CRank: 4Score: 20310


EDIt: the answer is eiter A or C but I see more A's in the gamespot comment in which i CAN'T COMMENT IN!!!

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

howdya get it!!! fill us in plz!!!

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when he compared viva pinata to LBP xD come now RAPE!!!

Surprised he didn't compare any JRPG's.... or atleast alan wake vs heavy rain

5844d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"ps3 sucks now
i'm selling mine and might even get a 360 + a game with the money since they're $200 now! "

dude chill out you never had a PS3 to begin with if you did have a PS3 you wouldn't say it "sucks now" when LBP,WipeoutHD,Resistance 2,naruto,motor storm 2 etc just around the corner.But I do recommend saving up for a 360(or a PS3 ;P) since many very epic games are coming out for both.

5846d ago 26 agree6 disagreeView comment

that article had a constant but steady pace of pure and utter failure.I shall list the failures so no one has to click on that failure link

"1. QuickTime Events

For a game that is meant to “redefine cinematic realtime entertainment” in this console generation, Heavy Rain is making use of some decidedly last-gen gameplay ideas. In the only actual gameplay footage we have seen so far, the action appears to play out through a series of quicktime events, in which pl...

5873d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

they were harsh on too human...only gave it a 6 :(

but the siren and quest for booty got pretty good scores 8/10 and Street Fighter IV got a 9....I guess Chun li's manly hands prove me wrong

5873d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

but damn does this game get me all hot and bothered >:)

5875d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

just because they won't support the PS3 for whatever retarded reasons they have doesn't mean they should be cursed to make crappy games...

5875d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Valve really likes to piss of PS3 fans xD. Seriously valve no one who has a PS3 wants your half assed ports just STFU and get back to work on Halflife 3 A-holes.

5875d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

looks a little too real for comfort...

the environment and facial expressions are better in the tech demo but the amount of detail,lighting and overall graphics are better in the Gameplay video.By time the game is released next year it will truely rival the graphics of a Pixar movie

5875d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also prefer the gameplay graphics compared to the tech demo the only real flaw with the gameplay version was how Madison's mouth moved when she talks (which is very difficult for 3d games) but the game doesn't come out until mid-late 2009 so im 100% sure that it will be improved :)

5875d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well there was tekken for the GBA

and tekken 2 for nes

Oh Tekken will always be the king of 3d fighting games hate or not the series kept the fight genre alive for years...

but yeah tekken is pretty much ...

5876d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but once I see gameplay and it doesn't surpass heavy rain or killzone 2 graphics wise I will block kotaku on my computer.I wouldn't put it passed them since they have a obvious sony hatred but im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.Praising one game less or praising one game more based on their selfish bias instead of acknowledging the positives points of a game simply because its not on the console that they choose back up is truely the way of the fanboy.Lets just hope they don't f...

5876d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't even lie that chain is pretty dope XD

5876d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that was my favorite part to :)But i'm curious to see how death of certain characters tie into the main plot since the ending will always stay the same.

5876d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

the announcements were underwhelming I 2 expected more from sony press conference.Maybe there's more in store for us today and tomorrow but sony should have went all out in their press conference yesterday IMAO

5877d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the whole depending on your actions may cause serious consequences..Example like the father and the son arch you forget to wave you son good bye by moving the analog stick halfway clockwise which makes the son feel neglected and doesn't come home at all so you have to go through hell getting him back or you wave him off and he comes back home safely.Or maybe the game can punish you for pushing certain "QTE" example being the woman driving her motorcycle some one cuts her off ...

5877d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that is sick isn't it? QD is planning on taking us on a emotionally roller coaster 0.o!

5877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Madison is still apart of the game, the demo was kinda like a "extra mission". its still showing gameplay and its still heavy rain it just this particular sequence doesn't partake in the main story of the game :P

5877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

chill out read ign's preview LOOK AT THE TRAILER!

For you who keep saying its an interactive cutscene through out the whole trailer its actually quite the opposite! The only cutscence was a snippet in the beginning and end the rest was all being co...

5877d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment