
CRank: 5Score: 2430

to clean Kristin up. I guess I will keep it to myself so I don't tick you off xhi4. ;-)

This movie appears like it wont be much better than that last pile of garbage they tried to pass off as Street Fighter. You need real martial artist if you are going to make a game based on fighting. Fail from the start when you don't.

Capcom should stick to anime with Street Fighter flicks. Or at the very least CG.

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are you flipping kidding me?

For me affordable is a good quality 52" for $2k to $2.5k. Right now I am in the market myself for another gaming TV. The top of my list is the new model Samsung LN52750 but I am holding off until Sony releases their newer models before I pull the trigger.

If you really do your homework shopping online is your friend.

5966d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This track has always given me fits. I have never mastered it no matter how many times I have played it. This future DLC will give me nightmares but I am ready to conquer my fears. Bring it on!

5967d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

this story is complete garbage. What a lame attempt of FUD and a horrible job of photo shop using the Halo 3 box. Are you kidding me this this crap and cheese blog site.

"pwnamon" is this your site pwncast?
Please tell me you didn't write this "article" (I quote it because it's not really an article but poorly written speculation).

There should be a rule that you can't post your own blog. Tipping your crap is one thing but being able t...

5967d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cohesion has nothing to do with the amount of players on a team or size of the map and everything to do with the people you are playing "with". I have played hundreds of games in both Gears and COD4 with and without cohesion. Team work is dependent upon individuals and not game design.

5967d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hope this is true! I have been waiting on a new Killer Instinct since the N64 version. I still have it and play it from time to time. Quit teasing us and make it official RARE!

5968d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tom Cruise. They are both better off just doing their jobs and not expressing their opinions and beliefs publicly because they make fools of themselves.

5968d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

one of the most obnoxious big mouth jerks in the gaming industries. He puts down Tekken, Soul Calibur, GOW and now DMC? Yet he has already said this is the last Ninja Gaiden? If he is so flipping brilliant why is he running out of ideas to keep the story going?

He acts as if he is the caliber of Miyamoto, Kojima or Yu Suzuki. Which none of these guys would ever carry on like him. He is a disgrace.

Seriously, talk about an ego. WOW!

5968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Akuma isn't in Street Fighter 4 in the arcades? Please tell me this isn't so! I am a huge street fighter fan. I even purchased and played the EX versions (shudders). I would still purchase the game but most likely would end up hating it without Akuma. He is my favorite character.

5968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am ordering right now. I am seeing if they will allow me to purchase 2 of them.

Edit: thanks pharmd. I read the description and edited my message while you were replying to me.

5968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I installed one a couple months ago. Best $99 spent in a long time.

Personally I think kotaku should change the title to
"Month after month we are running out of negative spins for Sony and their PS3."

What are us and the haters going have left to complain about once MGS4 is launched and dominates Summer sales for gaming? I mean this is the new "the PS3 is a movie player and has no games" replacement.

We get it Kotaku. Yo...

5968d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am picking up MGS4 on June 12th. Can you skip the cut scenes with a button press and watch them later in previous versions of the game or do you have to watch them? How often do the scenes happen?

Another quick question. Which would be the best MGS version (1,2 or 3)to pick up to help me out a bit with the story and gameplay so I'm not totally lost when I get MGS4 arrives?

5968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have never been to Time Square but I always wanted to go. I have a feeling people will line up for days to get his signature. Especially considering there is a very good chance it will be televised in some if not many forms.

5969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can use nearly any USB steering wheel like the Logitech G25 dual motor force feedback wheel. Using a wheel like this adds a whole new dimension to a racing game that supports it. It makes you feel like you are actually driving the car.

5969d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am getting both. Although I don't quite share the enthusiasm as some on GRID I am getting it just because it is compatible with my G25 wheel.

5969d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean you have played the game, right? You wouldn't pass judgement on a game you don't have hands on experience with, would you?

Haze is a mediocre shooter and it deserves a solid 7 to 8. Anything less than a 7 makes me wonder the reasoning behind the journalist scoring / hidden agenda. I have played worse games than Haze (Turok for example) that have scored higher then Haze across the board.

Oh an I am playing Haze right now. Like I said it's a mediocre game. I...

5969d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

That would be a cool addition to hang in my game room.

5969d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment
5969d ago

I am using the Logitech G25 wheel on the PS3 demo. It is the only reason I am getting the game (GRID) because it is compatible with the G25 wheel.

5969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that just told POG the other day "don't worry, I got your back".
I just love when fanboys call others names for being fanboys.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.

5969d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment