I'm watching you...


CRank: 5Score: 71640

So how long before we get crabs? Giant enemy crabs that is. You dirty minded people. See. I knew you'd go there.

3022d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

So let me get this straght.

Game are going to take large losses (to the point of having to pay MS the difference) on these units just to generate sales while shielding MS from losses? That about the size of it?

Um...I'll give you a minute to think about that.

3022d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

I might add (before anybody starts with the it's Game not MS BS) that the retail markup on these units is nowhere near the 33.3 (continuous) percent discount on offer here. There's no way Game is going to pay the difference to MS per sale.

MS has to be in on this deal.

3022d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

Damn right! Can't say I'm pleased about it either. This just smacks of the dreaded publisher's "Close enough. We'll patch it later" mentality.

3022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I'm running a 390x and maximum runs like crap at 1440. The framerate is all over the place. Here's hoping for a patch soon.

3022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has anyone ever heard of this sort of thing happening with any other hardware? Ever? One has to question the level of desperation from MS's Spanish division with this sort of madness.

3022d ago 27 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'll check 'em out. Ya gotta keep an open mind and all.


3022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own Gravity Rush on Vita so that one's out. I'm still not sold on Firewatch or unravel either just yet. DL:the following on my buy list though (yeah it's dlc and not new game).

That's really it for this week for me.

Edit: For editing and stuff.

3022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually WIPO define copyright infringment as the THEFT of "intellectual property". Intellectual property laws cover copyright, patents and trademarks. The unauthorized "copying", unauthorized use or unauthorized distribution of intellectual property is indeed categorized as theft and distribution of stolen goods.

The more you know.

OT: I don't know how much impact this will have as there are other groups who will continue doing what t...

3023d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Where did pointless dlc come from?
Where did timed dlc come from?
When people pointed out the bad pactices in the beginning who was it that ran a PR campaign as to why it was okay?

The author admits why this rustles his whatnots in his bio (ex ms fanboy. His words, not mine). It's no good playing the victum now. The only way to get action on this is to boycott the products that do it. Do you believe enough people will do that? If not you've got your wo...

3023d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Two games outta three for me. One each for PC and PS4, and before anybody goes full Wii-tard I don't buy games twice (not for any system as I don't sell my systems when new ones come out).

Problem is I refuse to hand over money before the game comes out. Preordering can KMA. Still, the prices'll be the same or better at release anyway.

3024d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you're suggesting Nintendo will try to strong ARM the rest of the gaming market with power then I have some news for you. Putting 256 bits of M on your behind polisher's gonna cause wobbles too. Here's what you do though. Bookmark this page. When it releases come back and tell me how wrong I was. ;)

OT: Nintendo's got their work cut out for them with third parties. They need to make inroads there before anything else.

3024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

She's just acting out. Just like Hoey Quinn and Aneeda Somecontroversy, she relies on gamers to pay attention to her in order to play the victim. Without the attention they (Hoey, Aneeda and co.) lose their leverage, media time and revenue streams.

So yeah. It'd be nice if they/she did the right thing but we both know that won't happen. She'll just try to come up with a slightly new angle as to how she can play the victum and bam! She'll be back, foaming a...

3024d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What did you expect? It's a case of admit the lie or act out. As the truth can't be changed they choose the later. I mean look at the replies. It's funny as hell. It really does show the mental state of the bots on this site. When someone threatens their lies with the truth...attack the person. It's predictable to say the least while being representative of the company they represent.

Still, what else do they have?

3029d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Please direct me to the part where the increase of "quite a bit" was mentioned in regards to the "Xbone". I'll wait. What's that? You can't because it never happened? Hmmm. Well that's strange. Oh, did the dev leave that part out? "It uses asynchronous compute and..." how is that an increase in anything? It's not free. It takes system resources. It doesn't increase anything in the render pipeline. As for "more efficient multi-threadin...

3030d ago 27 agree43 disagreeView comment

At no time was an increase for the Xbone of "quite a bit" mentioned in the interview. Quite the opposite. The OP's a straight up lie. I wonder why they would attempt to mislead N4G users?


(I took a screenie. Just for when, you know, someone tries to hide the fact they've been caught out.)

3030d ago 22 agree31 disagreeView comment

Nicely written review beans. You certainly "spelled the stuffs" correctly. I can see where you're coming from with many of your complaints and compliments. The game is indeed a stunning example of a polished graphics. Where as you're unhappy with the game I view it slightly differently.

I enjoyed the Order, for the most part, when I first played it. It has become the most challenging game of 2015 however. Before you start scratching your head let me explain....

3034d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

PMSL! Oh Kane. That was amazing. You really put the "C" in rap.
Great work Gangsta.

3057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You'll be waiting longer than that. Until people can generate Qbits (track/control particles and their interactions requiring a superconductor) at room temperature you're $#!+ outta luck I'm afraid.

3061d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think chrish could hack a hole in wet bread. When you check the info, it is what it is.

3068d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment