
CRank: 5Score: 5490

I don't criticize the story we're given in the side-quests, but rather the gameplay of those missions. And more importantly, it's the main questline story that has a lot of issues as I've explained in the piece. That is the major negative for me about the narrative to the point where I stopped caring about the side-quests.

2321d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Uncharted is unabashedly linear and many have criticized it for that. I'm a big advocate for linear games. I was fine that they opened up the environments for the combat but their application of that screwed up the pacing. They could have had bigger areas for combat while still keeping the pacing tight.

3009d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

@BiggerBoss Honestly my friend, I could write a 10,000 word essay on the subject. You can find a lot online. I've not spoken about a game as much as UC3, my mind is literally numb. And I still think it's a 10 :P

3009d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

@Deadpooled I have a big issue with the level of games criticism. We can converse like adults and have an actual conversation instead of stooping to 'I don't want to give you ad revenue'. And just a disclaimer, I'm not out to hate on Uncharted. I think the Uncharted games are some of the best ever. And I think The Last of Us is the best game ever period. Uncharted is my 2nd favorite series, I'm not out to bash it.

I wanted to get the reaction of those wh...

3009d ago 3 agree24 disagreeView comment

This is a point I am very passionate about. From the outside, I understand how my argument sounds insane. But what people must realize is that Uncharted set-pieces are not just any kind of set-pieces. In Uncharted 3, I explain more in the article, the player literally, in real time, gets into and flies off a falling plane. The opening sequence was not a UC setpiece. A ship just hit you. The clock tower was more like a half-set piece, and the chase sequence is in every Uncharted game. Now even...

3009d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

@ShutUpDonny It's not that there wasn't any supernatural twist in and of itself. This is what I meant:

"What certainly contradicts the series’ identity – going back to the set-pieces point – is the missing supernatural twist. I was indifferent about the decision and actually didn’t mind until the game ended without a grand spectacle of uncovering a lost city full of riches after unlocking a mile-high gate adorned with trinkets, akin to Uncharted 3’s ending, and...

3009d ago 3 agree26 disagreeView comment

I agree but UC3's sins are its in plot hole filled story. It is still an Uncharted game through and through. UC4 just takes so much of its identity and tosses it to the side.

3009d ago 2 agree25 disagreeView comment

@johndoe11211 let's keep it civil. When we speak this way it makes games criticism look childish and worthless, we should be trying to raise the level of criticism.

When they open up the environment, it takes more time to get through it. I was exploring it in depth and that is what killed the pacing. Because now the next gun fight, as the game already has much fewer than past titles, is even further away.

This then creates a domino effect where betwee...

3009d ago 2 agree30 disagreeView comment

Read the article to find out.

3009d ago 2 agree39 disagreeView comment

@Deadpooled I don't want to get into spoilers, but if you've played Uncharted 2 and especially 3, can you honestly say Uncharted 4's 'setpieces' are even remotely close to it in terms of spectacle and quantity? I mean think about Uncharted 3's ship sequence, or the plane falling out of the sky in real-time. Nothing came close to that in UC4. There was only the E3 demo setpiece which is a sequence, as I explain in the article, that has been in all Uncharted games.

3009d ago 10 agree53 disagreeView comment

The game has no set-pieces (and by that I mean UC level set pieces), no supernatural twist, the super linear pacing is destroyed, etc. I wrote the article, and just to clarify I think Uncharted 4 is a phenomenal game that will almost definitely be GOTY. But it still has identity issues that are especially noticeable for those that have played through the trilogy a lot.

3009d ago 16 agree97 disagreeView comment

2019 earliest. If we assume they start real development this year, Kojima doesn't make games in 2 years. I say fall 2019/early 2020

3023d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

H4 did 3.4 in 1 day and 9m after 7 months. You can see how sales dip after week 1. Uncharted 4's 2.7m in 1 week equates to around 5 mil in the same time H5 did it. And since its only single player it will not sell as much in year 2 and 3 as H5.

3027d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

These are amazing sales. Especially on 1 platform, and the losing platform. It could hit 10m lifetime but I doubt that. Maybe 9m, and one 1 platform that is astonishing.

3027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When games like Halo 3 are in your franchise's past, 5 million in 90 days is not as good. For 90% of other franchises that would be record breaking.

The guy who told us, Frank O'Connor is very high up in 343 Industries. So the #'s are absolutely real.

3027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a game sells in its first week is not what it sells in its 2nd, 3rd, week. Halo 4 did 3.4 million in 1 day and 9 million in 7 months.

UC4 after the same time as H5 (90 days) will be around 5 million as well. And H5 will have infinitely better sales in years 2 and 3 because of multiplayer and more Halo games (Halo Wars 2) releasing, promoting the franchise.

My guess H5 has 9m lifetime sales, 1-1.5m lower than the older Halo games and UC4 settles betwe...

3027d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think UC2 is better because UC4 doesn't really have an Uncharted identity. There are no setpieces (think the UC3 insane setpieces compared to UC4), and other things that are story related I can't spoil. And the pacing is awful. There are 7 or 8 hours that go by where you kill like 40 enemies, if that. But UC4 has the best story I've ever experienced.

3042d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

How much did Halo 5 sell globally both digital and retail units? Nobody knows.

3045d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

No but it hasn't. Nobody knows official Halo 4 sales data. So how can anyone say UC4 has sold more than H5? Remember for Halo 5 digital numbers, MS said it broke Xbox digital sales record in their press release. We don't know what that # is, but as of holiday 2015 it is the fastest selling digital game in Xbox history.

I don't think it's fair to ignore those numbers. Obviously it did not sell as much as the previous titles or MS would have told us and bragge...

3045d ago 0 agree19 disagreeView comment

Where are you getting Halo 5's official sales data from?

3045d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment