
CRank: 5Score: 4610

GOD DAMNIT it's Noon and the servers are still down FFS. HURRY the hell up. I can imagine all the people in front of their pc's checking the wow site like every minute to see realm status.

5546d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the love of god why are people so retarded in life?? I've kept pace with all the blu rays and they're doing extremely well. Just burn and die seriously.

5657d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone is cutting their jobs and divisions to save money in the long run. If people here would know what the hell is going on in the world right now they wouldn't be bashing Sony. Everyone is doing it now. They Have to. Now for those comments made on Cnet about some them idiots who said they'll never by a product from Sony again... yeah right. THese are the thins i own at home as Sony products.

Sony LCD TV (2), Sony Digital Camera (with their memory stick, cause it can also b...

5672d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's more idiotic is that he still sticks with his 360. Get a ps3 dude.

5805d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah it's obvious long time ago. The Huge news coming at the first week of august or whatever the sites have been rumoring is in Fact the Halo Franchise coming to he ps3. U guys said that companies like squaresoft wanna make extra cash with FF13, well Bungie would like to make some as well. End of story.

5808d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude u should consider playing it man. It is one of the rare games where the entire story is a roller coaster with just a sad feeling all over it. Just because what happens in the middle makes u wanna beat sephiroth and even then you would think did it make me satisfied at the end. Trust me u gonna have plenty of tears throughout the game cause it feels so real.

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony shouldn't have any problems setting the price at 60$ cause it's selling like hotcakes on eBay, so downloads would sell as well. Hey i was a fool to buy it on eBay a week ago for 80$ :)

And i don't believe the huge announcement is a FF7 remake, the entire team is WAY TOO busy with other projects. And in an article they said that in order for it to happen they would have to get the entire original cast together, and that is tough since some are retired or working on other proj...

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know what, after what happened yesterday i don't want a FF 7 remake coming to the Xbox 360. I'll just play the original. Screw it Squarenix and work on your stupid long awaited multi platform release of FF13. You lost all credibility with me.

5820d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony knew it's about to lose exclusivity deal with FFXIII. It's not their fault, u can't control the minds of greedy people. But Sony has plans for today, and a BIG announcement at that. HALO WARS is coming to the PS3. You heard it hear first. And when they announce that, you'll all be contacting me for future stuff. See y'all later and enjoy the conference at 11:30 PDT.

5820d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No offence, but Jesus, did u see the textures on Fable 2. I just vomited inside. That's suppose to be high def?? WTF is that. I could hardly find the nose on that girl's flat face.

5845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5852d ago

47 hrs to get to that point?? Das only 2 1/2 levels wtf. I don't know was this Pre- BC or now? Cause right now it would take me 8hrs to get to 57-60. But anywho, my longest game time was WOW. Usually saturday mornings i start at 9 am and go to 10 pm at nights, with food breaks and washroom braks in between.

5855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alright folks it's 1 billion of us vs. Viacom execs. Take your position and stand tall. Oh wait we also got the celebrities on our side. WOOT!!

5868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guys u should be super happy cause this game is awesome. Just bought it off of steam for 30$ and it plays super well. I just finished the first level, took about 2 hours, and there's 10 levels so expect about 20-25 hours of gameplay. There's so much u can do in this game and it's super fun. If anyone has any question about the game itself u can PM me.

5873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG it's the end of the world. Seriously grow some balls and live with it. I don't give a **$% how long it is or how much space it has. I just want to install it and enjoy it. Maybe while it's installing u guys could uhhh idk open the manual and read the thing on how to play the god damn game instead of hoping to spray and pray.

5879d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW did they just win a tournament in world of warcraft!!!! WTF i'm 21 and i can't even win one game. Well if u did win, Kudos to u guys, but what u did was wrong, but must have been fun :).

5881d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it soo hard to let it go and buy urself a PS3. Seriously i don't know where u were in the past year but Microsoft is not the same company they used to be. U'll save urself time and less stress if u go out and buy a ps3. Sell all ur remainder of xbox accesoires on ebay. Nuff said. Give me bubbles for telling the truth.

5906d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

How about seizures?
"How many seizures did u get playing COD4 campaign?" SOunds good to me. "Which seizure did u unlock in RCTOD?"

5910d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The numbers may be high but it might seem correct. For example u guys all calculated the permonth/perplayer/15$ thing. But u forgot to add other fees. The purchase of WOW and it's expansion. AND the character transfers which cost 25$ to move a player to a different server. And someone said that Blizz cares so much about their fans than money?? Why do they charge for a transfer when all they do is push buttons and voila. At least 5$ would be nice.

5911d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know, the games is only 30 hours long, do i feel like doing the side missions, maybe. And today i downloaded the trailer 4 for GTA4, and the graphics look like ps2, maybe cause i'm such a PC gamer that i may have a hard time connecting with console game graphics, but tom clancy series and CD4 looked great. I don't know.......

5913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment