CRank: 4Score: 20310

I already payed this game off at my nearest game crazy. I recommend everyone do the same if your really interested in this game. No one should rent this game, just buy it there is enough relay value in this game to last you for monthes. Developers like QD need support so we can see other developers follow suit instead of churning out the constant *Oh I have a gun and I must save the world!* games. I really hope alot of people get to experience this game and hope QD will be rewarded with high...

5464d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

the score doesn't make sense and the reviewer is a dbag. "Nothing to call its on" Oh like picking up barrels and wshooting them in mid air isn''t original. Or shooting while hanging off anything isn't original. OR having the first ever online PLATFORM shooter isn't original.

Another thing is gametrailers should be called game spoilers. There were so many awesome things that I didn't want to see on my laptop and wanted to see on my 42 inch. They did the same thing for M...

5468d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can ban them from b1tching,nagging,twilight,sayi ng theres nothing wrong, when you damn well there is something very wrong and not putting out...

5469d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5475d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is pathetic, are there really jobs at MS where your required to spread FUD? Well if it pays enough to each their own

MS troll-" Frickin embarassing

Gran Turismo 4 – 6/18/04
Forza 1 – 5/3/05
Forza 2 – 8/19/08
Forza 3 – 10/27/09
Gran Turismo 5 – 3/?/10

Seriously I’m done waiting, how can they let someone make 3 games before releasing GT5.
360 it is, Forza it is, Bill Gates it is!"

Neogaf mod-&quo...

5477d ago 19 agree4 disagreeView comment

and were expecting you to GTFO! and while your on your way out,don't forget to grab yourself a big ol steamy cup of STFU!

damn trolls

5477d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

450 (basically) is a little steep for the ps3 coming bundled with FF13. The ps3 now is 299.99 so why is a paint job and a 60 dollar game increasing the price by 150 bucks? I do hope to see a similar bundle coming to the west (maybe in the form of GOW3) just not for 450 bucks. who am I kidding I have a 60gb so im cool but if Sony was smart(and I know they are) they won't do that.

Oh I didn't know that they were always doing that 0.0 learn something new about gami...

5477d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just want to see if the ps2/dreamcast emulation is true. And the Gt5 date....and the last guardian....and FF13vs ahhh I just want to see it all!

5478d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

hes has that kind of douchy yet still cool with everybody look. Actually come to think about it,he sounds like him too 0.0

5478d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shenmue Shenmue Shenmue Shenmue Shenmue Shenmue Shenmue Shenmue Shenmue
OMG if i am able to play shenmue on my 42 inch samsung MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!

ps. Im a big fan of shenmue :)

5479d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I didn't know that the article was comparing GT5 and real life I would pf just thought that the article was just showing really nice cars I will probably never afford lol

5481d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

are wii fanboys,when I ever I read their articles its covered in miyamotos piss. And Mario isn't why the wii sold(selling) so well,its the appeal to non gamers. The wii is "meh" compared to the ps3 and 360

Edit:lol the title is cracking me up "one word...mario" like it strikes fears into hearts of hardcore gamers across the world haha

5486d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

this game is really going to be something big. I knew this game was going to be a knockout but didn't know its was going to 1 hit KO the gamers. I feel a storm a brewing...

5487d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uncharted just made them turn it up to "11". Man this game is going to be awesome

5487d ago 38 agree4 disagreeView comment

actually its 1-151,000 which is madness!

Edit:thankyou erotic sheep for not leaving me hangin :D

5491d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because the system is selling so well? Its not because of the games,hardware quality and its track record that makes you proud? It doesn't matter if the PS3 sold only 3 1/2 systems in japan, you should be proud of it regardless how well it does(I sound like im talking about a kid who's bad at sports or something) No sir, I will press disagree.

Impressive no less

5491d ago 26 agree6 disagreeView comment

I remember hearing about this a while back too. I have a sneaky(no pun) suspicion that its the same story...

edit:*actually reads story* hmm guess not :/

5491d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Brian ashcraft is the main culprit when it comes to PS3 bias. Its damn near impossible to read a ps3 article written by him without a sarcastic "Snip et" towards the end. Kotaku arn't nearly as bias as they were in the last couple years though. I see kotaku slowly changing as its demographic start to change from xbox fanboys to gamers. As more PS3s fall into consumers hands so will the journalist.(if that made any sense at all :P)

5492d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

how come amurika can never get that s_hit over here! Wheres my helghast ps3,solid snake vs liquid and my uncharted drake hanging off some sh_t ps3's?

5492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

500,000 ps3's sold in one week is insance. I thought it would take another few years for the ps3 tp surpass the 360 but if this has a snowball effect or stays at a "wii like" pace sony maybe back on top this gen. I don't really care either way as long as developers are going to show more support for the ps3

5494d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment