
CRank: 5Score: 14160

um so ur admitting white privilege exists and is a good thing? u think that all other races should have to work harder to achieve the same things. Or should go to prison less for the same crimes. Honestly arguing with u doesnt make sense u have already proven your ignorance.

try growing up in a country where things are catered to one race, where institutionalized racism is ok, where more than half the population is non white but over 80% of government is white. Hey white people...

3761d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This Beta pussy needs to man up

3761d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

@djplonker liar, you couldnt pre order the ps4 or xbox until after E3 last year

3787d ago 13 agree36 disagreeView comment

@xHeavYx youre a fv<king loser fa**ot get ur head out of sonys ass

3935d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


youre a fucking loser faggot get ur head out of sonys ass, and yes i do own a ps4

3935d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment
3977d ago Show


you sound way more butthurt than he does lol, secondly he was only responding to the smart ass insinuating that fucking resogun couldnt run on the xbox one. And this is coming from a future launch ps4 owner(xbox one after taxes), i just refuse to milk a corporations penis and sop it all up like u fanboys do

3978d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

yeah im sure the graphics got worse....i dont even like cod but i refuse to talk out my ass

3978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So yea a 60 second clip of a driving game is absolutely no more informative than a 6 second clip. -_- and going to an extreme and saying doing a 500 lap race vs 1lap, just makes u a dumbass

3986d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really bro, and the sad part is u really believe that, hell DC may even be better than forza when its released but explain to me what in this video makes this comment true "You see more going on in 6 seconds of DC than in entire race in Forza."

3986d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Im sorry, im getting a ps4 at launch and im pretty pumped but you guys sound a bit delusional about the graphics, shit just look at the shadows or the interiors they are terrible, im sure they'll fix it by the time the game drops, but why are u guys straight up lying when you say it looks better than Forza......Come on we gotta be more mature than that have this asshole who watches a 6 sec shit quality clip and says "Mmm that's what I call a racing game&qu...

3986d ago 2 agree15 disagreeView comment

and has any ps3 fan boy noticed how g@y saying "XBOT" is think about that.

5276d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

honestly i love xbox and i just happen to own a ps3 but im sorry there were some really unattractive parts in god of war 3 like the overall game looked sick but then there were some wow that looks like utter sh*t moments when it came to detail on many objects, resistance 2 just doesnt look good at all like for real texture quality is attrocious i picked it up last month and wow it did not hold up after 2 years, and killzone lets not even start.....this game legitimately looks good so the hate...

5276d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

so i guess if i dont like rice crispies im insecure about cereal then, that dumb statement makes no sense. Damn straight up i dont like gay people does that make me evil........that doesnt mean that just cus i c a gay person im gonna go shout and call them a F^G it just means i dont associate with them. And thats my honest belief as a Jamaican, ask any other Jamaican

5979d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment
5979d ago

vesarus y do u seriously pretend to be completly ignorant to the problems that the ps3 has like shlt im the owner of both consoles and i will admit that they both have their problems, u really need to get off of sony's fu<king penls u f^g

5979d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

yea cus u kno all games that go to ps3 are less glitchier and more stable get ur head out of ur azz u lying retards

5979d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

there is most likely gonna be a expansion pack all they have to do is reskin the world call it a new name and then BAM! money rolls in i will say 1 year minimum 1 and a half max

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that makes no sense gta 4 is r* first game on the ps3 its great, gthd was polyphony digitals first ps3 game and that was 2 yrs ago, so stop excusing them

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea so those arent the most impressive graphics, lacking in texture and detail, not impressed.........thats my opinion if ya dont like it o well

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment