CRank: 5Score: 10910

THANK YOU GOD!!! The Jak seris is easily one of my favorites ever. Jak 3 is in my personal Top 3 games ever list. I will personally kiss the ground Naughty Dog walks on if they can pull of the best Jak ever (and I know they can)

6134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sega hasn't done anything but make crap-mediocre games ever since they left the console market. I don't know if they'd have the ability to make good enough software to enter the market again.

and for everyone saying Apple should join, google the Apple Pippin.

6134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Next year is gonna be a great year for fighters. This, Soul Calibur IV, Tekken 6, Smash Bros. Brawl...It's gonna rock.

6134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh, it uses the mic. That sux, the DS Lite mic is horrible.

6135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, Mario is very over-rated. Not to the extent as Halo, since Mario is better than Halo and not quite as hyped up, but still over-rated nontheless. That doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve GOTY though. It's still an amazing game.

6137d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Fire Emblem doesn't win Strategy Game of the Year, I will kill someone!!!!11ONE11!!!!!

and Halo 3 was very mediocre. It's multiplayer was great, but the campaign sucked balls IMO, and I place single player modes in top priority in my games. It's just my opinion, but to me, Halo 3 was just mediocre. Halo 1 is still the best of the 3.

6137d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I voted
Best Action- Ratchet and Clank Future
Best Adventure- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Best Fighting- Bleach: The Blade of Fate
Best Puzzle- The Orange Box (Portal)
Best Racing- Forza Motorsport 2
Best Role Playing- Jeanne D'Arc
Best Shooter- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Best Sports- Mario Strikers Charged
Best Strategy- FIRE EMBLEM: RADIANT DAWN! My favorite game of the year!
Best Multiplayer- Warhawk
Best Music ...

6137d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm getting a PSP next year and this is just one more purchase to make for it.

6138d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOD, I can't WAIT to get this game!!!!! I'm getting a PS3 for Christmas, and this will be my very first purchase for the system. Followed by Uncharted. I have played and loved every Ratchet game on the PS2, and I'll try to get a PSP next year and then I'll be able to play that one too.

This game looks just so freakin good, I can't wait another 23 days!

6138d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"A delayed game is eventually great, a bad game is always bad."
-Shigiru Miyamoto

(not sure if that's the exact quote, but it's something like that)

and that quote is a very good point. You people always complain about getting delays. yea, it sucks, but it's not like there isn't anything else to play untill the game comes out. And when those games do come out, you'll all be thankful they took their time.

6140d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since when are Epic, Konami, and Ubisoft "internal Sony devs"?

Sony’s senior VP of marketing also said that Sony has “15 INTERNAL STUDIOS working on PlayStation titles."

So throw all those 3rd party games off the list. He's saying 15 1st party games.

6140d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uncharted is underrated by reviewers, and Ratchet is underrated by consumers. BUY RATCHET PEOPLE!! And I still don't see how Uncharted got as little 9's as it did. Most reviewers don't even complain about much of anything about it, they just seem to give it 8.9 and lower because they think it's illegal to give a PS3 game a 9 or something.

Resistance isn't underrated. It got good reviews, and great sales. Everyone who plays it loves it. It was the first PS3 game I played ...

6140d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They aren't saying Microsofts number of units sold is wrong, they are saying that the 2:1 ratio is way off. Did you even read the article?

It said it's against their company policy to release sales numbers before NPD, and they aren't going to change their policy just to win some chest-thumping competition.

6141d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo has always completely owned the handheld market, but PSP is actually doing quite well.

I don't think it will ever surpass DS, but whatever. I have a DS, and plan on getting a PSP next year. They both have a large quantity of good games.

I really like RPGs and Strategy RPGs so games like Jeanne D'Arc, FFTactics: War of the Lions, and Disgaea are really starting to look appealing on the PSP. Plus MGS:PO and God of War look great. And of course Daxte...

6141d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony markets this game like crazy leading up to its launch like MS did with Halo, I could see it selling like that. I myself, and like 5 of my friends have never played a MGS game before, but this is my #1 most anticipated game right now. I'm currently trying to find some used copies of the first 3 to play.

So assuming that there are more people like my friends and I all over the world added to the already huge MGS fanbase, and a huge marketing campaign (which Sony will do...

6141d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well, If I were you, I'd keep the 360, but still try to get a PS3 ASAP. It's always better to have the best of both worlds. BUT, if you can only have one, I would reccomend the PS3 if it appeals to you and if your 360 is having problems.

It's your decision though man, so go with what you want.

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

game on that list that MIGHT deserve a 10/10 is Super Mario Galaxy. The rest are just great games. Super Mario Galaxy is unlike any other platformer. However, even this doesn't deserve a 10/10.

It has the occasional camera issue, but that's not my main gripe. It's story is one of my biggest issues with it (and most Nintendo games). I know, I know, "Mario is about GAMEPLAY!" which it definitly could deserve the 10 for, but a perfect game should have all the elem...

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EXACTLY! I don't have a 360, nor do I plan on getting one, but I DO have a friend who has one, so I still love to play it occasionally at his house.

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

in that case, going by your logic, only a numbnuts would believe 360 sold well it's first year. Face it 360 had a mediocre first year, like the PS3. Not much to play, only a couple titles that shined towards the end of it's year. Sales-wise, the numbers are very close for each's first year. Now look at this year for 360. It was pretty good I'd say, lots of good games came to light, sales went up (although Wii took away a lot of it's thunder) and I think we can all agree this was a good ...

6143d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm GREATLY looking forward to Infamous. Sly Cooper was one of my favorite seris on the PS2. actually, they were some of my favorite platformers PERIOD.

and @ Gamesblow

If someone really did talk about those customization features, then couldn't it be that the character we saw in the trailer is just a default? Hardly anything is known about the game, so stay optimistic because Sucker Punch is right up there with Naughty Dog and Insomniac.

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment