
CRank: 5Score: 38680

*Turn-based* strategy. You know, like Civilization Revolution, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, Valkyria Chronicles, Shining Force, Advance Wars, Disgaea, Tactics Orge, etc...

As it turns out, the consoles have actually had quite a few great titles in the turn-based strategy genre.

4240d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


I agree that the majority of Muslims are not extremists, but the moderates could definitely do a better job of putting the radical elements in their place.

Radical Christian groups such as the Westboro Baptist Church get routinely ridiculed and marginalized by mainstream Christians. If moderate Muslims want to be taken seriously, they need to do the same.

Moreover, Islamic nations need to embrace freedom of speech, freedom of re...

4240d ago 23 agree2 disagreeView comment

Games like Crysis 3 look great on a technical level, but I much prefer the stylized, painterly visuals of Dishonored.

Similar to Wind Waker, this game's unique visual style is a lot more timeless.

4240d ago 34 agree4 disagreeView comment

Looks about the same, which is to be expected for a UE3 game at this point.

4240d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to play this tomorrow!

General observations from those who have the game:

-Turn down the gamma (the default is too bright and makes things look a bit washed out)
-Turn off the objective markers (takes away from the feeling of exploration)
-Start right out on hard if you've played stealth games before (similar to Halo, hard is the "normal" setting those who play these types of games, not simply a cheap challen...

4240d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Obviously Smart TVs are still in their infancy, but looking forward, there's no doubt that the tech and user experience will improve.

What tablets can do now, TVs will be able to do within a few years - the point being that the "console as an internet/social media hub" model isn't really the future.

4242d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

And yet a lot of those social media features may end up not mattering when Smart TVs become the norm in a few years.

Once your TV has all the functionality of a tablet computer built into it from the start, your console connecting to services such as Facebook will just be redundant. At that point, it becomes all about the games once again.

In fact, TVs may eventually give the consoles direct competition if they come with game-streaming platforms such as O...

4242d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment


It wasn't a normal playthrough. There were plenty of people watching the steam. I caught part of it myself, but didn't want to spoil the game so I stopped.

He was definitely playing to finish the game fast. Maybe not a pro speed run, but clearly someone who wanted to beat it as quickly as possible on the easiest setting (like reviewers tend to do when behind on their deadlines...).

4242d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

It was actually closer to 7 hours, plus the guy played on easy, didn't explore at all and basically just charged towards the next objective marker.

I expect normal players will probably double that time at least.

4242d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Bosses are fine if they fit the game (in the FPS space, Metroid Prime comes to mind as doing bosses right), but in a stealth-focused game like Dishonored it's clear that they would be out of place, so this is a good call.

Harvey Smith seems to really *get* what makes games like Thief and Deus Ex work. If the final game stays true to the vision that Arkane has communicated, it will be something really special.

4243d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's actually a good, balanced resource (MUCH moreso than the previous ones). I agree that everyone would do well to give it a look, as it details the exaggerations stated by both sides.

4244d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So it's objectively true that truth is subjective?

4244d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both of those editorials are from very left-wing sources, with some of the "lies" being a bit of a stretch (ex: extending the Bush tax cuts = lying about not cutting taxes according to the NYT article).

I don't trust any politicians, but putting faith in clearly biased editorials is just as bad.

4244d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Now that's how to do an interactive trailer!

Honestly, this game looks almost too good to be true. Can't wait for next Tuesday!

4244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's exactly what I was wondering.

Bungie always referred to the "Halo sandbox" back in the day, but they weren't talking about the games being open world. The phrase meant that firefights could turn out differently due to the AI being highly adaptive and dynamic rather than scripted.

4244d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dishonored, XCOM and Hitman are on my list as well, but it's definitely true that we're spoiled for great-looking games this year.

4244d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope we get another story an hour from now:

"Still no news from Bethesda"

4244d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, and the author's main complaint about Hitman is that it doesn't hold your hand enough.

Apparently Hitman is supposed to give you big glowing indicators of every way to kill your target, because God forbid a game ask players to think creatively...

4244d ago 26 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes, there's more power that can be squeezed out, but that said, no amount of optimization would make PS2 games look like PS3 games.

There does come a point at which you need to upgrade, both for better visuals and to allow for gameplay features such as enhanced physics.

4244d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Similar to a real politician, Sonic is full of promises that never seem to pan out.

4244d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment