
CRank: 5Score: 71810

The party feature in XBL is the only thing really holding any argument between the two at all.

Fact is...PSV has the same party feature implemented and thus far it seems to work perfectly fine. PS4 will most likely improve on PSV's implementation and the entire conversation of which is better PSN vs XBL will be a no brainer.

Once PSN has party chat and moving between games in the same party then the conversation is pretty much over. Ofcourse, if Sony ...

4473d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have hoarded because i know which way the internet is going. that is whupy i only hoardied things i own. for instance, buying an mp3 from amazon rather then through itunes.

thr internet police state is being ushered in with the real police state, prepare yourselves.

4476d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The way to score kills in this game really REALLY BOTHERS me to no extent.

If they produce a failure of a game, I "AS A SONY DIEHARD" am going to be extremely dissapointed.

I rather them COPY SMASH and just have SONY characters and all would be perfect in the world.

Why do you have to change things that aren't broken to begin with?

Its like a kid trying to be original by painting their face black and piercing t...

4481d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

food water and shelter is not a right. You need to work for it.

Happiness and longevitiy is not a right either and if anyone tells you they are, they are lieing to you. They would be the first person to chose their loved ones over you and let you starve.

Making cutsey laws is nice but people act very different in time of need. Dont be fooled.

4483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

my issue isnt with ellen page, its with joel looking just like drake in an older form. where the heck is the uniquie character desgin!?

The designers are 100% at fault on that one.

4487d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

they need a brand new ip. killzone just doesnt have the fan fare. The name only is boring.

4487d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

would of rather a straight up smash bros clone. I hope this nee system doesnt destroy this what could of been great franchise. i feel like it will.

4489d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

they need to chane the fighting system, otherwise im afriad this fame will not do well, which pisses me off. A straight copy of smash bros would of been better.

4490d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

accident... sureeee. how about just gettingmpeople to get used to the un logo

4496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

here an idea. Stop stealing our hard earned money through taxation you freaking criminals!

4506d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Finally a Smash BROS with an ADULT CONTROLLER. !!! I've waiting forever!

4529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Get a clue people.

Only the worst law ever. Pretty much legalized Tyranny behavior.

4558d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Sqaure has been terrible for a long long time. i hope they fail. if they would talk to me for five mintues i could tell them exactly what they need to do to succeed.

1 Uniquie Character Design (drop the bllond hair blue eyes)
2 world map
3 air ship
4 drop the class based system for strict abilities per character (it builds relationships with the characters)
5 materia or esper system, scrap all new garbage
6 new stories and individual ch...

4578d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have 4, one per region. I wish there was a way to delete them. I really could care less about the little timed exclusive nonsense now. There are already too many games to keep up with.

4579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RAM and VRAM are the two biggest issues for me. Ofcourse the GPU come in a close third.

Sony has always SKIMPED on the RAM and VRAM and it shows.

4587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The psvita is a great device. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It gets me excited to see what Sony will do with the ps4 operating system.

4589d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is poorly reported.

Twisted Metal Online mode has ZERO to do with PSN.
Each developer implements their own Online framework.
Blame Eat Sleep Play not Sony, who funded the game.

Come on guys, all you internet gamers need to grow up and learn about real-world development.

4595d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they EVOLVED this franchise, I would not of purchased it!!! I would of also been very upset they they ruined this game. I smiled when I played the demo, because its exactly what I wanted. (ebrake spin, maybe slighly too much), but I can adapt anyway.

Lets look at another EVOLVING franchise... FINAL FANTASY....

(And guess who now does not buy them...(ding!))

4601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony needs one thing that makes all their games sell more.

A better operating system. as much as i hatenthe xbos (and will never buy one) they need a mucher better thought out OS. it seems as though Vita shows that is is the case, so im happy.

Remeber xbox released first with crap games but once a kid has the new system his friends will get the same one so they can play together. simple concept. its those high school and middle school boys that drive the sa...

4605d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsoft ruined gaming.

they made it more expensive, they allowed a "pay the middle man" mentality to come into play and they provide less exclusives. oh thats right and they built crappy hardware just to get to market first. They also pushed the DLC idea of holding back parts of a game tomsell a week after release. m$ doesnt give a damn about the consumers get real.

The best thing m$ did was attempt to JUSTIFY Live subscriptions by adding feature...

4615d ago 13 agree15 disagreeView comment