
CRank: 5Score: 9060

and yet the mart leeching onto every PS3 news is not in anyway bad in the eyes of you xbots? the mart has sunk to a new low, stalking people having no life. looking for the smallest detail of a persons action to expose to make himself feel like a bigger man. this has to be the saddest thing i have ever seen. your hard on for SONY is more concerning MART. but i understand, you cant get off on gilrs so your only turn on is anti PS3 news.....sick... get a life THE RETARD.

6371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow majunior sure loves sucking some MS kok. oh no he hates sony fans , what are we to do, please someone help us from the wrath of this idiot. help! heeeeeeelp! DUMB @ss idiot

6371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why do the trolls always seem to leech onto anything killzone related? are you worried it might be better than halo? might look like the e3 trailer? why are the ones who comment most on killzone news are 360 fanboys?

6371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i cant wait for that to happen. SONY gets FF 13 AND VERSUS and the 360 gets another FF title, then we hear the fanboys clamoring, our FF is better than yours, no ours is. yup good times await us all.

6371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sure enough cyber monkey, a damn troll would be the first to comment first. run along now cyber monkey go play your gsmes and enjoy them.

6371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and yet the many 360 systems failing on countless consumers doesnt make you think that the 360 is just as bad as the PS2 was? of course not, you support MS no matter what, right? you are loyal, if a PS2 or SONY brand product breaks down you want to lynch SONY but if a MS prodcut breaks down " oh its ok i love MS, im blind so i dont see that MS has put out many bricks and future brics"

my 360 has been acting mighty suspect lately it better not crap out on me. would ...

6372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

how fast the anti PS3 drones approve these stories, but when it comes to bad 360 news, you whine and B*TCH like the world was coming to an end. truely amazing. now to finish off guitar hero 2.

happy evolution? yeah i play resistance and gears and zelda, how do i do that, because i have all three consoles unlike you who can only afford one, to bad so sad, forced into fanboyism. funny how you point out typos and grammer yet, you have nothing relevant to say to my post. that all y...

6372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

witless foolery, is what i have always called him. he thinks his remarks are full of insulting, condisending humor, but fact of the matter is the boy has no wits there for the "xbot jr high kid" as he would put it, just isnt funny.

6372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i would play the first one, :( but i let my GF'S 15 year old bro borrow it. does that make me a bad man? lol. im sure hes loving it. :)

6373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game looks F*CKING AWSOME. already on reserve :)

6373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im sure people will think twice before being interviewd by any one from game trailers.

6373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cant wait for this game. damn cant wait, think ill play some TEKKEN DR

i wonder what kind of item move will each characters will have. trying to master dragunov, it really is an awsome match up playing against my bro and his BRYAN since both characters are rather quick.

6373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this has to be the 1 millionth time some has posted the list of games coming out for a certain console, give it a rest, both consoles are getting some kick @SS games. fanboys will get whats on their consoles, i will have em all :) long live the PSWii60

6374d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

according to the retard above, any 360 owner who dislikes something about the 360 is a "SONY FANBOY IN DISGUISE" what a f**king idiot. get a life the retard.

6375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

damn you MS faithful sure are lashing out at DEEPBROWN, for posting some bad news about the 360, we should lynch him for posting such nonsense right? much like everyone else in here who has found some negative story about the other console they dont like. the MS hardcore remind me of SCIENTOLOGISTS. who sue or backlash at people who say anything remotely negative about their so called religion. dont hate on DEEPBROWN, hes just posting news that he found just like the rest of you. now back to ...

6375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but but MS fanboys dont want sequals they keep saying that on every PS3 sequal article coming out, how can MS do that to them boys, tisk tisk MS tisk tisk

6375d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

jaffe didnt say it in a way where hes against blue ray, he was asked what he would have changed about the PS3, but in no way says blue ray is a big disavantage to the PS3. people (mainly MS fanboys) hear the smallest negative thing about the PS3 and begin to celebrate. its a simple opinion made by a developer that has created an amazing series for the PS brand, i saw the interview and when he said that i wasnt like "oh no's david youre hurting my ears, dont talk bad about the PS3 please ...

6375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is the magical way MS makes my money dissapear, unlike SONY who allows INSOMNIAC to release new MAPS for free which causes my wallet magically remain fat. :) lol just messing with ya

6376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the retard is becoming delusional. and its jealous retard learn to spell. final fantasy and MGS solid to the 360? what krystal ball are you using.

6376d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

its live, i dont see any magic and im on live alot

6376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment