
CRank: 5Score: 1200

I honestly held out in buying a ps4 for the first time in the begining of the generation. I looked at the grafixs of the games and it wasn't a big jump, at least to me. I'm going to clamp down and continue gaming on my PS3. The incredible incentive of continueing is the online is still free. I still got tons of games to play, like The Last of Us, Dead Space 3, Metro, etc.

3823d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was at Costco today at 10:15am, and saw two palettes full of PS4 Bundles selling for $489.00. (PS4, extra controller, and one year subscription of Plus) In half an hour, when I came back, there was one palette left. Hahaha people sometimes just can't control themselves.

3827d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, here's what I think everyone is forgetting about this whole debacle. There's NO WAY, NO F$^%# WAY, NO CHANCE IN HELL, Micro#$hit would pursue this nonsense, 'UNLESS', (drum-roll please)SONY is following behind with the same policies in second hand game sales. This is basically mutual destruction if a business company would tackle newer restrictions upon the gaming community that, up to now, has never faced sales restrictions. No business company would risk everything alone...

4028d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree CoD: WAW is a great game. I'm still playing this game after all this time and I cannot stop playing capture the flag, which was perfectly programmed and executed. Let's break it a little down shall we?

1)Zomby Mode Best mini game in a game in a long tiiiime, annnd, Treyarch supported this little gem with additional maps!!!

2)The entire game levels in the single player campaign could be played competitively or cooperatively.

3)Multi-player was su...

5193d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok, the game is about to release in a few months, so anything over the top is overkill and most likely won't even make it through testing. But how about this idea, you reach 7 kill streak, and your weapon, which ever you're carrying now, can shoot powerfull bullets that kill instantly? Coding this I think would be rather easy in the amount of time you got. Here's a few others, but most likely don't have the time to code.

1) certain areas, like special rooms in the maps are only...

5437d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
5444d ago

Can't wait for the slim. I'm getting tired of opening all my windows in my room just so I can play my 60gig PS3, if you know what I mean.

As for the slim, at least it'll fit better in my room.

5459d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Url: http://www.ps3news.com/Play...

It is real. As previously reported, according to Super_Secret the 'PS3 Slim' is a PS3 that's been cut down as much as physically possible without preventing the loss of playback of any existing PS3 title out there.

It still has Blu-ray, it still has wireless, it still has bluetooth and it still has ...

5467d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All ya guys have miss the boat on this one. The shocker on Sony's court is the announcement of the PS3 slim. A redesigned, model which Sony is already halving half their vendors to design their PS3. They don't need all of them any more. The PS3 slim is designed for mass production. The model will counter prize, Sony's long strategy planning, and their reversal of fortune. The redesign of the PS3 slim is in conjunction with Sony PSPgo business strategy, to recoup their loss market share. So, b...

5494d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya know, Killzone 2 was my biggest disappointments of the year when it came to Multiplayer. To my dismay, Killzone 2 forces you to play the game the way it WANTS to. I mean 30 min. matches only? There's no, 'Free for all'? No, 'Capture the flag?' No, 'Team Deathmatch only'? No, cooperative gameplay?. Nothing? Nada...What a major disappointment when I popped this baby in my PS3. Talk about one hell of a gimp game. Instead, I got my copy collecting dust after I finished the single player campa...

5515d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

COD 4 continues to sale, even after a couple of years have gone by. As another gamer said here, and expressed very well in his own words, FPS carry a lot of weight in sales when it comes to Online gaming. COD 5 has raised the ante with COOP play, were virtually you can play any SP level online with several other players. Freaking awesome! And not to mentioned, FREE FOR ALL, which a CERTAIN game lacks. You can even use vehicles in competitive play. COD 4 & 5 is gonna carry me throughout th...

5562d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seen a few of his shows, and let me tell you this is pretty ghetto. LOL I like it! I like the style. And to those gripping about his show, I'm only going to say this once, get A FREAKING LIFE! Get some sunshine, get laid, start a new hobby! The brother clearly has a strong passion for gaming in general, and that's more I can say to a lot of regular people here that come on this site and post every freaking day of the week. The guy speculates...he talks about the industry in general, he revi...

5565d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya know, if this trend continues, I doubt Sony is in any rush to release a PSP2. Which blows, 'cause I'm looking forward to buying one. I don't own the first one, 'cause I own a DSlight, and that's been keeping me from buying another portable. But if the PSP2 has touch technology, has a second analog stick, and uses Rom cartridges, much like the DS, then I'm sold.

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And so is Nintendo, Sony, and MS. Is the bottom line. Money makes the world go round.


5568d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I think Sony is being pressured by developers to lower the prize, and due to this they may just do this sooner than what they were planning, which was probably sometimes in the 4th quarter. I think once Sony starts using the newer/smaller chips in their PS3's then we'll actually see a price drop of about $100.00. Sony is doing fine in Europe, excellent in Japan(their home turf), and not too shabby in North America. They don't need a price drop! Think about it. 360 sales 100,000 units of their...

5569d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Socomer, 1979 LOl

I disagree with you but I had to laugh at your post. Ya guys been playing too much lately. To everyone here whose losing their shorts over nothing, is just a damn game. I enjoyed Killzone 2 for what it is. Bought the game brand new, which I hardly do. I like to support developers out there whom spend years crafting their talent. I think the wait was well worth it. I hope Killzone 3 is even better, and hopefully it can bloody my nose like COD 4 did. Anyhow, let's...

5572d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Firstkn1ght, I think you're too harsh on the game, but like I always say, to each his own. You are right, if you really look at the full game for what it is, it really is an average game at best with pumped up graphics on steroids. I was extremely disappointed with the MP gameplay of Killzone 2. I am too a hardcore FPS, and I when I bought the game I was hoping to spend at least this whole year playing it, the same same way I did with COD4. Unfortunately that's not the case.


5572d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

I think ya said it best, and in your own words about Killzone 2, and I quote, "Try shooting down someone in Killzone 2, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment with how difficult it can be."

How true sir...case close.

COD MW 2 will owned Killzone 2 completely. But I already think COD 4 owns it already in the fast, arcade/style of gameplay.

Ya don't need to complicate the controls, or lose the precission of control (make it sluggish...

5576d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

But to me, Killzone 2 just plays too sluggish for MP. I have personally put in over 85,000 hours on Mp in COD4. Which when you think about it is almost maddening. I have never put in that much time on any particular game, until of course, COD4 came out. COD4 redefined how MP FPS games are supposed to be made. I'm still playing COD$4, even after I bought Killzone 2. Like I said is just a little too sluggish for me after I'm so used to playing at a certain speed, and "PRECISION' which Kill...

5576d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

I like the game a lot, but in my book, COD$4 is got it beat when it comes to arcade/faster gameplay. And when ya got COD Modern warfare 2 coming this holiday I would hold off on calling Killzone 2 goty of the year.

What do I like about COD$4 so much? When I can leap from a second story building, do a half-turn, get my cross-hair on my opponent who was shooting me, and kill him, all while in mid-air before landing on my feet on the ground, that is without question INFINITY WARD at...

5576d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment