CRank: 5Score: 470

............this is what people call journalism , and since when is 2&1/2 paragraph's considered an article. All this is , is lazy uninspired and down right useless .

5026d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

FIRST: lets talk about the camera , imagine you had a laser pointer in you hand and pointed it at a wall and started moving it all over the wall side to side up and down and zigzag all over the wall . Now lets say you had a camera fixed at the laser dot on the wall , how hard would it be for the camera to keep up with the laser dot , pretty dam impossible if you ask me . And that is the thing with Ninja Gaiden 2 , Tomonobu Itagaki made Ninja Gaiden 2 so much faster the part one that it was li...

5102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you trade in your old 360

5103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am getting so sick of people who claim to be from the USA but talk so much crap about their own country because their Console of choice was made in another country . For your information 90% of PS3's are made in China not Japan , just like Lots of American products are made in china because its much cheaper to outsource. PS3 slims and 60gig PS3's are made in china as well as the 360 not too sure about the 360s but I dont think its any different . All I'm trying to say is that I ...

5103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment