
CRank: 5Score: 5050

Quieter keys AND a matte finish? Sold! The best gaming keyboard just got even better. Wish they'd make make a non-limited edition Death Adder with a matte finish on the sides too. High gloss black is only nice for something you never touch. Not so great for keyboards, mice, and cell phones.

4775d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Personally, I prefer the shield/health combo ala Halo/Borderlands. Gives you a safety net if you're caught in a bad spot, but also doesn't completely hold your hand like most regen systems. You still gotta keep an eye out for your health at times. Still, between health packs and regen, I'll take health packs any day of the week.

4781d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I believe Jim Sterling accurately summed up everyone who calls a game "overrated":

To say something is overrated is to say that it does not deserve its critical success and that those who remember it fondly are injecting their memories with a little too much fondness. Oftentimes, I find the term "overrated" an arrogant one, as you're implying somebody else should tone down their appreciation of something because you don't care for it. Much of the t...

4796d ago 29 agree2 disagreeView comment

Never understood the J&D love. The original Jak and Daxter was one of the finest platformers ever crafted, but then ND tried to infuse elements from Ratchet and Clank and GTA into the series and it fell flat. Jak 2 and 3 weren't "bad" by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I'd even say they were good (minus Jak turning into an emo douchebag) but imo they always played second fiddle to the vastly superior Ratchet & Clank series. (and now for the sea of downvotes ...

4801d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Darthv72: Movie playback might not be a concern for Nintendo, but it's definitely a concern for the growing population who expect their game consoles to be more than devices to play games on.

@D2K: While DVD playback may not have killed the Dreamcast, it definitely lead to the initial success of the PS2. Just like the PS3 led to Blu-Ray winning the format wars. You are a fool if you think these two don't go hand in hand.

And while you might buy game...

4856d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Already, I know a lot of you will say it’s far too early to make the bold claim my headline infers. “The console isn’t coming out for another year at the earliest. A lot can change in 12-18 months.” you will say, and I agree. What we know about the Wii U now is not indicative of how the system will fare when it’s finally released. However, that doesn’t mean we should ignore what we currently know about the system until it’s launch."

Way to read the article there, b...

4856d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The lack of blu-ray means it's not going to play disc-based HD movies. More and more, game consoles are expanding to entertainment hubs. And while online streaming is definitely the future, right now blu-ray is a big deal. To skip over it seems like a pretty significant oversight.

On it's own, it's not that big of a deal. Obviously the 360 manages to survive even on the archaic DVD format. However, as I'm sure some 360 owners would like the system to support ...

4856d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

How? It's not like Kratos shows up in the middle of the PS3's story mode and rips Shao Kahn's head off. The sense of immersion is not lost during the story because he plays no role in it. And the immersion during a fight comes from . . . fighting. Where or how these characters came to be has little bearing on "immersion" when your only goal is to defeat your opponent. In the case of Soul Calibur, you could argue that the Star Wars characters simply "looked" out...

4896d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"They really should have let Xbox people know right away that they wouldn’t be getting a character."

They confirmed a half dozen times or more that there would be no 360 exclusive character. It was idiots with the IQ of a monkey that kept insisting Master Chief or Marcus would show up. What dumbass wrote this article?

4896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Most people". Says who? You? Or are you basing this off of the average 13-17 year old N4G commenter with the IQ of a monkey? It's a pretty big satirical site (big enough to have it's own Wikipedia entry). And if you don't know what you're looking at, try to do a little independent research so you don't make a fool of yourself.

"Half Life 2: Episode 3 finally being released!" Hrm. No sources listed on this news. Lets check Value's ...

4903d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Christwire is a satirical site. It's like The Onion for Christianity. I feel sorry for all the people dimwitted enough to take it seriously.


4903d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

The PS3 version is region free (unfortunately, the 360 version isn't). So, if you're willing to pay a little extra, you can still get the game. Just create a PSN account for the region you bought the game from (i.e., if you import a U.S. copy, make a U.S. PSN acct). Sucks that you have to jump through hoops and can't just walk to the local game store down the street, but at least it's better than not being available at all.

4909d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've always been annoyed by people who judge Borderlands by merit of it's shooting. Borderlands is an RPG through and through; Just like Portal is a puzzle game, despite utilizing a first person perspective. Borderlands should be compared to Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft. Not Call of Duty and Battlefield.

With that said, fantastic game. Hands down, the most visually appealing game this gen. The hand drawn textures are stunning.

The only thing ...

4910d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't, for the life of me, understand how these could be successful.

1.) Minecraft is DRM free and can run on your grandmother's PC. Why limit yourself to only play it in front of a tv when you can install that shit on every pc/laptop/netbook you own?

2.) Why support the disgusting leeches trying to turn a quick buck when you can support the original instead?

3.) Better yet, why support the leeches when the innovator offers Minecraf...

4915d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

While usually referred to as mobs, monsters, critters, or enemies, Minecraft's sheep, cows, creepers, etc. still fit under the blanket term "non-playable character".

4918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, what sort of "HD remake" are we talking about here? An upscaled version of the original for $10-20 (like the HD remakes we see on the PS3) or the game completely remade with a plethora of goodies added to it? The former seems more likely, but the cover feature seems to be hyping it up like it's going to be a huge contender during the holiday rush; Implying that it's a full blown AAA release.

4918d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't even give it the benefit of better visuals. While it's better from a technical perspective, that's also it's downfall. Minecraft's visuals are very charming and lo-res. This looks like an early 3D game from 1997 or something. Especially when he's running through that dirt tunnel in the trailer. Looks like it could be Quake 2 or something.

4918d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is highly unlikely. Besides Ed Boon's twitter feed indicates it's another farce, lets look at the facts:

They're not giving the PS3 version a bonus character/stage because they love the PS3. They're doing it because Sony is shelling out fat stacks of cash to develop extra content specifically for their system. So why are they going to give 360 users extra content out of the kindness of their heart? Right, they're not. They're not "giving"...

4920d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There has only been one MK Vs game. There have been eight for Street Fighter/Capcom. Sure MK vs DC wasn't stellar, but every Vs game until MvC2 was pretty forgettable as well (to do the math for you: That's one forgettable entry vs three).

Also, we're talking about Street Fighter and MK here. It doesn't matter if Capcom released other fighting games in Street Fighter's absence. That's like saying, "Sure Nintendo hasn't released a new Kid Icaru...

4921d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's amusing that Street Fighter is seen as this paragon of fighting game perfection while Mortal Kombat is viewed as trash. It's easy to have the best fighting series when a large majority of it is simply releasing the same 2 games over and over.

You know how many revisions of Street Fighter 2 it took to get the game to the state most of you remember it in? SIX. Go back and play the very original Street Fighter from 1991. You will think to yourself, "Holy fuc...

4921d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment