
CRank: 5Score: 31070

i think i'm gonna create a Kratos Sackboy!! (TM) by King2008

5836d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony initial loss through R&D is because of cell....if they took the easy way and outsourced for cpu then it wouldn't have cost so much. Cell has a very very bright future and the development of it was important for Sony. Its like people dont understand that you have to spend money to make money. After R&D(ing) the cell for 7 years everyone thinks that they are suppose to make that money back after 1.5 years....lets be smarter about this. During the life of the ps3 Sony will make more...

5836d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

*BIG* ROMAN NUMERAL III comes on the screen with a swipe of the blades of chaos he splits the numerals now resembling pillars in half, camera pans and you see Kratos in all his high def glory sitting on mount olympus...all the gods cowering behind him in fear. Ares the god of war brings Kratos some wine....bows and walks away..kratos clears his throat and Ares says sorry master "how many women should I bring you today?" angry Zeus appears in the clouds and throws a lighting b...

5836d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I rarely come to the open zone there were very few comments so i decided to check this out and you sir dont seem to know much...somehow you became privy to this information through your "sources" then tell me what are their plans for the future? Is it that you want an Insomniac game on your this your way of saying that they are an elite studio? If you want an Insomniac game buy a ps3. I would say lets debate this but your bubbles wont allow us to.

5836d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Who's Arod im sure the only reason y he earns that is because he probly owns a game company." I'm a gamer in every sense of the word but Arod is a very high profile athlete...its okay to bring your head up from the game and watch a little ESPN. Sportscenter, PTI, Around the Horn, 1st & 10, something. LMAO sorry that was just to funny to ignore.

5841d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

+bubbles to you.

5841d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

in the sh!tter...we videogamers will always find a way to get more games lol.

5841d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I hated the little mini-game when you changing the tubes to get the water to flow...the hackin game. It was so easy and I just had to do it so much. Hopefully they can change it a lil bit so it doesnt become so mundane.

5863d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tell people not to buy it?? Did you play it yourself or are you just going by what you read on this site and in reviews? Haze is fun and the co-op alone is ALMOST worth the price. Every game is not gonna be genre defining but it can still be enjoyable. For anyone with a job and can spare $60 it is definitely worth it. Thats just my opinion though.

5863d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

will be the cause of countless call-offs from work and days missing from school. I personally am taking a mini vacation just to really get into this story. Hopefully i'll be able to beat it during a 4 days gaming marathon but with the ol lady and kids its gonna be tough. Here's to praying for rain.

5863d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

gonna put the 1st Mass Effect on ps3 then I assume the 2nd is coming but if the 1st never appears on the ps3 then I doubt the 2nd one will. That is all.

5867d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

You seem to think that all 360 games are fun or exciting and you would probably think a turd exclusive to 360 is AAA. There is no way you can defend this prick. He's self-absorbed and regardless of his affinity for the 360 console he's an arsehole. While NG2 will be fun in the action department it doesn't or wont even compare to GOW 2 on ps2.

5867d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

I haven't read one bad thing about MGS4...from the visuals to the gameplay to the story everything is praise so I couldnt see an arguement for anyother game. If Fable 2 lives up to the ambitious genius creator then it could be a sleeper. Regardless of GOTY I will be in gaming heaven.

5867d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

To have the graphics ZOE2 had on ps2. I can only imagine what he can do with ps3! Great story and graphics plus super-fast gameplay. ZOE will have it all.

5876d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and so will gears but to compare based on sales seems unfair given the user base of both systems but you will be able to get an accurate attach rate based on sales. We all know that sales dont measure the quality of a game (see pokemon crap) I will be playing both but I can see myself playing R2 online more....they gotta fix the host problem on Gears!

5876d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the few above me with Nemesis...not the loser from the movies but the mofo from the game that smashed through walls and saids STARS repeatedly....that guy was crazy.

5877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but this is not fake even after the patch my GTA still sucks. It still affects many people

5878d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

1.3 - Of course something will come along and break it....
Isn't that always the case? Look at the film industry, 1 film comes out and take millions at the box office, a year or two passes and then another bigger movie comes along and beats it. It's the nature of the industry.

The same applies to games. The question is how long will it be before "any game breaks the 'GTA IV' sales records?"

Titanic is still the #1 movie since its release in 199...

5882d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

in fact its worst...I cant even get to the opening scene anymore. It locks up on the parts where they give the warning about copyright crap. It doesnt even play the song with the R* logo thumping in yellow and blue. This sh!t sucks and now my girl is pissed because it was an early birthday present and it doesnt even work =( Screw Rockstar.

5883d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just customizing my sack boy....making him the most unique sackboy ever. I have so many ideas. OH-M-GEE i'm so giddy for this game lmao.

5883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment