
CRank: 5Score: 2230

before we start spouting "GREATESTEST GAME EVAR"

as we so often do around here

5734d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

only people that should be pissed or elated are the shareholders....and somehow i dont think they're elated on either side of this

5734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nice random heresay argument there...but i think the dude still asked for a link.

Nice try though, check this: i have "4000 friends" (why not make it 2 million) who have launch 360s with no problems!!!

soooo, since we seem to be applying our limited personal experiences (which may or may not be completely made up...this is teh internets) as a generalization of the global market, i could say "look since none of my bajillions of friends with 360s have ...

5734d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

how about you STREAM your music to your 360 from your computer? Make sense? It's a lot cheaper (FREE) and easier than any kind of hard drive upgrade. And you dont have to spend time or waste space duplicating songs you already have stored on your PC

That's probably my favourite thing about the 360

In game music streaming across a network.

5776d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

kind of crack?

now we're talking about "TRUE HD" (or FULLHD) which is just a marketing term pulled out of the air. I bet you think more Megapixels always means a better picture too... hahah soccer moms these days

please note: The term HD (high definition) is used for ANYTHING above SD and ED resolutions. 720p is HD

please do some research and pull your head from between your legs

5776d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

a digital signal is either INTACT or NOT.

If your HDMI cable fails to work, return it.

The reason for the long assed monster cables is that as you extend the length of an HDMI cable, you require much better shielding materials and techniques in order for the signal to remain intact at the longer lengths.

for anything 3ft and under, a $5 or $10 is perfectly fine. If you pay more than that for a short cable, I feel sorry for your wallet

5776d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ izky

so because wifi is necessary for YOU, we should ALL have to pay for it? I like how MS gives you options so I don't need to buy the sht that i...well DON'T need.

I'm glad the PS3 comes with the bells and whistles. That's what it's for. Top of the line tech in a sleek box. It's an amazing machine. that's why people buy it

@ morganfell

the MS movie downloads ARE in HD. The codec they used for encoding them is just lousy. They're still 7...

5776d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

for all we know it could be free (not bloody likely)

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS is made of it. Every company will do what it has to in order to survive

last I heard gta4 on 360 outsold the ps3 version (due to install base) by 2:1. Pushing hardware with sales is great, but that doesn't mean that the fanbase is larger...not sure how you made that connection

so why is the fanbase for gta higher on ps3?

5776d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

like al gore?

the gta4 that I played was plenty fcking gory as it is

5776d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the 360 CAN be MUCH cheaper than the PS3

OF COURSE it will be more expensive if you add on all the external upgrades...but if you wanted a system like that...why wouldnt you just buy a PS3?

I don't need wifi, I don't need an HDD upgrade. Everything that came WITH the 360 is fine by me. I was pretty shocked to open my ps3 and find no headset or HD cables of any kind, nor any accompanying games...but I got a sweet deal by bundling it with a TV so the ps3 price was $50 al...

5776d ago 13 agree10 disagreeView comment

had better blow our fcking socks off for this kind of wait. They could have released a damn sequel using that engine by now and fixed up all the sht that was wrong with the original

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

have some insider information that Stringer doesn't know about?

If he thinks that they won't likely make up the money, I'm sure he's factored in the many different types of revenue that Sony is pulling in thanks to the PS3. It's not that it's not making just cost a sht load to develop. As long as they keep consistent sales, the shareholders will be happy, and we'll see many more great games

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

people on this site (why n4g in particular, i dont know) seem to forget just how far ahead the 360 is *currently* in north america. Ps3 IS definitely catching up. It's a good time to have a ps3, that's why I bought one. A ton of killer games for it now, and blu ray sweetens the deal.

But at this rate, even an increasing rate, it will take a whiiiiiiile for ps3 to catch up to 360, even with consistently beating it out in weekly sales. Will it happen? I think so. But it's going to ...

5776d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

with pegger

it's good times

5776d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

still being used as a yardstick in these pssing contests?

given what we know of reviewers (see perfect halo3, gta4, mgs4 etc scores..and more to come) why do people still state these review scores as if it mattered?

5776d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

reviewers are only posting personal opinions, never know what games might be great.

I think that was the dude's point though. For JRPGs and RPGs in general, 360 has a good thing going on. PS3 is no slouch, so it's good to have both

5776d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lazy devs are. There are a lot of ways to prolong the gameplay experience without resorting to duplicating dungeons and redundant errands that have you running to the ends of the map and back

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that game was great. i'd hate to have missed out on it

5777d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are still ENORMOUS in NA

5777d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment