
CRank: 5Score: 11380

isn't this the gamer zone?

5914d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Brawl was basically an expansion pack for melee...it just had more characters, new levels, and a crappy "map creator." Brawl got boring really fast because I've basically had it since I bought Melee a few years ago. I doubt they even have the ability to release a true sequel (because the Wii is basically a NGC,) so I think they will wait until the next Nintendo console to release a SSB sequel. It sucks because my Wii is just collecting dust while my PS3 and 360 are getting a lot of ...

5922d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Madden 08 :D

5923d ago 14 agree9 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy...

5933d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

you guys have two games for '09 so far...kz2 and ff13, Also with the way that square enix has been going lately, I wouldn't be surprised if FF 13 went multi-platform. Lets get past E3 before we start comparing 2009 line-ups XD

5933d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't want Pokemon and Mario...but everything else I'd buy :D

5935d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You have no idea how many times I have been kicked out in the middle of a game of UT III or Resistance because "server connection timed out." I rarely have that issue on live, but compared to PSN I have it a lot. Also, during the holidays what happened is that MS didn't account for the amount of people who would be using their 1 month trials for XBL gold memberships that come with every console sold. The servers were over-run by people and they crashed, simple as that. At least MS c...

5943d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Dude, I have a PS3, 360, and a Wii. I can honestly say that Live is much more reliable and user friendly then PSN. I'm fine with paying 5 dollar per month for it. XBL is the reason I bought COD 4 and GTA IV for the 360 and not for the PS3, it is because of reliability and PSN simply does not provide it. Another thing, I know sony has the six axis but i am talking about a motion controller like the Wii, and there have been rumors of that.

5943d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

1. I agree that not putting HDMI in launch was a mistake
2. My 20 gig HDD still has about 10 gigs of space on it and that includes 4 arcade games, all my game saves, and music. I still don't think you need anything more than 20 gigs, at least on the 360.
3. MS will not put an internal blu-ray drive into the XBox 360 ever. Maybe they will do an external, but I also doubt that.
4. Wii isn't a fad, but if I remember correctly Sony said the same thing...and they are also rumored...

5943d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

no i don't contribute to this website because i have better things to do. Also, the only reason I lose most of my speech bubbles is because I tend to try and correct sony fanboys when they say biased things and they all gang up on me and take away bubbles. Go ahead, check my comments for proof. I don't stalk you, I read every blog and review but just comment on the ones i find necessary to comment on, and this is one them. You make a lot of mistakes in your blogs. Also, the Wii is less powerf...

5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't care for this game so i really don't care on whether or not this is a 360 exclusive or not...

5949d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i never liked racing games, so you can scratch GT5 off of that list, never liked FF series, so i don't want that. I don't want any of the Resistance games because I have Gears Of War. The only game that I want is MGS4 (which is the reason I will be getting a PS3 at the end of June.)

5949d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I lost interest for this game after i downloaded the beta. Battlefield belongs on the PC and not on the consoles, the engine is just built for a PC and the controls feel un-natural while playing. Since I have now become a full-time console gamer I will not be picking up this game and I will not even be downloading this demo.

5950d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'm picking up a PS3 for this game. I won't be getting it on June 12 but late June (that is if i pass all my exams.) This game looks amazing and I think will not only win GOTY but will be up there with Halo 1, Legend Of Zelda: Oricarina Of Time, and GTA IV for one of the best games of the decade. Can't wait to be playing this game on my brand new PS3, and yes, I do already own an XBox 360, you could say that I am going to the darkside but all of you 360 fanboys know that deep inside you want ...

5950d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I laugh at this...you need to realize that if they port this to the Wii they will have to remove the Physics, tone down the graphics A LOT, remove a lot of the background details (amount of people, variety of cars, animations of people, etc), and there would be loading screens every second. Also, SSBB has WAY less content than GTA IV, I laugh at you for saying that comment. GTA IV is one of the most advanced video games ever created and Brawl is basically a polished up version of Melee. GTA I...

5950d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

dude...just stop writing reviews, your horrible at them. BTW, the cars do not look like they should be on a 360

5953d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the triggers for the PS3 are horrible, your fingers are more prone to slipping off of them and you can't get a good feel with them. The 360 triggers are inverted which means that your fingers won't slip out. The PS3 controller is better for fighting games, hand down. But the 360 controller is better for shooters. The jury is still split when it comes to racing games, even though the PS3 does have better racing games lol

5954d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

i did it because the guy compared GT3 graphics to XBox 360 quality graphics lol

5958d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wrong about the graphics part there, here is a video of GT3:

here is a video of a launch xbox 360 racing game, PGR3:

there is no contest between the two videos because the 360 game horribly outshines the ps2 game. I compared a laun...

5958d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

im getting a PS3 next month just for this game :D

5961d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment