If you just pushed through the story without doing side missions and exploring, then like any RPG-ish game, you miss out on a lot of stuff. That stuff also includes some of the good "normal" armor, along with runes to power them up.

Valkyries are tough, but completely doable unless you're still really low level. As for the armor and locations, while some realms are never unlocked, such as Asgard, you can also miss ...

2162d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do eventually run out of conversations though, and then it's just them jogging through the exact same place you've seen a couple dozen times. At that point, I'd prefer to see a loading screen since I don't have to needlessly navigate around.

So yeah, an option would be better.

2223d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd take an option to skip walking through the transit realm every time I want to warp somewhere.

2224d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dude, anyone who is afraid of knowing who The Stranger shouldn't be reading the comments of an article about who that character is. I'm down for not spoiling games, but be sensible here.

2250d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

The "curse" has been broken many times already, it's a BS thing to begin with. Win or lose, if being on the cover gets you all the way to the Super Bowl and lighting up the opposing secondary for most of the game, then I imagine every single QB in the league will happily sign up.

2329d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It does violate canon as much as a wardrobe change, even more so in some aspects. It's just their excuse for being lazy with these games, IMO. They're fun, but EA has no desire to make them great like the old ones were.

2363d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah. Replacing progression with loot boxes was a garbage decision, but the core game is still good.

I'd lean more towards Friday the 13th myself. Simple enough premise that sounded great on paper, but it was a horrible mess of a game.

2396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

While Bright Engrams are cosmetic, Destiny surely isn't innocent in its progression system.

DICE/EA locked away certain characters behind hours of grinding but had an option to pay to get there quicker. Bungie/Activision locked away entire gameplay modes until you've done hours of grinding, but didn't give you the option to pay to get there quicker.

2401d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know it took a lot of flack, but I'm willing to bet that boomerang controller wouldn't have been bad at all. I used to have a similar PC controller and it was all sorts of comfortable.

2594d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only thing holding me back is the fact that I don't have $299.

2943d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I put so many hours into the Bushido Blade games, loved them both. I'd gladly donate to anyone interested in doing a remake.

2978d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's in the terms when you sign up for the trial. Not Amazon's fault that people don't bother reading them.

2983d ago 32 agree6 disagreeView comment

I may be wrong, but I think he was talking about Kotaku, not GT.

3057d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disadvantages? HA!

When I see holes, I see increased maneuverability when the wind is blowing, as well as instant viewpoints to check and see if it's still raining. And not to mention the umbrella is lighter overall and is cost beneficial for consumers. If we'd filled in the holes now, we'd inevitably had to charge you more. Now you get to choose to pay to fill in those holes!

See sir, you look at holes and see disadvantages, when they are really ...

3074d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Almost. The last one was a bit better, had EndWar and Double Agent on it. Other than that, it's basically replaced R6:Siege with The Division.

3087d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, people act like they don't know how Humble Bundle works. They haven't done any evil act, they just threw a beta into a pay level of their bundle.

Some people just turn stupid when it comes to trashing things they don't like.

3087d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Many companies have stipulations in their employee contracts about what they can and cannot do in public, even if they're not officially representing the company. Even though I'm not in the games industry, I can get suspended or even fired for even communicating with certain people or saying things on Facebook that are completely unrelated to the organization I work for. It's all about public perception, and that is almost always in a employee contract to some degree.

3115d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you really just make an account to troll DriveClub?

Insecure much?

3143d ago 29 agree9 disagreeView comment

Not if you don't read them.

3147d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Had those days off for years. Even disregarding the game releases, life is so much more convenient having days off during the week.

3149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment