CRank: 5Score: 5640

Being a college student I would have to say that if it wasnt for the price tag for xbox live, I'd be all over it. Xbox live is definitely the better of the two for online for sure (as of now). Not saying I can't afford the $50 a year thing, but personally, I think charging to play online multiplayer is bu!@%^&t.Especially when the comp, has it for free. That money could actually go to buying a really good game I may want at another point of the year. But I guess if people keep paying ther...

5751d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Some people can agree to disagree simple as that. I don't know the sales forecast worldwide but since I live in ny, I can just give an opinion on u.s sales. I believe that the PS3 is worth the money, and is a very good long term investment. But come on, which one is easier to sell... A $200 dollar console with widest library of HD gaming or a $400 dollar console with long term potential. This article is insightful in a way, I do think 20+ audience would go for PS3 and parents/relatives or gua...

5751d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even though I hear these retailers are for the most part not supposed to be biased (some are I guess), I can understand the logic. Because the 360 so far has the widest library of game (whether they are quality is up to the person however. but the ps3 has seen its share of flops), and based on statistics they do have higher attach rates, they would want to push these out. The more 360 systems they sell, the more potential buyers would come for more games. Plus with the price cut, more holiday...

5751d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Umm why are you comparing a platformer with an RPG? Different genres, different potential buyers, and it ultimately boils down to different tastes. You realize TRUE gamers understand different flavors of games. I understand you would rather buy LBP in a bargain bin, but please don't diss it in the process. It looks like a good "tried and true" platformer.

~I am a gamer...who likes to respect games~

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EVERYTHING is a stretch for sure but I'm not sure if it's going to be tired after 2 weeks. That kind of harsh. Especially with the innovation in there. A game like LBP is a good investment as well as Fable2 because they have longevity to me. I for one know I will be playing LBP with my younger sister when she gets a break from school

~I am a gamer...who loves his sister~

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Fable 2 is going to be a great game. I really enjoyed Fable on the Xbox even through its issues. Even though my brother will get it he is probably going to hold the 360 with him at school. This is a game I would have wanted on the PS3 actually. I mean Fable is no KOTOR but its a helluva good game. Peter Molyneux seems like a really humble developer (reminds me of Hideo). Cheers

~I am a gamer...who sees the purpose of competition and isn't a FANBOY~

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So are they going to replace the XMB, and when you turn on your PS3 you go straight into your apartment? Like for people who just want to stick to the XMB they can pull out the in-game PSP. And for people who want to connect with others just simply go online? Is that how the integration of HOME works?

~I am a gamer...who wants a PSP~

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, sometimes I do think SOME gamers have problems. When did gaming become gang related?

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will it be like Guild Wars where you pay for the game and theres no monthly subscription...or does SOE have a track record of subscription based games?

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have no idea why your comparing Resistance 1 and Gears 2. And even if you were comparing Gears 2 to Resistance THEN based it off of past sales of prequels than you just broke your argument. Why does everything need to be like a console war?
"Gears 2 is Gears 1.5; They lied and said it was 2..."
"Resistance looks like an old and tired Halo..."

Can't PS3 owners enjoy their respectable shooter as well as 360 owners enjoy theirs?

~I am a...

5752d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol. Yea to me this is a big deal too. I love the first Metroid Prime game and the series.

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still remember getting the gamecube at launch just for Metroid Prime. And I really fell in love with the intro and the atmosphere. I love the science fiction mix with the action as well as other elements. These guys in my opinion are pretty up there on my Best Developers List. And I agree. Imagine what they could do on consoles with more specs and HD capabilities.

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I would have to say that in this generation of gaming, the 360 does dominate in quantity of RPGs. However the qualities of said RPGs is debatable and your going to get different responses( I don't necessarily take reviewers scores to seriously. I mean look at the "perfect" score they gave GTAIV) Through all of this backlash the PS3 is getting about RPGs, I do believe Sony is working on that. I mean if the people see a lack of RPGs heading simultaneously or exclusive to the PS3, ...

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whole heartedly agree man. I can never understand why people want to defend one console over another. It's like they don't get the fact that each company learns from their competitors and try to either mimic the competition or come up with something better. That is how all business survive. They are all fighting for your dollar and that should make you feel warm and special inside:) It's competition that brings innovation, not one "almighty" console.

~I am a gamer...who...

5755d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting fact actually. But jack you gotta realize that fact has nothing to do with this article?

~I am a gamer...who is sad~

5755d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With classes and activities around campus, and just everything life throws at you, I don't think a student has time for 30+ hour games (just speaking for myself). But I do hope replayability is good. One may not have all the time in the world to enjoy a game , but you also would like to know the game is worth $60 as well.

~I am a gamer...who likes Rain~

5755d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can you tell its a flop if it didn't come out yet?

~I am a gamer...not a fortune teller~

5755d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea reading the comment again i realize he wasn't really pointing at me lol. But I'm new here and I've been reading these articles and looking at comments. I must say that if you try to be objective here, it looks as if certain types of people would be all over you? But why? Hmm I don't know the history here on N4G but the way people praise one system and completely trash another just doesn't make sense to me. Unless you provide constructive criticism. But some comments I've read makes it loo...

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow so I'm a 360 fanboy? Word? So if someone is trying to be as objective as possible with a comment he's labeled a fan boy? Hmm...Didn't know N4G worked like that.

I actually am genuinely interested in this game and I want to hear more when more information is released, so I don't know where this fan boy stuff comes from.

But geez man chill when you throw that around. Being a fan boy to me sounds like being ignorant, and foolish, which I am not.

~I am a...

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does it really have high replayability? I mean I know if the main character dies the story will continue, but I really want this game to be epic though.

~I am a gamer...who wants chinese food~

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment