CRank: 5Score: 34950

@Eonjay @AnotherProGamer SO?! That's well over $250 million. It does NOT cost that much to port to PC, and is a HUGE amount of money regardless of what you're making elsewhere. Also keep in mind that the PC version came way, WAY after the first release on last gen console. The fact that they still sold 5 million copies is amazing.

Rockstar is clearly being incentivized somehow to delay or eschew the PC releases of their game. Their excuses for doing so don't mak...

2898d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Most noob modders do use in-game assets, but the vast majority of the best mods use custom assets. This goes WAY farther than one-off joke mods. For example, looking at the first page of the top mods on the Nexus, you know how many of them include their own assets and files?


This policy is an absolute disaster, although a few of the mods could be adapted to not use their assets, they would certainly suffer in quality. So yes, it's...

2909d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


At what point was Anthotis racist? He said: "A country that floods itself with rapists from the 3rd world"

He didn't say that EVERYONE immigrating into Germany were rapists, but that rapists are flooding into the country, do you understand that difference? Nuance is tricky, I know. It means that he is in fact, NOT accusing all immigrants of being rapists!

Look, I'm not saying I agree with the sentiment, but I&...

2971d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Welcome to the mobile game industry! Where the game's are vapid shite, and the developers only interaction with players is to reach nice and deep into their wallets.

2976d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Removed? Like they removed these characters *completely* because ragdoll physics happened to put them in awkward positions? That is so hilariously over the top, I can only assume they fabricated this outrage for free publicity. What kind of a dumbass would prescribe that solution to this "problem"?

Between this and Tracer's pose controversy, I'm starting to think developers are taking advantage of people that are highly reactive to SJW BS in order to garne...

2986d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
3002d ago Show

Still not as weird as mlp porn...

3062d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"...the problem with 'playing to win'"

Holy crap what a terrible sentiment...

Also, can't there just be ONE mainstream hard game out there? Just one?!

3092d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Also, let’s be real here: when you’re trying to empower your lady characters after years of ups and downs in that area, turning them into canonical masturbation fodder isn’t the best look."

Why? Why on earth is it bad to sexualize women? Why does that strip them of power? I think people's negative attitude towards stuff like this is highly reflective of our puritanical culture. It's illogical. There's nothing wrong with sex, yet these people feel that i...

3103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact that they're adding steam workshop support for songs is pretty cool, but they should've released the game for PC at launch in the first place. I'm f#ckin' sick of publishers ignoring our platform (or delaying the PC release), then deciding to port their games when they decide they want more money, and want to artificially extend the games life cycle.

That last point is key here. The longer their game stays relevant, the more sales they get on ALL plat...

3129d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Screw that. They fart in our faces by ignoring our platform then beg us for money before making the port? You've got to be sh!tting me...

There's no valid reasoning for this. They want to gauge consumer interest? Try a survey campaign... They don't have enough money to make the port? Don't make me laugh.

"fans will get the chance to own a piece of Rock Band history by supporting the project and making their Rock Band dreams come true.&quo...

3129d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gotta love the puritanicals whining about a MOD. Nothing you can do mofos!

3135d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@SunnyZ If you can't even game with headphones on then you're obviously in a bizarre minority of people that aren't suited for VR. Look beyond the tip of your nose and you'll see a large group of people who can and will enjoy VR.

3179d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crap, I'm Canadian and I forgot our dollar is so shitty... Damn this sucks. Why are they charging $600 USD for a little LCD panel and some leds?!

3179d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Although these pacifist runs have been a thing long before undertale... this man was filled with determination.

3193d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Basically, he used a bunch of mines to get his health down, then a cryo mine to freeze him in position. Then he somehow managed to get the other baddies he pacified in the room to finish him off. I didn't watch the video but apparently that task was much more difficult than it sounds.

3193d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

None of these silly consoles need to exist, it's just yet another money making scheme...

3199d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is she showing cleavage? How dare they.

Objectification. Patriarchy. Ban it.


3208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the problem with fancy screenshots is that a lot of effort is made to frame them nicely. Especially those shots of the terrain... at that angle it looks 3D, but at any normal angle you'd actually see them from, you can see they're just 2D textures.

I will say though that my mod setup in skyrim is about %90 as nice as this, and I'm running it on a R9 270x. I just don't have as much grass, lod detail or shader fidelity. People assume you need a super compu...

3274d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's exactly what kickstarters are supposed to be. Too often do people act as if they're pre-orders. Games are complex beasts, and developers very often misjudge the scope of a project. So it's not surprising to me in the slightest that some of them fail, it's not that unusual.

3287d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment